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Favorite Final Fantasy?

Discussion in 'General Final Fantasy' started by Duelist Dx, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. hidden_villain

    hidden_villain New Member

    yeah ElbeenzerAl FF IX, I really don't know why some person say FF IX is bad.
    The storyline ,and the character are unique I think. But if someone ask the best I can't answer it cause all of FF series have advantages, and disadvantages :confused:.
  2. alexchewy

    alexchewy New Member

    final fantasy VIII

    characters are cool, weapons rock, mosters look awsome
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    There has to be one that has more advantages to you than disadvantages. Why post in a "Fave FF" thread if you don't have a favorite to share?

    I'm replaying FFVIII and I've fallen in love with it again. To the FFVIII haters, I say, "Screw you." ^_^
  4. hidden_villain

    hidden_villain New Member

    okay toph ummmmm
    ff VII too much complication
    or ff VIII all about love
    or ff IX unique
    or ff X love again
    maybe ff XII yeah sky pirate !
    but no for ff XI hey this game in online and haven't play it (T_T)

    sooooooooooooooooo I can't all the best wooooooooooooooooooo yaaaa sorry toph ^^
  5. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    FF X because well i liked the battle system of turns and it gave me time to plan my attack. also the aeons are awsome...:):):):)

    JIMMER45KHB New Member

    FFVII will always be my favorite it was what got me in to Final Fantasy in the first place it had a great story line it was the first 3D FF game and the gameplay was sweet
  7. Tifa

    Tifa New Member

    Mine is definitely FFVII because it was the first final fantasy that I ever played and I love the storyline.
  8. Tifa_03

    Tifa_03 New Member

    Definetly FFX. it was my first game i got out of the series and i loved the storyline and the battle system!
  9. knuckles

    knuckles New Member

    FFVII. An awesome cast of characters, an awesome enemy, a deep plot and an engaging and intricate battle system retain this as my favourite Final Fantasy. Alas, the spin-offs and such haven't been able to reach any of it's high standard (although I haven't played Crisis Core as of yet). Nevertheless, the game remains my favourite.
  10. Default_User

    Default_User New Member

    I like every single one of them, each has it's unique story and all the characters have a bit of meaning to the story...

    But I got say FF7 and FFX tied. Final Fantasy VII is the one I played for the first time, and also the one I played more than 20 times for sure, because I absolutly love the story and the characters. And FFX: I fell in love with that story and with the characters of the game. I simply love it.

    FFXII, on the contrary: there was something into it. I don't know, but I pratically hated that game
  11. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    It's of course FFVII. I love its story and most of characters... I like DoC, too, even when it's so different from the others.... I have to say that I like all that I've played... ^^
  12. xHotsumax

    xHotsumax New Member

    My favorite final fantasy was FF XII because it was fun and thrilling and it never got boring
  13. VII Cause it kicks major ass.
  14. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Final Fantasy X

    I hate Final Fantasy XII, the gameplay sucks
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    My absolute favorite is X. Then VIII, then XII.

    In X, the battle system is good, you know who goes next, and you can get up and do something else without having to pause the game. Blitzball is awesome, in my opinion it is the best minigame type thing they could add. And controling the Aeons is one of the coolest parts. The sphere grid was a unique way of leveling up.

    VIII was the first FF game I ever played. It had a unique way of playing it, with the GFs, junctioning magic, enemies gaining levels when you do, etc. And the storyline was cool.

    In XII, I like how you can have your characters do specific things with gambits, and also have them be able to do everything, with the licence board. The enemies seemed stronger (possibly because I blitzed through the game until Archades), you could get the ultimate weapon very early in the game (after Raithwall's tomb), and the game has the hardest boss ever, I think.
  16. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    That's true! It was a wonderful surprise when I got the game. But I still stay beside VII, that story's just great.
  17. Cloudtail4ever

    Cloudtail4ever New Member

    My favorite is without a doubt VII, though I do like the dressspheres on FFX-2, and the battle system on FFXII. VII is my favorite, though, because of the characters, plots, and sidetasks. I mean, despite the bad graphics, playing as Cloud crossdressing to save Tifa from that Don whatever his name is freak, that's priceless XD. And the characters are awesome, too *coughTifapwnscough* FFVIII is also great, the only FF game I really haven't been able to get into is IX, and the III remake for DS
  18. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    My fav final fantasy is of course 9 cause there is no one cooler than Vivi

    Last edited: Nov 17, 2008
  19. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Crisis Core. Zack Fair quote to Cloud at ending (different parts of what he said): “Your.....gonna......” “Live.” “You'll be......my living legacy.” RIP Soldier 1st class Zack Fair.

    Genesis quote from Loveless: “When the war of the beasts brings about worlds end the Godess descends from the sky. Wings of light and dark spread afar. She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting.”
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2008
  20. ubernewbie

    ubernewbie New Member

    FF7, FF9 and FFX. All had storylines I liked, characters and music. They all just jump out at me.

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