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Behold I am Hendrix

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Hendrix, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. Hendrix

    Hendrix New Member

    I was created from a Human named Philip he lost his heart to the Darkness and now I Hendrix a Nobody am all that remains I work for Orginization XIII weilding a Claymore my phlosiophy is thus "the bigger the blade the deeper the wound" I use brute steranghth to obliterate the Heartless weather you are a Nobody or Human doesn't matter to me I would be happy to make your aquantince and for those of you with Hearts I will do my best to understand your emotions also when not in the feild I watch a Computer program called Heartless finder made from a Matrix Screen saver interface but enough about me tell me about yourself
  2. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Welcome to the forums.
    Have fun obey the rules.
    Hope to see you around
  3. Hendrix

    Hendrix New Member

    thank you Axel I "got it memorized" lol I hope to see you around to watch out for the Heartless
  4. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Is you're dad's name Phillip?
    Hello and welcome anywho.
    Follow the Rules, read the FAQ's. Questions, ask one of the staff (Green, Blue and Red names)
    Other than that. See you around.
  5. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Aww, I was hoping for somebody named after (Jimmy) Hendrix. Well, I can dream. But seriously, keep the roleplaying to the RP section and we'll all get along fine.
  6. alchemistz

    alchemistz New Member

    Welcome to KHP! [:
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Welcome. Follow the rules and all that. Have fun.
  8. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Hey Welcome to the forums. You can call me Millie. I hope you enjoy the forums. Read all the rules and follow them at least read them twice or more. And make sure to get it all beautifully memorized. :3
    HAVE FUN^^
  9. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    welcome to the forums forums have fun make friends.
  10. Hendrix

    Hendrix New Member

    Thanks to everyone for being so welcoming to me my first post on this thred was just some infromation about my Charecter as for myself my name is Philip you can call me Phil my favorite Game is Kingdom Hearts 358\2 Days which isn't listed under the favorite games section (just and fyi) when I'm not hunting down Heartless I'm usually out with my friend Todd I like Kingdom Hearts because of the Story it surronds the Heart and teaches us that true power comes from within and that if you beleave anything is possable plus even a Nobody can be a sombody LOL

    Does anyone here like Orginization XIII I love them they all have intresting personalities dispite the fact that they lack Hearts which are Key to devolping ones persona plus they want to know what a Heart is and they want to gian control over the Keyblade and the most intresting thing about the Orginization is Castle Oblivion Marluxia had planed to use Sora to take out Xemnas so he could be number one but alas EPECT FAIL :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2010
  11. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    Welcome to the forums Phil.
    Please read over the rules and have fun!
    You can call me aqua. :)
    Nice having you in our community!
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Yea. I'm the one who will chop your head off. XD Just kidding. I'm SummonerBrandon and I'm nice. ??? I don't know what your post was all about but oh well. What do you like to do?
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2010
  13. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Please do learn one thing - grammar is your friend. Use it and people will respect you. Or, at least, all the important ones.
  14. l2krence

    l2krence New Member

    Hi welcome!
    i see u are very addicted to KH than mi! xD
    Your words juz like got memorised.. LOL
    nicee anyway:)
    ah, my name is Lawrence. See ya around n beware of the Nobodies ;)
  15. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    Welcome to KHP!! ^^
    Hope you have fun 'ere!!
  16. Hayami tetsumoto

    Hayami tetsumoto New Member

    Hey Hendrix what's up.
    Hope you enjoy the forums and the site.
    Oh and you might want to watch out for the heartless in my realm. They're from a place where time forget about them so they can control thr time space around em. Lol anyway, again welcome to the site.
  17. Hendrix

    Hendrix New Member

    Thank you Aqua feel free to call me Hendrix as it is my Nobody alas and it's nice to meet you as well and to be a part of a wonderful place where I can truely finally be myself

    Summoner Brandon my first post was just some info on my Charecter Hendrix my name is Philip Hendrix is what I came up with for a Nobody alas I play Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days in my spare time and hang out with friends and spend time on KH Planet of course

    Thank you I'll keep that in mind.

    Thanks Lawrence but seeing as how I am a Nobody I don't think I have anything to fear.

    Demyx it's a pleasuer to finally a Nobody such as your self I myself am a Nobody, perhaps we could work together sometime maybe even make our own version of Orginization XIII here on KH Planet.

    Thanks Hayami I will inform Lord Xemnas of the new Heartless you just tipped me of to thanks a bunch

    Hello everyone I'm currently thinking about either a starting my own Roleplay telling the story of Hendrix or b joining up with someone elses RP and playing as Hendrix. Let me know what you all think I would be more then happy to go with either idea and make a few friends in the process.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2010
  18. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Look, bub. I'm gonna say this once and once only: Keep the roleplaying to the roleplaying section. It looks tacky otherwise.
    Aqua Fresh likes this.
  19. Hendrix

    Hendrix New Member

    I'm sorry it was just a thought I was just trying to throw an idea out there bub

    I appologize I have an over active imagination and I wasn't trying to RP I was trying to be myself and make someone smile maybe even laugh if I can't be myself then maybe this site isn't for me I don't know ban me if you want it's your choice but you will be loseing some good Roleplay potental
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2010
  20. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    One: What I meant was the "I am Hendrix, I am a Nobody" shit. It's stupid.

    Two: Stop multi-posting. It's against the rules. I didn't catch it earlier because the window I was was using was tiny.

    Three: Don't make yourself to be so damn important. You've only just joined, and haven't proved diddly.

    Four: I don't have the ability to ban, nor do I wish to ban you. I'm just saying that acting that way outside the RP area makes you look stupid.

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