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The World of Game

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Ventus, Mar 31, 2010.

  1. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Where'd he run off to? Riku thought before looking at Adell. "Yeah, let's go!" Riku quickly ran towards Ordon, or to put it better where Ordon used to be. "What?!" All Riku saw was carnage; destroyed buildings, fire practically everywhere, a giant robot attacking any and everything that moved, and periodic energy shots that exploded when they touched something. Riku's keyblade appeared in his hand in a burst of light as he rushed into the battle.

    Link was thrown off after stabbing Megatron and had landed hard on his back. By the time he got up Megatron was back up and destroying what was left of the village. Link grew even more enraged and quickly got to his feat. He saw Riku rush in and waved him over. As he ran towards him, Cloud came over and gave Link an idea. Link quickly thought up a plan.
    "Link! What's going on?" Link just pointed at the robot. "He did it?" Link nodded. "Then let's get him!" Riku was about to rush Megatron but Link pulled him back by his shoulder. "What!?"
    Link grabbed a stick and drew out a quick plan in the dirt. Riku took a moment to look it over. "You need me to do that?" Link nodded. Riku then kicked the dirt to obscure the plan. "I'll do it." They both glanced at the robot, wondering if it saw the plan.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2010
  2. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    CLoud seen a blue haired man coming running into the battle "wow i guess there are alot of people in this fight i think ill just watch over Sora". CLoud walked over to where sora was laying unconsius and sat back down next to him stabbing his sword into the ground. He seen link and the the blue haired man making up a plan or somthing. "i wonder if they can take this machine out" he looked back over at sora "you know what i think you need a doctor Sora, i know where to go". Cloud stood to his feet picking up sora and walking back into the forest when he got out of the forest he appeared at a village hidden in the woods. he walked into a biulding that looked like it would be a hospitle and set him on the table. a doctorr then came walking into the room "CLoud what are you doing here" the doctor said. "i need you to help my friend". the doctor came over to sora and began checking on him. "his leg is broken but he'll be ok just let me fix it up and hell be concius in no time" the doctor said as he began to work on Sora. "i'll be back soon doc". CLoud said as he walked out the hospital and staired into the sky.
  3. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Megatron stopped attacking the village. He noticed the green one was drawing something in the earth, but he couldn't see it before it was destroyed by a boy. "Ahhh!" Megatron shouted, he scanned the boys face and did an I.D. match with it in his database on heroes on Game. "Decpticons retreat! we can't interfear with the Dark Lords plans! Brawl cover our escape!" Starscream, Blackout, and the rest ran out of the forest and towards Hyrule Field while they transformed and roll out. "I have done what the Dark Lord has ordered, but trust me. We will me again, and next time you won't be so fortunate. Megatron ran off into the forest and eventually reached Hyrule Field, where the rest of his forces waited. "My lord! What are your orders?" starscream asked as he bowed before Megatron. "Have our forces make sure no one leaves the village without me being altered or engaged." Megatron flew off to go find Barricade in the village on the bottom of the mountain as he raidoed the Dark Lord. "Sir, Ordon village is in pieces, as you wanted."
  4. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    "Hah! The big robot's a coward!" Riku yelled after it. He was going to say more but when he caught sight of Links' face, he got quiet. He put his keyblade away and sighed. "Wonder what he's thinking about..."
    Link had picked up his now and clawshot before walking to the center of the ruined village. Once there he knelt down in the scorched dirt. Link closed his eyes and clasped his hands together, as if he were praying. I swear on my life, I will avenge this village. I will protect everyone in Hyrule. I will protect everyone everywhere! I will defeat Solarius!
  5. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Aeon rested for a moment on the ground as he looked at the sky. He watched at the giant, white clouds flying through the air as the sun shined through them. He turned to Ghost and said "You're a quiet one." "I know how you feel." He then smiled as he looked up at the sky again. He then said "Even over the movement of the clouds, time regulates everything and I must protect it from the darkness. No matter what." He then turned his look to Ghost and said "That is why I must find Link." "His resistance can help me."
  6. InugamiGod

    InugamiGod New Member

    Adell was checking the remains of the village hoping to find survivers. After searching for a while he went back over to Link & Riku.
    "I'm afraid no one survived this." He walked away before anything could be said & sat next to a tree.
    "Damnit!" Adell punched the tre causing it to shake.
    "We have to end this soon or more inocent people will die."

    Weiss studied each of the heros for a moment before deciding to leave. As he left the place a Decepticon stopped him.
    "No one's to leave the village."
    Weiss drew his buster sword.
    "I'm Weiss you fool. Tell Megatron I want to speak with him." The Decepticon nodded.
    "Sorry Weiss. I'll go get him." It left leaving Weiss alone.
    Now to think of a plan to help Master Fate.
  7. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    "Roight, mate. I'm looking for Link too." Ghost replied as he sat down on a rock and started playing with his pistol. He took a mag out and saw that there were only 2 bullets left "Ballocks...I forgot to pack extra mags.." He mumbled to himself. Ghost turned back to Aeon. "This place sure is nice, i wish it was this cool back where i live.."
  8. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Aeon looked at Ghost and said "Yes." "I wish for this quiet peace also but I guess its not meant to be." "How sad." He then looked back to the sky and watched two birds, a blackbird and a dove, fly around eachother trying to test their own speed and skill. When Aeon saw this, he smiled and said "Those birds." "They seem like brothers." He then turned his Ghost and said "Do you know what happens with brothers?" "They always compete no matter what happens." "That is how they live and that is how they show how much they care for eacthoer." "Don't you agree, Ghost?"
  9. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Barricade was on the entrance of the village not daring to enter. Megatron showed up and saw him. "Have you located them?" Barricaded pointed to the house that was like a dome. "Yes sir, but there is a probl...." Megatron pushed him aside and was instantily fired upon with bomb arrows. "Ah!" Megatron stumbled back and came back to Barricade. "Make sure they don't leave!" Megatron started to transform and fly away. "Blackout Deploy Scopionax! Have him help barricade take out the resistance here!" Blackout soon tooke of into the sky and was heading to Barricades position as Megatron landed and was being summon by someone. "Who are you!" Megatron asked as the little one summoned him.
  10. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Solarius was hiding in the shadows, under a cloak, which had the powers of invisibility. He looked to the right and saw a boy of the age of 10 struggling to walk because of a bloody scar that ripped through his leg. The lord abruptly took him by the neck and pointed his blade upto it.
    "HELP SOMEONE PLEASE!!! IT'S SOLARIUS!!" he shouted, struggling under the god's grip. Solarius was planning to gain their attention and make the Hylian hero angrier. He wanted to see his tortured face and also he wanted Riku to gain more hatred.

    YouTube - Zelda: Twilight Princess Music - Faron Woods

    Sora woke up in a hut and opened his eyes to see an elderly woman with tired green eyes stir up what seemed like a green soup. The room had the aroma of oranges and the smell of the spices from the soup mixed with it.
    "Um...where am I?" Sora asked.
    "You're in Faron Woods. Your friend, Cloud helped you here. He is such a kind soul."
    Her face illuminated like she was staring at a newly risen moon. She drifted into a dream.
    She turned towards Sora with a flush of red.
    "Oh, sorry dear!" She coughed, trying to cover up her embarrassment but then spoke again. "My husband has fixed your leg an hour ago and I'm making you soup"
    Sora shook his head.
    "I haven't got enough time. I need to go."
    Sora walked towards the door, feeling brand new but the old woman stopped him.
    "Wait, I want you to have something"
    She looked through her cupboards and handed him a lantern and a vile of yellow liquid.
    "This will help you navigate through the forest. It's very dangerous at this time of night....but I'm sure a young man like you would be able to face any dangers in your path"
    Sora rubbed his hand against the back of his head, as he usually did when someone gave him a compliment.
    "OK, miss. I'll go now"
    He lit up the cauldron and started to stroll through the trail.

    OOC: Man guys, calm down with the posting. I know it's Easter but I really want to relax and not go on the internet for the majority of the time.
  11. InugamiGod

    InugamiGod New Member

    OoC: I'll be gone for today, but back tomorrow, Sunday.

    Weiss sighed.
    "I'm Wiess apprentice of Fate & serve under Solarius. Now that's the intro is finished listen up. One of the heroes is called Riku. Apparently the dark god wants him for something. Don't kill him. I'll try to lure him to our side, but if it fails I want you to kidnap him. If I succeed then just make sure not to blast us as you kill the heroes." Wiess left Megatron & went back into the woods.

    Adell shook his head at the destruction before shouting at Riku & Link.
    "I'll stay here to make gravex for the villagers! You guys go ahead & i'll catch up!"

    OoC: There. I made it so no one has to woory about my guys.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2010
  12. InugamiGod

    InugamiGod New Member

    IGNORE THIS POST!!! & SORRY!OoC: I'll be gone for today, but back tomorrow, Sunday.

    Weiss sighed.
    "I'm Wiess apprentice of Fate & serve under Solarius. Now that's the intro is finished listen up. One of the heroes is called Riku. Apparently the dark god wants him for something. Don't kill him. I'll try to lure him to our side, but if it fails I want you to kidnap him. If I succeed then just make sure not to blast us as you kill the heroes." Wiess left Megatron & went back into the woods.

    Adell shook his head at the destruction before shouting at Riku & Link.
    "I'll stay here to make gravex for the villagers! You guys go ahead & i'll catch up!"

    OoC: There. I made it so no one has to woory about my guys.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2010
  13. InugamiGod

    InugamiGod New Member

    IGNORE THIS POST!!! & SORRY!OoC: I'll be gone for today, but back tomorrow, Sunday.

    Weiss sighed.
    "I'm Wiess apprentice of Fate & serve under Solarius. Now that's the intro is finished listen up. One of the heroes is called Riku. Apparently the dark god wants him for something. Don't kill him. I'll try to lure him to our side, but if it fails I want you to kidnap him. If I succeed then just make sure not to blast us as you kill the heroes." Wiess left Megatron & went back into the woods.

    Adell shook his head at the destruction before shouting at Riku & Link.
    "I'll stay here to make gravex for the villagers! You guys go ahead & i'll catch up!"

    OoC: There. I made it so no one has to woory about my guys.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2010
  14. InugamiGod

    InugamiGod New Member

    read bottom mess up post.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2010
  15. InugamiGod

    InugamiGod New Member

    OoC: Sorry everyone about the multipost thing. My computer freaked & multi click post. Could an admin delete my extra post please? Thankx in advance & sorry about this.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2010
  16. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Megatron quickly ran into the woods and stopped Weiss. "You fool! The Dark Lord is already doing that as we speak. If he fails then he'll probably kidnap him or just kill him, but this is your plan. I don't want to be caught interfering in the dark lords plans. My orders were to destroy the village which I did. Now I have a plan to capture the princess which is out if his hairs so help is you wish." Megatron left to forest woods and was back in Hyrule field.
    Blackout had landed by Barricade and now was deploying Scorpionax. In wiggled its way into the ground below and was now in the village. The village was being protected by all the gorons who were throwing the bombs, but this time they could do nothing. It moved slowly under two an d sprang from the ground with sand shooting into the air everywhere, just like a shark leaving water. The two were grabbed by his claws and a third was grabbed by his tail, or more along the lines of peirced. The two were cut in half while a the third was flung into the wall. All of the Gorons were quickly trying to light their bombs, but as they were distracted with Scorpionax. Barricade came rolling around the corner as blackout came a flying unleashing an array of bullets upon the gorons. Barricade hit a jump and transformed in mid air and landed on two. He continued walking then remembered his objective. He ripped off the roof to find four cowering children and a tall women or teenager. There was also a weird old man with a wielding mask on and a old women(or guy. could never tell) hiding with the children. Blackout came over after the gorons were taken care off. "We only need those five." Barricade said with a grin upon his face as he looked at the other two. He quickly snatched the children. "You have fun Blackout." Barricade transformed and rolled out heading back to Megatron. Scorpionax reattached to Blackout who flew away after leavign a bomb.
  17. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    "I do agree, i have a younger brother. He used to be in my team, he left last year, he went on a mission to try and stop these madmen that are taking over Game, i haven't seen him since, i'm fearing the worst. I just hope and pray he turns up somewhere, preferably alive.."
  18. InugamiGod

    InugamiGod New Member

    Weiss stood for a few moment thinking before going after Megatron. He caught up with him.
    "Don't get me wrong. I just don't want to interfer with the Dark Gods plans or let you mess up the kidnapping. Besides that sounds more fun to do."

    Adell had finished making the tenth grave & sighed from exhaustion.
    "Man. The hard part of this finding the materials to make proper graves. I wonder how everyone is. I left them all behind in a hurry when I took that dimension gate to get here soon. Eh. Back to work with this."
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Jak had fought through almost a thousand heartless and decided to not go towards the castle. He started fast away from the castle, four defenders on his tail as he ran. "I told you not to go there!" Daxter shrieked as Jak ran to a dirt road. "Quiet Dax before I leave you here!" He barked in return as he continued running. He felt weak from fighting and fleeing, like he was about to pass out. He ran past a spring and near a treehouse seeing two people just sitting there. "Jak, ask the for help!" Daxter screamed as the defenders started to close in. Jak eyed the man wuith the gun, panting as he sputtered. "I... don't... need... help..." As he finished the last word he fell to his feet.
  20. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Aeon looked at Ghost and said "Hmm.... brothers." "I wonder why they always cause grief." He stood silent for a few moments until he smiled and said "I guess thats how it is." He then chuckled and started looking up at the sky again. "Brothers....... why do they always get in the way?" When he chuckled again, he turned his head and saw a bunch of defenders messing with two beings. He said to Ghost without looking at him "It seems that we have company." As he kept looking at them, he closed his eyes and slowly pulled out his pocketwatch. He then said "Time shall spare them from their torture." He then looked at the watch and said "Time stop." Then at that moment, time froze everything except him, Ghost, and the other two. "There, he shall be ok."

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