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Zack vs Kan

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Zerieth, Mar 12, 2010.

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  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Note: We are fighting on some land on ninamis property. We both know what we're doing, so don't worry guys. That said, it would take forever to type it all down so if you want to know some stuff ask either myself or ninamihurai.

    Also i got permission to control her character this post.

    A slight rippling began to fill the air in a sphere 6 feet in diameter. The rippling became inky, then suddenly it burst apart to reveal two people in over coats. "And now, my student, here we are." The taller of the two said.
    "Whats all this?" The other asked.
    "Your test. I want you to fight me with everything you got. If you beat me, you pass the test. If you don't, you repeat the lessons I already taught you."
    "I have to beat you?"
    "Yes. Don't worry, I won't go all out and I won't use my spirit on you either. Hide anywhere in this forest. We begin in eight minutes."

    With that, Zack strode off, searching out these woods for a good spot to wait. At last, he found a rock at the bottom of hill, then sat down. Truthfully, he wasn't unduly worried about his student Kan. He would do well, and if he fought well enough Zack would pass him anyways. Of course, the point was to make him try to win so that he would put forth his best effort.

    Zack had met the kid trying to fend off some guys from a girl behind him. Zack always took a dim view on beating up on smaller, weaker people so he had shown the bullies a rather harsh lesson that they would never forget. Then he had found that the boy had awakened, the awesome process of a persons aura opening up, and had taken him as his student. The girl, who was apparently his step sister, was given a home with a constant guard. This made both happy, especially since the guard was passive and stayed out of sight while she was out and about.

    Zack came back to the here and now, looking at his stop watch. 3 minutes left. Best get prepared. He hold out his hand, then said in a commanding voice, "Traverse that which cannot be traversed, Senventre." Instantly several waves of energy looped around his arm, extending a foot and a half out from his hand. The energy spiraled together, creating a silver sword with a diamond set into the guard. He closed his hand around the hilt, looking at his watch again. 2 minutes.
  2. Ninamihurai

    Ninamihurai New Member

    Kan used a quick levitation spell to get an overall look of the woods below him then he picked a spot on a hill amongst the thick foliage and branches with occasional vines and creepers that was a ways away from his teacher. He let himself fall gently in through the branches and worked his way to the dead tree he saw that had a large branch that had fallen off and lay at its side. He positioned himself in the crook of the spreading dead branches so his small body would be easily hidden and yet he was able to have a good view of his surroundings. Here he would be able to have some time to plan and yet be able to see his teacher no matter which way he came from.
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Zacks spirit can speak with him. To avoid confusion, his spirit talk in Italics and Zack talks in underlines. This only counts when he is just speaking to his spirit internally. Out loud exchanges are still in quotes.

    Zack sighed. 0 minutes. "At last." He got up, then began hiking around. He wouldn't know where his student was until he felt like attack him. Zack had always been bad at aura detection, but he could always tell when someone was going to attack him, thus being able to react at all times. Of course, if he fought at his strongest his student would get discouraged.

    Well, so were are we today? Senventre asked.

    Some place in WI. I was brought here when I was a student. You remember right?

    After a few seconds, Ah yes. Lodi is it? My, but it has been so long since were last here. So we fight your student? Senventre asked in a quizical voice.

    Correction. I am fighting my student. You are watching.

    My, but are we ever the wise one today.

    Gotta be while in teacher mode my friend. Zack replied, smiling.

    He continued hiking up the hill, searching for his student. Eventually, Kan would make himself known. It was only a matter of waiting.
  4. Ninamihurai

    Ninamihurai New Member

    Kan sat quietly and listened to the woods around, hardly breathing and keeping incredibly still. When he started to hear the distinct sound of boots walking over dead leaves he carefully extended his aura out to get a feel where his teacher was going. Using his psychic powers he broke a heavy branch above his teacher's location and abandoned his position in the tree.
  5. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Zack could felt the sudden threat from Kan instantly. "Oh come on. You can do a hell of a lot better." Zack said, phasing back in time while walking out of the way. Since the branch wasn't on him at the time he was in, it went through him while. He began running after the fleeing Kan. "Dude, I know you got better than that. Try something interesting, don't attempt dropping a log on my head. You wouldn't believe how many times some has tried that on me. So last year." He caught up to the younger kid, grabbing him by the back of the shirt, then throwing him backwards. He brought his blade around, wondering if he would have to call the fight here.
  6. Ninamihurai

    Ninamihurai New Member

    Kan had his plan already sorted out and used a sudden levitation spell to pull himself away from his teacher's blade and at the same time making vines instantaneously latch onto his teachers legs and hands in a tight grip while starting a ferocious wind that caught up all the loose debri, such as small stones, dirt, sand, leaves, and twigs, on the floor of the woods and circulated through out the area they were standing in. Kan had an aura shield around him to protect him from his own wind and hefted some pointed dead tree limbs to circulate around him in a deadly spiral.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2010
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Now thats more like. Except for just one little detail." Zack said smiling. He time phased again, putting himself back just before he was tied up and stepping out of the way. Then normal time resumed. "I'm not that easy to catch." Once again, he phased through the logs, and continued walking forward.

    You're being to hard on him.

    Sorry. Zack replied to his spirit.

    He began running, suddenly time phasing ahead right in Kans face. "Hey student." Zack said, kicking Kan into the air. He started to bring his blade up and around again, cursing himself at how slow he had to be. He needs some better relflexes. One combo and he'd be done. You shouldn't let him pass. Senventre said.

    Against me, even a normal aura user wouldn't have a chance. I'm S class, and he's a E. I'm not expecting much yet, and you can't teach reflexes. Those come from experience.

    Experience he doesn't have yet. In a normal combat situation he'd be dead.

    Not a chance. You just keep watching. He hasn't done everything yet.
  8. Ninamihurai

    Ninamihurai New Member

    Kan was still calm, but one of his brows twitched slightly, like his body was trying to be a little frustrated, but he wouldn't let it. He quickly ananlyzed the situation and used his aura to grab his teacher's sword in mid-swing, causing it to jerk to a sudden halt, and Kan twisted to land on his feet and used a quick pull of air to put some space between him and his teacher. Maintaining distance helped Kan analyze his teacher's attacks better. And from watching his teacher ever since they started fighting, Kan had noticed something and thought up a plan. He turned one end of his long, thick orange scarf into a sharp blade by quickly unfurling and reconnecting the threads in a split second and enhancing their sharpness with his aura. He took a swing at his teacher, knowing he would phase to escape the attack, and paused at the very last second, his energy still built up in the incomplete swing.
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Zack saw the blade coming, and found that he wouldn't be able to change the angle of attack on his sword in time. He phased back, with all the confidence that the attack would go through him. He was really surprised to find that Kan had hesitated in his attack. Did he not want to hit me? No, he just wanted to wait. Crap! he tried to get his sword up, but only partially blocked the attack. Pain toar up his leg, and Zack jumped away. "Well well. At last, you managed to hit me. Impressive." He said from a distance.
  10. Ninamihurai

    Ninamihurai New Member

    Kan just slightly bobbed his head in response to his teacher and returned his scarf back to normal, taking a fighting stance to resume the fight. Kan had no intention in this particular battle to use his gun, it would be a waste of good bullets with his teacher's time ability. He would just have to keep watching, planning and fighting. Kan placed his hands together palm to palm and forcused on the ground beneath his teacher's feet, he slid his hands quickly in opposite directions making the ground slip and go two ways as his hands did, practically making his teacher lose his balance. Then he felt beneath the dirt and did an upward punch, bringing up a large rock to hit his teacher from beneath.
  11. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Zack was certainly not expecting this of all attacks. He looked down, trying to get his balance back, and saw a large rock coming from beneath. It was already to late to dodge, so he jumped up the second the rock hit, giving him momentum that he used to ride the rock into the air. He then flipped off of it, landing with his weapon in at guard. "Clever." Zack said. "Really clever. I think we've reached the end of this. Now we see just how strong you are." Zack began to glow as he charged up his aura, letting his power take him in space as well as time. "Good luck." He said, then stepped forward. He vanished, as he moved ahead of time then stopped his own passage through it. He walked behind Kan, then pulled Kans leg out from under him. With that, time resumed, and Kan pitched forward.
  12. Ninamihurai

    Ninamihurai New Member

    Kan suddenly found himself falling towards the ground and face planted before he could do anything. He was surprised for a moment but quickly got back up and wiped the dirt and leaves from his face. ‘Time to fight my hardest,’ Kan thought mildly. He closed his eyes and let his arms flow in front of him, his finger-tips almost touching. Then he took one deep breath and let his aura flow out and surround him, lifting his hair, overcoat, and scarf so they looked like they were floating. He also turned up his psychic powers so he could semi-predict his teacher’s moves. In an instant he frayed his scarf into millions of sharp thin threads that could cut a blade of grass at a touch. “Frayed souls,” he quietly announced. With a burst of speed he charged his teacher spreading and extending the threads all around his body in a frightening shield of aura sharpened threads.
  13. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer


    I see it. Zack replied grimly. His student had finally gone all out. Very well, then it was time for this to come to an end.

    He backed away from the needles, judging their movements. He concluded that there was no pattern to their movements, which was no surprise. He also concluded that a head on approach would be a really bad idea, unless he actually wanted to be minced.

    To tell you the truth, this attack reminded him of his bout with Kane, something he had also won though it was close thing. Kane's pride and joy was being able to launch devasting waves of cutting wind from his sword, that sliced everything they hit into dust. He had managed to avoid one of those narrowly a part of his shirt had been blown away. That was nasty.

    Coming back to the here and now once again, Zack noticed something about the frayed souls attack. It seemed as if they were moving on their own, and instead of using this move for defense, Kan was coming at him with intent to kill, with no regard to what Zack seemed to be doing. No regard to that, or the fact that he was wide open for a spell. Zack smiled, bringing his blade to at ready. He wanted for just one more second, then leapt into action.

    Quickly he drew a sign in the air, calling, "Stop." Time came to a halt, though this wouldn't last long.
    He ran into a open area in Kans attack, then raised his blade. "Resume, Blast." He called. Time came back into focus just as a aura wave fired out of his sword. The simple attack was able to through all the threads back, while simultaneously scrambling their connection. Zack put his blade to Kans neck before he could bring his threads under control. "Dead, and you pass."

    Kan looked up at him with surprise. "The idea was for you to fight your hardest against impossible odds. When you have something important on the line, it is always best to fight at your best and try to over come even the direst of circumstances. Did I expect you to actually win? No. I'm one of the strongest agents in the AMS, and that was one of the reasons why I'm teaching you. How-ever." And here Zack smiled. "From the way you fought, you have proved that one day you to will join the ranks of A or even S class agents. I look forward to your graduation."

    Zack let his sword vanish back into his aura. "And with that, I'm starving. Lets head back and track down a meal." He opened a portal, and said as he walked through, "Take your time." The portal remained open.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2010
  14. Ninamihurai

    Ninamihurai New Member

    Kan partially lifted his head above his scarf and showed a slight smile. His scarf returned to normal and he trotted after his teacher into the portal, looking forward to a nice meal.
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