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;;Heroes;;{{Destiny's calling}}OOC

Discussion in 'Archive' started by ::Hazel::, Jan 22, 2010.

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  1. ::Hazel::

    ::Hazel:: New Member


    {{Destiny's Calling..}}

    Have you ever felt like you were meant for something more?

    Like the path you're on isn't for you...?

    Why are you who you are?

    The questions we have to answer throughout our lives that make us feel alone....but we never are. There are more of us. Hundreds. Thousands, maybe more. People who are "different", "special". People with powers that can't seem to be explained in any other way than a gift from God. For some they seem like a curse, but I'm convinced these powers are meant to do good, not evil.

    There are some people who don't believe any good can come from them. They hunt us, think of us more like animals than humans. And if we don't stick together, they will take us down one by one.

    So we must come together and fight back. It's the only way we can ever hope for a normal life. Don't give up because it's more than just you're life on the line.


    ((This RP is based on the show "Heroes" so you're welcome to throw in some Cannons from the show.))

    1>No Ch@T$p3ak, grammar is a must.
    2>The usual no Godmoding, powerplaying, ect. IF YOU DO I WILL CUT YOU. ;]
    3>Romance is encouraged
    4>Try to post frequently, and add your own twists to the plot to keep it interesting. Remember, no one is more important than anyone else here. Try to include everyone.
    5>If you read all of the rules post "Ice Ice Baby" in your profile
    6>Keep even numbers of good guys and bad guys, and guys and gals.

    ;;S K E L A T O N;;
    Alliance:{{Good, Evil, Neutral}}
    Looks:{{pic and or description}}
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2010
  2. ::Hazel::

    ::Hazel:: New Member

    Aaron West
    Jet black hair, blue eyes
    Quiet and thoughtful. Comes off a little shady, but is very caring. Prefers to lay low and watch how things play out from a distance. Persistent and somewhat stubborn, yet tries to make as little enemies as possible so he can come out with the better deal.
    Born in raised in the middle class of New York City. He worked in his family's restaurant and a waiter and singer from an early age. He had a vast talent for the piano and guitar, which was enhanced by his ability to move the keys and strings without touching them. Composing and writing songs was also a passion of his, along with acting, which kept him drawn to the musical and Broadway aspect of New York, as well as earning him the nickname "The Music Man". He was content with his normal one way life until he ran into a strange man on the sidewalk outside of the restaurant. Since then he started questioning whether he should be living such a dull life with such a remarkable talent. He used his waiter earnings to buy a ticket to L.A. and try to jump start some form of career. One night he snuck out with a knapsack and his guitar and headed for Hollywood..

    Shane Anderson
    Control over fire
    Stubborn, headstrong, cocky, yet somewhat quiet. Often sensitive when it comes to his past, but never shy. Comes off cold and tends to not let people get too emotionally connected with him. Very protective over the few close people he does have, and has a very strong will to survive.
    Grew up in a foster family in Memphis, Tennessee that often ignored him. They told him that the only reason they took him in was for the check that came with foster care. The only one who truly cared for him as a child was his foster sister. He was often alone as a child, and grew up distancing himself from others. When he was seven when his foster sister and mother were killed in a car accident. He was torn to pieces by the loss of his "sister" and vowed to never get too close to another person again. Three years later he was still living with his foster father and two brothers. and One night his "father" got a little too drunk on the anniversary of the death of his wife and daughter and almost to beat Shane to death, until he closed his eyes and wished it all to go away. The house was ignited with flames and his foster father and brother were killed in the fire, and the last brother died shortly after from bad burns. The adoption agency didn't bother putting him into another home considering they thought he gave them a bad rep. So they stuck him into a semi-home by himself in the outer city area of Memphis until the age of 14. He started taking martial arts classes, and he excelled greatly. It helped his self control and could control the flames more easily. Two years later he received his black belt. He did go to school, and he was pretty smart, but he didn't get the best grades because he spend most of the time trying to deal with the emotional blows of his past. They just thought he was on drugs or something, so they mostly left him alone. Ironically enough, he had stayed away from drugs all of his life because it blocked his control over fire, and he never wanted to lose control again after what happened the last time.

    Christina Davidson
    Can sense other's emotions and desires just by touch, and sometimes can steal a glance into their soul
    Thoughtful and blunt. Likes having a good time, but gets out of the picture before things get messy. Very loyal, but doesn't choose sides easily. Often unsure of herself, but sticks to whatever she believes in. Smart, but has a lot of "blond" moments. Doesn't always stick with the right crowd because she enjoys keeping things interesting. She's hardly ever afraid of physical challenges because she's a great athlete and known for "taking on the bigger guy".
    Grew up in a small town in Louisiana with two brothers and her parents. She had a fairly normal childhood, but never really felt a connection with the other kids. When she was 10 her family moved to Nashville for her older brother's country music career. She didn't discover her ability until shortly after her brothers career took off and she was meeting a lot of people, and shaking a whole lot of hands. She was able to sense their emotions and desires by a simple pat on the shoulder, hand shake, or any form of touch. She wasn't the only one with abilities in her family. Her father could control technology, and her younger brother could read minds, so it didn't come as much of a shock to her parents as it did to her.

    David Byers
    Shapeshifting and mimicry

    Last edited: Feb 27, 2010
  3. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Taaaaangleeeee: You wait until you have PEOPLE before you post the IC. Also, don't include the profile skeleton in the IC thread.
  4. ::Hazel::

    ::Hazel:: New Member

    ._. ...Could you have mentioned that a little earlier? xD *melt in own n00bishness*

    Thanks though.
  5. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I figured that you would have at least looked at another RP beforehand. . . And it's not that bad that I need to make a rule about it.
  6. ::Hazel::

    ::Hazel:: New Member

    I probably should have. This rp was pretty much an impulse, sloppiness was a small side effect. :p
  7. Sogeking

    Sogeking New Member

    Name: Ben Raynes
    Age: 22
    Power: Super strength
    Personality: Ben is very cocky he thinks he can take anything on at anytime, Ben has no concern for human life he sees mortals with no powers week and that allof them need to die.
    Bio: When Ben was 15 he discovered his power, his power of super strength, Ben was afraid of it at first he had trouble controlling it. After a few years he learned how to fully control his powers and thats when he started to view him self as a god so he decided that he would make him self know as the ruler of the earth. Ben started to come across more people like him but the others had a different view of their powers compared to Ben. So Ben decided that he would kill any one that was trying to use there powers to help.
  8. ::Hazel::

    ::Hazel:: New Member

    Nice profile, I still need some editing in mine, but for the meantime you're welcome to make as many characters as you can keep up with. :]
  9. ::Hazel::

    ::Hazel:: New Member

    Anyone else?
  10. Sogeking

    Sogeking New Member

    Your going to need to ask people to join
  11. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    I've never actually watched Heroes, but his RP looks pretty good.

    Name- Savitar Revon

    Age- 26

    Power- Pyrokenisis, and slightly hightened strengh and speed.

    Alliance- Neutral

    Appearance- [​IMG]

    Personality- He's a very sarcastic guy. He always has something slightly mean to say. But he says it in a good natured way. He may be brunt, but he's a pretty nice guy over all. He mostly tries to mind his own business, but usually gets dragged along anyway.

    Bio- When Savitar was eight years old, he was trying to start a fire with a pair of sticks. It wansn't working and he got angry. He threw the sticks into the pile and stomped. It instantly lit up with flames. It scorched his foot. He still rememberes getting those scars, but laughs about it today. He was raised lovingly by his parents. They never did discourage his powers but embraced them. He used to quick scramble eggs in the morning. They even highered a meditation expert to help him learn to control these abilities. He's now a life guard. Talk about a turn around huh?

    Oh, and one more thing...just don't piss him off.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2010
  12. ::Hazel::

    ::Hazel:: New Member

    Welcome :] It's fine if you haven't seen it, It's one of my many obsessions. :p

    I'll do just that. Try to ask anyone you think might like this kind of thing.
  13. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    "Ice Ice, Baby!"

    Name: Lonnie Nolan

    Sex: Male

    Age: 19

    Power: Duplicity

    Alliance: Good

    Looks: [​IMG]

    Personality: Jocular, energetic, naïve, optimistic, defiant, but selfless.

    Bio: Lonnie is somewhat of a rebellious teen. Not that he would protest, or go out and riot in the streets, but Lonnie was an individual who stood up for what was right. Lonnie discovered at the age of 16 that he could create physical duplicates, or "dupes", as he calls them, of himself. At first he could only create one duplicate of himself, and then one turned to five, six, nine, and now he can generate up to twenty dupes. Even though Lonnie's kept this ability secret for years, using his power only to protect himself and such, he knows that there are people that need him.

    He has to be a hero.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2010
  14. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I am joining this. I'll sign up later
  15. Sogeking

    Sogeking New Member

    I am going to have to say your power is over powered
  16. ::Hazel::

    ::Hazel:: New Member

    You might want to put some more caps on your power to avoid godmoding. Your welcome to still have a character that copies other's abilities, or bends time and space, or turns thoughts to reality, but stick to one main power for now.
    ((unless you decide to become a serial killer and be the "Sylar" of the story, than you're welcome to do so. ;]))
  17. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    I guess he could be like good... but then bad... or something... I guess... lols

    lol, why do caps avoid godmoding? :p
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2010
  18. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I guess we need a girl so...I'll sign up as one but you could ask Nozomi

    Alliance:{{Good, Evil, Neutral}}
    Looks:{{pic and or description}}
  19. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    you know what, my power IS too complicated, I'll it. 'Kay?
  20. ::Hazel::

    ::Hazel:: New Member

    We have five guys and one girl. Three good guys, one bad guy, and two neutral. We probably need another baddy, but it's your choice.

    Good...bad, doesn't matter as long as you can keep the drama going. ;]
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