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Left 4 Dead

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by dualblade, Feb 14, 2010.

  1. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    So,what does everyone think of beoth Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2.And who has heard of the new campaign comin out next month called the Passing?
  2. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    I didn't knew there was gonna be a new campaign. If there is gonna be one damn my brother for never telling me.
    I loved both of the games.But to me the first Left for Dead has to be my favorite.
  3. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Yep,the Passing.The M60 as a new Special gun like the Grenade Launcher,new melee the Golf Club,and,well,look at this poster and tell me what you think.
  4. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Idk, i LOVED L4d2 but that poster looks somewhat fake..Not sure i can't tell. Nick doesn't look the same as he does in the other posters so i don't know if i can say that's real untill it comes out (if it does)

    Anyway, L4D2 had to be my favorite, i got it for the 360 and it was all i played when i wasn't on the computer XD

    L4d1 was good but i didn't like the fact that it always took place at night time and there wasn't much of a gun veriety..
    AND DID YOU SAY M60?! I LOVE THAT GUN, that'd be epic in l4d
  5. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Yep.The poter may be,could be filler.Then again,all the posters are fictional...lol.But it is coming out with the old survivors,so yea.And yes,the M60.Holds 150 rounds,is powerful,the horde wont stand a chance.But it is a special weapon,you cant get ammo for it.Would be great for the Barns in dark carnival
  6. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Or against tanks, or in finalies
  7. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Or that witch I startled while clearing out a horde that damn Director sent at me...bastard.

    But yea,its a good weapon.We believe.And I just learned that there may be a campaign for the original game that will show how the survivors there got to the Passing.I say may cause I need to confirm it still.

    Edit: Ok,while I myself am not confirming it since I have only seen two sites (The left 4 dead wiki and Wikipedia itself) with info on it,but if it is right then the new L4D campaign will come out a month after The Passing,so in April.The Passing is coming out next month,though the date itself is not known.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2010
  8. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Why would the Passing have the original survivors in it but the poster has the new ones in it. And if it's on 360 do you have to like download the campaign via xbox live or something..for like money?
  9. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Yes on the download,not sure about money or not.

    The Passing is about the old and new playable survivors meeting each other.The old ones are in the 1st and 3rd (finale) of the new campaign,but are not playable in the campaign.A new mode that is 8 vs 8 will let you play as them,but I cant remember what you do in that mode off the top of my head.

    Of course,it the L4D info is correct,then that campaign will let you play as the old survivors,being on L4D obviously,and will probably take place after Blood Harvest.

    And aparently a bunch of people became infected at a weeding.YOu have to kill them of course.
  10. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Dang, so it's for L4D and not L4D2? Cuz i don't even have L4D. Just L4D2
  11. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    The one that comes out in April that isnt named and I still am not confirming.The Passing IS for L4D2.Though I would buy L4D even if there isnt that new campaign.While I like L4D2,the survivors from L4D are better in my opinion,and I like some of the levels better.Doesnt mean they are better,just that I do.Dead Air was awesome.
  12. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    i LOVED dead air.

    My favorite L4D2 campaigns are probably Swamp Fever, The Parish and Dead Center
  13. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    I love Hard Rain to be honest.The Witches are not that bad,its just that sometimes the bots can be stupid.First time I did it solo with three bots we managed to make it without startling any! Then on the way back Ellis screwed up,but oh well.
  14. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Yeah on my game, i went almost all the way through without startling any. Untill Nick decided to go straight up to a witch and HEAL with his flashlight right on her. And we were like 40 feet away from him. By the time i got there with my Auto shotty to save him, he was already dead
  15. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Bwahahaha!Got what was comin to him.Nick isnt anywhere near my fav,the honor goes to Bill,with the other three orignals,Coach,and Ellis falling somwhere behind him.

    Random Quote: I hate Mondays.Except for lasagna Mondays
  16. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    I love Ellis for his wacky stories he randomly tells in the safe houses.

    "One time, my friend decided to camp out on a rooftop, and he was shooting crows, and the cops found him there and were constantly teargassin him askin him what he was doin, and he woulden't say, so they teargassed him so much that he coulden't open his eyes for like 6 months."

    "Did i ever tell you the time me and my friend filled up water balloons with our own--"
    "Ellis...This isn't the best time.."
  17. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Yea,Eliis is cool.I was nuetral with him for a while,but he grew on me

    "I can't get over how FAST they all are, it's not even fair. I'm calling zombie bullshit on that, you know? - Zoey
  18. finalblackmage

    finalblackmage New Member

    Dead Air is probably my favourite from the first game. For the second, I thought Hard Rain was a really unique experience and probably scared me the most.
  19. Problematique

    Problematique New Member

    Anybody here still play either L4D or L4D2? I play them pretty much everyday, so add me if still play.
    GT: Mike In HiFi

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