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How did you find out about Kingdom Hearts?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by rencoinfreak, Sep 30, 2008.

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  1. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    well,I was at my grandmothers and when i came back my dad had borrowed FFX-2 I loved it and so I got X then VII then I had developed a good relationship with square and RPG's in general in a mag I saw KH2 bought it loved it bought 1 bought CoM there.
  2. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Someone told me about the game (must be my classm8's) then i didn't care much. After a few years, i started to play Kh2 and i loved it. lol i was planning to get KH2FM+ but then i worned out.

    Soon ill get it after i get my phat ps2 so i can mod it:p
  3. Terra99

    Terra99 New Member

    Mine is the most indirect way EVER HAHA:
    My friend told me to look up some random techno song on youtube, then I clicked on a few related videos. One of the videos was a top 10 techno/dance songs...I decided to listen to it. WAAALAAA, I found a song I liked. I look it up on you tube and I click on the third one down, I watch the video which turns out to be a video of the BBS trailer with the song playing..and it said it was Kingdom Hearts. I go on google because I am a curious lad (and with no intention of buying the game) then I look up kingdom hearts. I start reading about heartless and nobodies and this persons heartless and that persons nobody and Org. 13, keyblades, Kingdom hearts, DiZ etc etc. Sadly I did not understand a single thing I was reading lol, I could not piece it all together.(The basis of the little plot that I read was interesting enough). So to end the endless hours of me trying to make sense of what I had been reading, I forced my mom to drive me to multiple stores until I found KH 1 and KH 2...without reading 1 review or even testing the first game, I bought both haha. At first my sole purpose for buying the game was to understand the story line...I really get obsessed with the plots of games and movies to where I have to research it lol...so I played the games. They were amazing, I was a happy camper :)
  4. darkside

    darkside New Member

    the commercial caught my attention, and so did the music. But I never got it. It wasn't untl my ps2 broke and I got a refurbished one from gamestop that I got it because it came free with it. The disc was in really bad condition, but I managed to get it to work.
  5. Eclipse Midir

    Eclipse Midir New Member

    Well, my sister came over from Indianapolis. She was playing a game. I woke up and went into the living room to watch her. I thought it was epic so I went and bought it. ^^ So thats the story!
  6. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Mine is lol,
    i looking for rpg that unique in e-bay, then i found kh because there is disney and ff characters. Then i bought it (not in e-bay. In game shop near my house) and i love the gameplay and skill! Then i bought the kh2, fm, and re:com
  7. Suicidal_Romance

    Suicidal_Romance New Member

    Well, when I was younger, I remember seeing commercials for Kingdom Hearts on TV all the time, and then my friend got it and was constantly telling me stuff about it like how cool it was and stuff, but I didn't have a PS2 yet, so I couldn't buy it.
    Then when I got a PS2 about a year later, I decided to buy Kingdom Hearts first before any other games.
    So I bought it and couldn't stop playing it.
    Now it's my favorite game.
    Then of course when Kingdom Hearts 2 and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories came out I bought them too.
    And I just recently bought Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2008
  8. Frostwolf

    Frostwolf New Member

    I was on.. 9th grade, I guess? 9th or 8th. My friend was crazy about Roxas, she even bleached her hair to be like him. And yeah, that's how it all began then, I started to search information about Roxas and .. I guess u know the rest. :)
  9. Vanitas

    Vanitas New Member

    When my uncle sent me my ps2 for christmas there was 3 games
    lord of the rings
    jimmy neutron
    And kingdom hearts
  10. No.III Xaldin

    No.III Xaldin New Member

    i just randomly picked it with out noticing that its square enix, and i tried it and i was hooked, so i got kh 2, kh:com and kh:358/2 (as soon as it was out).
    im planing to get a psp to have the other side-story to kh, birth by sleep
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