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Kingdom Hearts 1 Help/Advice Thread

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 1' started by Ventus, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    This thread is to reduce the amount of threads that call for help on the game. Enter your questions about the game here.

    For example:
    Some one asks "How do I get Bambi as a summon?"

    Someone else answers "You can get Bambi when you finish the second page of Hundred Acre Wood"
  2. Kairi10

    Kairi10 Member

    how do you beat the boss in agrabah (the one in the desert?)
  3. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Are you talking about Kurt Ziza, the boss that you meet after getting a ride on Carpet. Well I highly suggest bringing some elixirs and mega potions and such with you since this boss likes to keep you from using your magic abilities. But when he puts a shield up, lock onto him and keep using magic (thunder worked well for me). Might take a bit... But he's really not to hard to beat... Anyways, I hope this was the boss you were talking about Kairi10 :] and I hope this helps a bit...
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2011
  4. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Might mean the Cave Gaurdian one.The best way is to dodge its attacks (The eye beam things can be blocked),and when it puts its nose in the sand go to the back of the head and wait till it comes up.You dodge its strongest attack.After that get on its nose and attack the eyes.They each hold half of its hp.It will knock you off if you arent careful,and many times even if you are.Just stay focused and it will come down.Aero helps too for taking less damage since Im preety sure Air Soilders show up.
  5. Kairi10

    Kairi10 Member

    yeah thats the boss that i was talking about but im kairi10 not kairistar :p
  6. Midnight

    Midnight New Member

    In the begining of the game kingdom hearts when your picking the sword or sheild or staff and after that the questions on destiny island you know what I'm talking about right? Anyway my question is what is a good thing to pick inorder to have a smooth and not stressful battles? I picked the sword and gave up magic and I awnsered the questions as: like to see rare sites, I want to be number one, and afraid of getting old.
  7. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    The first weapon you choose, tells when you will learn abilities and also give you a stat boost of the weapon +2 ie. Sword=+2 str, Shield +2 Def, Staff=+2 MP (I think)
    The weapon you discard gives you a -1 depending on which weapon you choose (once again, I think)
    The remaining weapon which you do not touch gives you a +1 to which ever stat the weapon responds to (and yes, I think this is how it works)
    Abilities learnt depending on which weapon you chose.
    When talking to Selphie, Tidus and Wakka (when they ask you questions) you get one of the 3 results at the end of it. They mention something about starting your journey.

    EXP needed to reach level 40 will be decreased and afterwards it is decreased. Easier to level up at the beginning, harder to level up after level 40.
    Midday: EXP is balanced and no advantages or disadvantages in between levels.
    Dusk: EXP needed to reach level 40 will be increased, and afterwards it is decreased. Harder to Level up at the beginning, easier to level up after level 40.

    Plan out, and figure which is best suited for you.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2009
  8. How to defeat Yuffi and Leon
  9. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Go after Yuffie first, and leave Donald and Goofy to keep Leon busy for a little while. Yuffie is fast and when she throws her shurikens (ninja stars, whatever they are) at you, she doesn't miss very often. You can deflect the shurikens with your keyblade if you time it right. Just dodge roll up to her (or attack her from the air), smack her as many times as you can before she jumps back out of the way, and repeat.

    After she's defeated, you can focus on Leon. I just ran in close to him and beat the hell out of him. If you notice him charging up an attack, get out of the way. It's not hard to dodge his attacks.

    Hope that helps a little.
  10. okay, thanks
    well I did focus once on her, but Leon protected her, and Goofy and Donals walked behind me.
    indd those stars are anoying.
    Can they heal there self? cause it looks that way
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    If you lock onto Leon and press triangle (I think triangle, been a while since I played KH), Goofy and Donald will focus on Leon. Of course, Leon will still try to attack you. You just have to sort of corner Yuffie away from him.

    Yes, I believe they can use potions, but I don't think they use them a lot. They shouldn't heal that much. Just keep pummeling them with the keyblade and eventually they'll fall.
  12. I hope so, I try it out when I got time
  13. zayzer

    zayzer New Member

    QUESTION 1: I'm playing kh-1 and i'm trying to beat the monster in never land the one that looks like the grim reapers clothes and i keep dying when i see numbers above my head once they reach 0.
    So i was wondering if someone could tell me what to do so i could finally beat that piece of cloth?

    QUESTION 2: While fighting the reaper clothes i seem to do little harm to him and only certain spells work on him, so if any of you could give me any advise i would be greatful
  14. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    It has a name, "that piece of cloth" (I actually lol'd) = Phantom.

    I can give you advice on that, since it took long time for me to even know what the hell was going on there. I don't give you the complete walkthrough, since I want you to have little challenge on it still.

    When you have, you know, the numbers on top of your head (or team-mates), go to the clock tower, and you can use the "Lock-on!" on the clock. Use stop in the clock, and your team-mate is saved.

    And keep an eye on the heart. ;)

    // Thought that he should have little challenge on it.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2010
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Things should be a bit more specified.

    The Phantom can only be hurt based on the color of his heart. If it is red, cast Fire. If it is dark blue, cast Blizzard. Yellow, cast Thunder. If it doesn't really have color, physical attacks.

    When the numbers appear over somebody's head, immediately go to the clock tower and cast Stop on the arms. I think they're stopped for a complete minute.

    Keep on attacking him, repeating the Stop on the arms as necessary. Bring lots and lots of Ethers.
  16. zayzer

    zayzer New Member

    QUESTION 1: Where and what heartless can I kill to get the item Bright crystal?

    QUESTION 2: Where and what heartless can I kill to get the item Mystery goo?

    QUESTION 3: Where and what heartless can I kill to get the item Shiny crystal?

    All of these questions are for kingdom hearts 1.

    thanks for your time
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2010
  17. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Mystery Goo you can get from the mushroom critters. I usually get mine from the White Mushrooms. I think there's something like a 10% chance of them dropping the goo if you use the right spells on them. White mushrooms are most easily found in Deep Jungle, outside the tent, I think. Or in the area of End of the World, right before Final Rest.

    I don't know about the Bright Crystal, sorry.
  18. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Defenders have a 2% chance to drop those Bright Crystals. Wizards have the possibility to drop Shiny Crystals, but that's also only 2% chance. Good luck in getting 'em.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2010
  19. zayzer

    zayzer New Member

    This whole time i thought those mushrooms were just to annoy you. Now knoing they drop the goo is going to help me alot. for the other 2 items I always fought those heartless the most and they never dropped anything for me. Man this is going to take a while.

    Thanks for the info, I'll put it to good use!
  20. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    There's also the Rare truffles that drop the useless items, Shitake Rank and Matsutake Rank, if you juggle them enough.

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