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Favorite Character

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy X' started by Kitty, Jan 30, 2008.

Fave character?

  1. Tidus

  2. Yuna

  3. Auron

  4. Lulu

  5. Wakka

  6. Rikku

  7. Kimahri

    0 vote(s)
  8. Seymour

  9. Jecht

  10. Other

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Choose yours.

    This is a tough one for me to narrow down. I guess I'll say Yuna, honors to Auron. Yuna's determination and strong will were pretty awesome. I wouldn't be able to deal with everything she did during the game and still smile. Her aeons were very strong and useful if you trained Yuna up well enough and so I always had her as a party member. Auron was that cool silent type. And old guys rock in FFs.
  2. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    Eh. I choose Wakka. Why? He attacks using a freaking kickball. You can't say thats not awesome.

    Also, he seems like a pretty willed guy himself. He was also just all-around cool.
  3. rencoinfreak

    rencoinfreak Banned

    i choose auron... whoopee. c:
  4. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I liked Jecht, because he and Auron really set the stage for the entire game.
  5. Juste Belmont

    Juste Belmont New Member

    Rikku, yeah, she's hyper, yeah, she's kinda annoying, yeah, she's scared of lightning

    but she's fun and awesome, Best Guardian for yuna
  6. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Auron is the man. He's strong and his all knowing but never telling persona is just awesome. As you go through the game and learn about his story, and Braska's pilgrimage, you really get to further understand his standpoint and attitude. You understand why he holds all his information in, because only after going through all that they went through could they possibly accept what they had to do.

    Honors to Kimahri though. I love him. I'm a fan of the gentle beast types. Great power in need, but good hearted and gentle when necessary. His backstory was intriguing as well, with Biran and Yenke.

    And yet one more honorable mention. To Maechen. I love this old man. I talk to him every time I see him. I love the voice. Some people find him annoying, but I just think he's the coolest minor character in the game, XD.
  7. Kairi008

    Kairi008 New Member

    I really liked Yuna because she wasnt one of those girls who will just get scared and let her guardians do everything. She has a great personality.

    I also like Rikku. Not as much as Yuna but i loved Rikku's personality. She was the cheerful light in everyone.
  8. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    i chose rikku because she was always the one that mostly never got down(or sad)...:):):)
  9. Tifa_03

    Tifa_03 New Member

    I liked Yuna. She was awesome in both FF-X and FF-X2.
  10. sin746

    sin746 New Member

    i agree with EbeneezerAl, i didnt find maechen annoying at all and i always talk to him as well. He always has something interesting to say in my view about spira; and in my view talking to him is the only way to truly overstand spiras true story
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^Talking to him fills in a lot of the gaps in the story. I found his voice annoying, but what he said was interesting. Then they had to go and mess him up in X-2. Just like everything else.
  12. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    The voice was the best part. I'd have talked to him even if he wasn't saying anything important just to hear him speak. The odd thing is, I think the voice actor is the same for Mika, and I hated his voice.
  13. Venhot2

    Venhot2 New Member

    I like Tidus cuz i dunno, he`s just funny and kinda of emotional later in the game
  14. Nearosaki

    Nearosaki New Member

    this was a realy hard choise for me, tis was between Auron and Rikku
    Auron was purely amazing and wise, n i loved him swords, but rikku its goddly lols
    she was a great addiciton to the game, she was funny hyper and reminds me of myself, i think thats why i like her so much, shes not that strong for battle, but amazing in cut scenes, soo i choose rikku ^.^
  15. Well, I chose Yuna because she is beautiful and, in battle she can learn all the magic spells!
  16. Black Mage Moogle

    Black Mage Moogle New Member

    I gotta go with Auron.. Hes cool and a great warrior. Im always very interested to what he has to say.
  17. I love Yuna. She was cool she is one of my favorite character in the game.
  18. Tifa

    Tifa New Member

    My favorites are Yuna and Lulu, they're both amazing.
  19. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Auron was cool coz he was silent wise and strong.
  20. kh_freak101

    kh_freak101 New Member

    i think tidus is just amazing. He's a bit of a goofball but later he's willing to do anything to save yuna and he is totally hott!

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