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Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Discussions and Updates

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep' started by DjC, Nov 29, 2007.

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  1. Lurker77

    Lurker77 New Member


    I think this is the Souless(or whatever the new enemy type is) Emblem
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Quoted by Bittermeats

    Here is the article so you can see the scans ƒVƒŠ[ƒY1ì–ڈȑO‚Ì¢ŠE‚ª•`‚©‚ê‚é!! wƒLƒ“ƒOƒ_ƒ€ ƒn[ƒc ƒo[ƒX ƒoƒC ƒXƒŠ[ƒvx / ƒtƒ@ƒ~’Ê.com
  3. SC KH3

    SC KH3 New Member

    KH3 is supposed tobe out in 2009, what appens in it I don't know.
    The Birth By Sleep for da PSP is gonna be awesome though, but in da video of Birth By Sleep I'm just bugged with why Terra's eyes change at the end and why mickey shows up wit da star seeker keyblade. If any of ya know plz teel me!
  4. soraking200

    soraking200 New Member

    Lurker nice pic, i have heard that birth by sleep is coming out this summer of 2008 but it is just a rumer i may or may not be true. but still it is a 50 50 chance that is going to be out in the summer and maybe for the psp and ps3.
  5. soraking200

    soraking200 New Member

    SC KH3 i think mickey is holding the star seeker keyblade because that is his best keyblade or it is the crators fav. key.
  6. Luke

    Luke Member


    KH3 hasnt even been confirmed that they are going to make it yet.
  7. rockerblade13

    rockerblade13 New Member

    Did you guys notice there has been NO pictures of Aqua at all?Only Terra and Ven.So,where is Aqua?
  8. tmp1114

    tmp1114 New Member

    My brother got a psp and he might get it when he is ready and play it and let me play it when he is ready.
  9. keisuke030

    keisuke030 New Member


    Okay i'm so confused about the story line it and
    is it for sure that there will be a 3rd one
  10. Venhot2

    Venhot2 New Member

    uh, now you guys are making me so impantient then usual!!!1 arghhh!
  11. darkside

    darkside New Member

    quick question, but do any of you know if bbs is around the time that ansem was banished into the realm of nothing, and kairi is sent to the destiny islands. cause if it is 10 years in the past, sora looks about 4 in the scans, then this should be around the time when the ansem and secret ansem reports would have been made. that would explain why the reports were shown in the secret ending.
  12. Kingdomblade3852

    Kingdomblade3852 New Member

    Well , I introduced myself on the Introductions page.And I am typing here because....I wanted to let you all know that I noticed that...Terra has defeated Master Xen.Yet there is a continuation for Aqua to defeat Xen as well.Although Ven died , he has sent his cousin Roxas to replace him.But the one that dared go further than any other would obviously be Sora.Roxas is a copy of Ven but...Roxas belonged to the dark.Ven didn't , and Ven needs BKH to ressurect!(BKH means...Blue Kingdom Hearts.)Oh , and Aqua and Master Xen are the only ones who can summon the BKH!I also know 358/2 days is a continuation of KH-2.Just like "Chain Of Memories" is the continuation of KH!It's like an extra experience of preparation for the next KH game!KH-3(KH-BBS)takes place....like....10 years before Sora took throne in KH!Which made Sora only 4 years in BBS!And if you notice...Someone posted some pictures earlier...about matching items between XUMIS and Heartless(Soul Reaper)Riku.Also between Master Xen and Apprentice Xenahort!Organization XIII helped Roxas get accomplishments done before Sora awoke from his Pod!Then Organization XIII went against Sora.They raced for KH!Well this is all I know for now.When I get more information about KH , Chain Of Memories , KH-2 , KH 358/2 days , and KH-3(BBS)...I will let you all know!:)You may reply to this post!;)
  13. Cloud305

    Cloud305 New Member

    Kingdom hearts Kik as
  14. Kingdomblade3852

    Kingdomblade3852 New Member

    Ooooh snap!Like there's this guy in KH BBS that looks like Axel!!!!!His name apparently is : Resixx.The only difference I see is that Resixx has blonde hair - Axel has red hair(So red headed!Lol.)....Resixx is a very honored guard of Kingdom Hearts!Though he tends to like the dark a little...!I heard Resixx has the Redeming Wing Keyblade!It's a powerful blade.He also owns another keyblade which is called the "Masterey Soul" keyblade!Unfortunately , I don't have pictures of Resixx!:(But soon enough , I might get some pictures about Resixx!(Unless Resixx is Axel...but with dyed hair.)Anyways , hope you guys have an enjoyable time posting!See you all later!(\ /)
    ( . .)
    ( uu)
    Help this lost bunny take over the world by posting his SIGNATURE onto a thread.Lol...
  15. Kingdomblade3852

    Kingdomblade3852 New Member

    Oops!I messed up the bunny!o_O
    This is how he is supposed to look like :
    (\ /)
    ( . .)
    ( uu)
    U U
  16. Kingdomblade3852

    Kingdomblade3852 New Member

    Oh yeah...!Also...my favorite character is...Sora , Riku , and Roxas!
    Mickey is cool but , I only used him once!:(
    (No fair.)
  17. Kingdomblade3852

    Kingdomblade3852 New Member

    Hello again...I've been looking at KH-2 and I realized something ever since!What I realized was:
    Xemnas....If you know him from KH -2...
    If you carefully look at his name : XEMNAS.
    Take out the X which will leave you with EMNAS.
    Then begin unscrambling the word EMNAS.
    You will soon realize that you can unscramble EMNAS to :
    ANSEM!(A scientist!):D(Or Ansem The Wise!)
  18. Kingdomblade3852

    Kingdomblade3852 New Member

    Oh and if you also look at a video in YouTube...
    You will find out more about Roxas...!
    Take out the X in his name...
    Which will leave you with Roas!
    Then unscramble Roas and it will fall to the word...:
    Sora!;)If you guys have any comments or suggestions to say about KH , then let me know!
  19. darkside

    darkside New Member

    that was the point of how they named them, scramble and add an X.
  20. Kingdomblade3852

    Kingdomblade3852 New Member

    Well it's confusing to some people but....they unscrambled Sora to Roas and added an X that symbolizes the mark spot of a treasure of pirates!Lol....I think it's true.Though I think Roxas died..(Or probably faded into darkness.)after he was defeated by Sora!Yah...like...I watched the whole video.:D
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