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[Sig makers ONLY rate the sig]

Discussion in 'Audio and Visual' started by Overdose, Jul 14, 2009.

  1. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Firstly, Higher qual images are needed on all.

    ok, 1st one. - 2 focal points is a difficult thing to pull off, generally they need to be close and thats where you failed mainly on that one. Colours are fine, bring the renders to the center, sharpen them up and get rid of the logo's. Get creative with your own style of typography. - 3/10

    2nd One. - not much to say, just follow some tutorials and pick up tricks really. You got the idea of flow down, add some brushes, smudges and c4d's in. You really want to follow a few tutorials to pick up some tricks before you make many more (don't want to fall into any bad habbits). - 3/10

    3rd one. - biggest problem here is the empty space. Personally I feel having a stock like that is difficult with text. Use the sharpen and blur tools on the background and create better depth. Play with the colours and rearrange the stock and text until it looks better (sorry cant give suggestions where, find it difficult myself. The render is far too long) - 3/10
  2. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    In prep for SOTW =P
    I probably have little chance if the big guns are competing (you know who you are), so I'd like to improve (in general, not for SOTW) with some criticism placed on me and perhaps a few notes to help out as well if you can (unlike the first time I posted here)
    (as a side note, I need photoshop >.<)

    As for Pulse, I can't say much apart from saying how great it is. I like how the render kind of pops out from the image itself.
    You've used the space well filling gaps and the colour scheme is nice. That blue scribble behind the text and main image is unique, but I'm not seeing it making the sig better. It's actually kind of distracting me from the render. You could have done a bit more with the purple layer behind your render. It's done well in front of the character but behind him it looks almost as if you stopped trying.
    8/10 from me.
  3. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    I am on the same boat as rawr. I am planning to enter the SOTW with this signature, cause Reisen ask me. I am a noob when it comes to graphics, and I just made this. Please go all out on how I can improve my work.


  4. IcecreamLink

    IcecreamLink Banned

    well I think is pretty.10/10

    unlike my sigs,always coming so ugly....I mean look at them,I suck at making sigs..


    Last edited: Sep 30, 2009
  5. No.III Xaldin

    No.III Xaldin New Member

    no its good, really

    a 9/10

    just... less bright
  6. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    well, i think it's nice =] a little bigger would be appreciated.

    My third ever real sig:


    yes it was a tribute

    oh and this one:

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2010
  7. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    They're interesting, but they lack a wow factor that I've seen from you before. The tribute one I like more than the second, but there's too much going on.

    The second one is nice, but a little bland. I prefer to see color and more movement. Now the text is a bit blurred. I can read it, but it took some straining of the eyes.

    Overall I like what you've done, but one has too much, the other too little. Take a bit from the two, and put them together. :D
  8. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver


    yesh, i was exited for some sort of Riot =p
  9. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    first and foremost, way to bright. too much white.
    the renders are also blurry which is almost never a good thing.
    the text doesn't seem to fit really.

    overall i give it a 6/10 cause there's obvious effort just the final product doesn't look like it was the desired outcome.

    please rate.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2010
  10. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    donnow, i feel like something is missing. Pretty good, though
  11. Zook

    Zook New Member

    a lot of random text and simple copy and pasting. 5/10
  12. [​IMG]
    some one please rate mine's.:)
  13. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Hmm, not bad if you're just starting out. You've kept the sig simple and pleasant-looking, as opposed to a lot of sigs where there is just way too much going on, to the point it's about painful to look directly at the thing.

    Some criticisms:

    1. I find the text too distracting. The color comes pretty much out of nowhere, when looking at the rest of the sig, it takes up a lot of room, and I think the font and the stroke around it makes it look a little newbish. It's my opinion that simplicity is best when it comes to text.

    2. The sig feels very flat. There's a background, and then the render is pasted on top. I think you should try to add depth to it- add some layers with textures, brushing, or some other effects to blend the render in better.

    Hope that helps.
  14. yes it did,thank you so much.:)
  15. iAqua

    iAqua New Member

    Hm, to all the Signature Makers out there... XD

    What think you, about this first ever signature I've made hm? I made it using only Iris, an iPhone application, and Picnik, as well as one image from Persona 3 Portable that I found using Google :D

  16. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I think you did a pretty good job on it, it being your first one and all. The background is nice and simple; I think it looks a little better on the black side, the red background doesn't look quite as good with the darker black splotches. The text looks mostly okay except the bit that says Anima/us and the bit that says "memento mori", that's a little messy. The pink in the middle doesn't quite work for me; a different color would probably make it look better, but if it were me, I'd probably just leave it out. Can't think of anything else. For not using a program like GIMP or photoshop, and doing it for the first time, I think you did very well.
  17. Elfsong

    Elfsong New Member

    Heres what I have I usually do logos or other stuff so sigs are new but here!
  18. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I think the text is very overpowering. I also personally find the font a bit ugly, but I suppose that's up for debate. ^_^ I mention the text first because it's the very first thing I'm drawn to. I think of text more as an extra that often isn't needed, rather than the main point of the sig. So my suggestion would be to shrink it and tone it down a bit. I think simpler usually looks more professional.

    The stock image of Roxas would be okay, but it looks like he's missing part of his head (or at least some hair). Makes it look a bit funny.

    For some general advice, I would suggest experimenting with some different tools in whichever graphics program you're using. Maybe try using some brushes, or adding some textures, or something. Add some spice to it.
  19. Elfsong

    Elfsong New Member

    Ya about the text I usually do logos so text is bigger but that makes since for sigs. I tried to fix his hair. It was a poor stock so it cut off his hair and i tried to snoothy it out but ya fail. I did add some brush things suvh as the lights i had but i agree i dont know i just couldnt think of much more to add. Thanks for the feedback though Toph I'll try to make a new sig soon! (Oh and btw I use Jasc Paintshop Pro 9)
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2010
  20. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^Heh, for some reason I thought those brushes were part of the stock, even though on second glance it's obvious they aren't. >_<

    I hate when you have an otherwise decent stock, but the people who made it cropped off something stupid like the tips of the dude's hair, or part of an arm, or something. <_< You probably would've been better off cropping the rest of the sig down a bit so that it left off where his hair was screwed up.

    Well, for logos and such it makes sense to do a larger text, but I think my criticism is still valid as far as the font goes.

    You're welcome and good luck to ya.

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