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358/2 Days

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days' started by temujin07, Dec 24, 2007.

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  1. temujin07

    temujin07 New Member

    i always wondered, what did the title,358/2 Days mean? its complicated right? their story. with all the memory loosing and all that. and they put new games before the old ones. i mean, it goes like this: KH, KH:CoM, KH2, KH2:FM+, 358/2 Days and so on. but they way its released is different. its in between the time line. so does 358/2 Days have anything to do with the previous games? like CoM, it didnt really have an impact... more of a *chkek* sound...
  2. Luke

    Luke Member

    Most people pronounce this title wrong, its Three-Five-Eight over 2 days, Where most people say three hundred and fifty eight over two days.

    Not much has been released other than multiplyer footage, gameplay, and that its about roxas`s time in the org
  3. DjC

    DjC New Member

    people keep saying it has wifi, but i dont remeber that being announced. was it?
  4. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    358/2 days means, that is how long roxas has until he dissappears
  5. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Well we don't know really anything that it could mean, well atleast I don't.
  6. DjC

    DjC New Member

    lets make this sort and sweet, it is a code that will only be understood by completing the game.
  7. saisuke

    saisuke New Member

    My theory is, think. 358/2= 8+5=13
    But... 8+5+2+3=21? Any signifigance?
  8. DannyO007

    DannyO007 New Member

    umm.........saisuke.........i find no link between math and three five eight over two, a title to a videogame (although, those game company's ARE mischevious)
  9. Roxas2000

    Roxas2000 New Member

    I wondered what the game would be like for months!
  10. Roxas2000

    Roxas2000 New Member

    Now i wont have to worry bout that!
  11. Sora/Roxas

    Sora/Roxas New Member


    i think the same thing but i know for sure that it is a code that u find out at the end of the game and which is out in spring/summer 08
  12. Luke

    Luke Member

    its not that^

    Because its not three hundred and fifty eight days over 2 days, its three-five-eight-over-two-days.

    We wont understand until it comes out or info is leaked
  13. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    yeah, i doubt they would make a game with something so easy to decipher
  14. Number 0

    Number 0 New Member

    it means 358 divided by 2.

    whos answer either has to do with roxas's time left, or certain members.

    btw, the answer is 179.
  15. Luke

    Luke Member

    ^ its not definitely that, Don`t just say that it`s this or that, It hasent been said.
  16. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    mhm, no guarentee of anything. Gotta wait and see now dont we?
  17. Riku_Kairi_Sora

    Riku_Kairi_Sora New Member

    The title 358/2 Days is really a mystery maybe you'll find the answer when you've played the game
  18. kh3rlz

    kh3rlz New Member

    the trailer says that AXLE has one hundred and fifty something not 179 days left so it is not it so plz stop saying that.*whew* glad I got that off my chest
  19. soraking200

    soraking200 New Member

    but really 358/2 days its relly confusing to find out what that means but its hard to tell what eney thing means eney more. but i guess we are going to have to payshint until the game comes out; ow dose eney one now when it is coming out anyways.
  20. Thiev

    Thiev New Member

    "358/2 Days" most likely refers to how many days that Roxas existed for. We all know that Sora was put to sleep for a year shortly after he created Roxas, so.. =|
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