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Create A New Kingdom Hearts Character

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Nova, Mar 25, 2008.

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  1. thier mother even could not tell them apart.

    XEHALEKS New Member

    Name: XEHALEKS
    Age: 25-30
    Looks: Similar to Xemnas but with a few significant changes
    Specail Abilities: the ability of temporary mind control
    Character they are most like: Personality is a mixture of Xemnas and Sephiroth
    Gender: Male
    Short bio: He was born from all the scattered hearts that came together after kingdom hearts was abused by Xemnas and is evil due to the selfishness of Xemnas
    Power Level: 94 out of 100
    Darkness or Light: Darkness all the way
  3. deenomon2003

    deenomon2003 New Member

    Duke Cross

    Name: Duke Cross

    Age: 27

    Looks: Duke stands at about 5 feet and 10 inches, weighing at about 173 pounds. He has long purple hair with light blue streaks defining it more so. He dresses in a tight black leather that has wrappings around the sleeves, and thin cut jeans with iron laced boots that drive halfway up his calves. He has lighter violet eyes bordered by a thin red outlining.

    Special Abilities: Aside from the ability to use the natural "Final Fantasy" spells and abilities, he is gifted with the power of destroying Keyblades, which is the arch of his entire existence.

    Character they Are Most Like: If Duke is like any charcter, he is probably most like Xemnas of Organization XIII.

    Gender: Male

    Short Bio: Born in an alternate dimension known as "Alphaera", he was the son of the king there. His home world was attacked by a band of fiendish and greedy Keyblade users, seeking to find the secret to the "Knowledge of All Worlds", having had his home destroyed in the process and fed to the Void. Soon after, he joins a team of Keyblade Hunters, who have the ability to dispose of Keyblades through the use of their power and concentration, sucking up the power of the Keyblade itself.

    Power Level: Physically, he is pretty fast, having the ability to summon his blade "Daedalus" at will, much like Sora and his Keyblade. He relies more on his physical abilities as opposed to his technical abilities, making him a challenging opponent.

    Darkness or Light: Generally neutral, I guess he'd lean more towards dark, being that he wants to destroy all Keyblades for his own means.

    Other: Duke's hidden power lies in the scars that he was cursed with by Ansem some time ago, which he has covered with bandages on his arms. In theory, in times of peril, Duke can awaken the dark power bestowed upon him by Ansem that will use the darkness in his own heart to transform it into power. The idea, basically, is that if he gets beat up bad, he can even the playing ground by awakening the darkness forced into him.
  4. Saxan

    Saxan New Member

    Name: Naxas
    Age: 20
    Looks: Long little muscular has dark brown spiky hair
    Special Abilities: A keyblade master and able to control light powers as well as darkness god at close range fighting and combos
    Chracter they are most like: the personilty is a mix of roxas and riku, quiet dark and mysterious but can a little funny sometimes
    Gender: Male
    Short bio: he is the nobody of Anas but turned into a nobody because he gave into the darkness to try and find a way to defeat xehanort once and for all, he has been watchin over sora, riku roxas and everyone he has been helping sora and company with his battles, in the background
    but now he may come out of the dark and tell everyone the truth about xehanort and the keyblade war and train sora and riku for battles ahead
    power level: somewhere near xemnas
    darkness or light: can use both for fighting
  5. kerixa

    kerixa New Member

    Name: Jenex
    Age: 20
    Title: The disease witch
    Somebody: Jeen
    Element: Diseases
    Weapon: Sword
    Special abilities: Can give her enemies diseases
    Siblings: Zexion, Vexen and Lexeaus
    Light or Darkness: Darkness
    Appearance: KH COM

    Short bio: Jenex was best friends with Larxene and Kerixa. After Marluxia's death, Jenex told Kerixa that she hated Marluxia for trying to take over the organization, and that was when their friendship ended. Jenex was killed by Kerixa at the beginning of KH2.

    Other: Jenex is the nobody of Jeen.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2010
  6. Satachi

    Satachi New Member

    Name: Xikara
    Age: 15
    Looks: Zexion, but with silver-purple hair that goes to shoulders
    Specail Abilities: Control over shadows, Magic
    Character they are most like: Zexion/Riku
    Gender: Female
    Short bio: Shortly after her somebody's 15th birthday, Twilight Town was attacked by hollows and caused Akira's, her somebody's, heart to be stolen, creating Xikara.
    Power Level: Weak at physical strength, but amazing at magic and even more amazing at controlling Shadows.
    Darkness or Light: Darkness
    Other: She has two weapons, A black double blade, also a TwinBlade, and a black scythe. The Black Twinblade is her element weapon.
  7. Reiko

    Reiko New Member

    Name: Yoko

    Age: 16

    Looks: Has auburn hair swaying down to the waist, gold eyes, and lightly tanned skin. She wears a white dress sleeveless with a split stopping at her hip almost, with gold lining goddess style. Wears gold flats with a gold band in her hair. Stands 5'6 in height.

    Special Abilities: Able to transform into a dragon. The color of her fire is white. (Gained this power from Zeira)

    Character he/she is most like: She is her own person. She's like nobody else.

    Gender: Female

    Short Bio: Whe she was 6 years old, her parents died in the hands of the Heartless. She swore from that day forward, she would seek revenge on the Heartless. After that oath, she trained day and night, making herself stronger. After 5 years of training, she wondered into a forest, oblivious to what she wondered on. Dragon territory. She had no idea that dragons still exist, adding to her ignorance at that time. She whined up face to face with a dragon named Zeira, the lengendary white and gold dragon. Before Zeira even attempted to attack her, she felt the aurora of the Dragon Rider. She trained her for 4 years, teaching her the ways of the Dragon Rider. Yoko herself didn't know she was the child of the Dragon Rider.

    Power Level: Forever increasing

    Darkness or Light: Light

    Personality: Happy, outgoing, gregarious, scary, random, confusing, sneaky, caring, obedient, loyal, quick to anger, easy going, understanding, helpful, and easy to talk to.

    Sora incounters Yoko

    Donald: Where are we?

    Goofy: I don't know. Maybe it's a new world?

    Sora: I agree with Goofy. I never seen this world before.

    Yoko: That's because this world has been connected.

    Sora's gang: WHA?!

    Yoko: Laughs I'm the one who spoke. Calm down.

    Sora: Who are you?!

    Yoko: Dang, chill out! I'm Yoko.

    Sora: Is this your world?

    Yoko: Nods Yes, this is my world. Apparently, this world was the next victim the Heartless attacked.

    Goofy: Are you the only person who survived?

    Yoko: Yes. And it angers me so much. They destroyed my family. Took there hearts. I will recieve my revenge one way, or another.

    Sora: Oh... Oh! How about you join us?

    Yoko: Really? You really trust me to be part of your group?

    Sora nods

    Donald shakes his head

    Donald: No! How do we know she's not a Nobody?

    Yoko sputters

    Yoko: I am not a Nobody! I have a heart!

    Donald: Prove it!

    Goofy: Okay fellers, calm down.

    Yoko and Donald: Hmph!

    Sora: Uh... you still wanna join?

    Yoko: smiles Ofcourse, hold on. Calls Zeira

    Zeira arrives and Sora, Donald, and Goofy jump back.

    Sora's gang: Wow!

    Zeira: It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm Zeira, the legendary white and gold dragon. I am also Yoko's dragon

    Sora and the gang look over to Yoko

    Yoko: I'm a Dragon Rider.

    Sora: Cool! Atleast we don't have to worry about making room for you in the Gummi ship.

    Donald and Goofy nod. Yoko hops onto Zeira's back.

    Yoko: Lead the way, Sora.

    Sora looks at her surprised.

    Sora: How do you know my name?

    Yoko: I've heard about you. You three are very famous. Sora, Donald, and Goofy.

    Donald: Yeah, whatever. Let's get going!

    Sora: You got it!

    Yoko: Whatever.

    Last edited: May 13, 2010
    StephanieHoch likes this.
  8. Princessmayfly

    Princessmayfly New Member

    Name: May
    Nobody name: Zyam
    Age: 14
    Looks: She has black hair but with light on it is red her eyes turn diffent colour depending on what mood she is
    Specail Abilities: Can use what ever weapon she likes. Haves the power over everything
    But do’s not know how to use her power
    Character they are most like: Saix and Roxas
    Gender: girl ♥
    Short bio: she is the daughter of Xemnas somebody (sorry about spelling mestacks)
    Born with out a heart
    Power Level: unlimted
    Darkness or Light: both
    Other: Narmia is her best mate . She hates using the eternal blades
    Xemnas at the moment has her under his conrtol and she’s her has his daughter coz her dad is his Somebody
  9. Dark Riko

    Dark Riko New Member

    Name:Dexter Ravenclaw
    Nobody name Zane
    Looks: 6.5 tan skin white hair, blue eyes
    Specail Abilities: Control fire
    Weapons :Dragonblood keyblade
    Character they are most like: Sora\Cloud
    Short bio:He hates the sun and his mother's cooking he is emo
    Power Level:Unlimited
    Darkness or Light:Darkness
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2010
  10. Synnsore

    Synnsore Banned

    Name: Kirryen
    Age: 16
    Looks: Sora, but white hair, wears org XIII cloack but in white, left eye green right eye blue, scar over his left eye.
    Special Ability: Sound, he has a gauntlet that when he takes his sleeve off of it, it can emit extremely high noise waves which he is immune to but can completely paralyse anyone else who hears it.
    Weapon: Lunar Scythe
    Character they are most like: Sephiroth.
    Gender: Male
    Short Bio: Kirryen served as a UNSCDF Marine, he had to quit because of major injury to his left eye, although it gave him better eyesight.
    Power level: 98/100
    Darkness or Light: Light
    Other: Brother of Cloud, didn't turn evil for mother though.
  11. kerixa

    kerixa New Member

    Name: Laxany
    Age: 28
    Title: The toxic goddess
    Somebody: Alany
    Element: Toxic waste / acid rain
    Weapon: Dagger
    Siblings: Little sister of Larxene
    Appearance: KH COM
    Light or Darkness: Darkness

    Short bio: Laxany sided with her sister in COM. She and Marluxia tortured Namine until she erased Sora's memory completely. She was killed by Kerixa, who was actually trying to stop the organization from taking over Sora's memory.
  12. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    Name: Raxthes
    Age: 16
    Looks: Short black hair, organization cloak, blue eyes.
    Specail Abilities: Keyblade Master, abosorbing Nobodys.
    Character they are most like: Roxas
    Gender: Male
    Short bio: He is the Nobody of the heartless made up of all the darkness in all the hearts, but he doens't know that. When he came across this heartless he emidiatly killed it. He is trying to figure out who he is.
    Power Level: ????
    Darkness or Light: Both
    Other: All the girls find him attractive.:p
  13. KHDork

    KHDork New Member

    Name: Nene
    Age: 15
    Looks: Pale complexion, one grey eye and one green. Light brown hair.
    Specail Abilities: Can control the element of air and see future happenings.
    Character they are most like: Xion
    Gender: Female
    Short bio: Likes to face a challenge and tends to question things a lot. Really enjoys reading and is very unsure about how to face things.
    Darkness or Light: Light
    Other: Nene has already seen what is to happen with Kingdom Hearts and the organization. She's very interested in the nobody's and how they 'work' but is finding it hard keeping her knowledge a secret.
  14. kefka

    kefka New Member

    name: Roax
    age: unkown
    gender: male
    bio: brother of kairi and a stufent of ansem when xenahort betrayed ansem roax fought back and failed he was then lost to the dark relm and releasd after the events onf kh 2
    abilitys: dual wield key blades and amazing agility
    affinity: light
  15. ::Hazel::

    ::Hazel:: New Member

    Name: Shane


    Looks: 5'10, Rather muscular build, and fair complected, With messy, sandy brown hair that side-swishes over his deep amber eyes. Wears a pair of worn-out jeans and a checkered black and white sleeveless shirt, and is almost never seen without his favorite black hoodie with a stripped inner hood.

    Specail Abilities: Mastery over the fire element, and wields a black, energy charged bokken.

    Character they are most like: Cloud

    Gender: male

    Power Level: ??

    Darkness or Light: Currently light with a dark past

    Other: Dedicates his life for the safety of his friends. His two best friends are keyblade wielders and would do anything to protect them.
  16. roxie

    roxie New Member



    Looks:has red hair very dark,eyes black and one white,has three keyblades,roxy was actally the first orgnization with her friend (not telling),loves anime and watchs it secretly,she loves somebody in kingdom hearts or orgnization,likes playing bayonetta,plays rpg games,thinks sora looks more like girl,always bored( well not every time!)

    Special Abilities:her eyes can turn into a yin yang sign then she can teleport to anywere and can destroy with lasers!

    Characters most like:Namine,roxas,and nobody.


    Short Bio:used to be friends with one of the orgnization members when they were little,someone thought she died by evil riku but was just knocked out in a coffin till she woke up 16,she had a neckless on her that had three keyblades and can use them a lot when she fights,and was awaken by roxas and axel when they found her out of the coffin nocked out on a beach.




    the gold one is her awsome keyblade when she gets mad the others are her normel ones
  17. Boomboy

    Boomboy New Member

    Name: Jake

    Age: 15

    Looks: His hair are black. His hair style is a like roxas but a little different.His skin color is borown

    Specail Abilities: His weapon can be a magic stick and a spear at the same time . He can use a special arrow arc. His magic power is inexhaustible. He can invoke a magical power that give him wings to fly for a certain time.

    Character they are most like: Xion, Roxas and Riku

    Gender: Male

    Short bio: Jake is a friend of Riku Kairi and Sora. He is living on Destiny Island. When he discovered his mom was dying. He tryed everythin to make her stronger. He finally discovered Kingdom Hearts and travelled into every worlds to bring hearts. Sora and the others tryed to stop him but Jake used the power of darkness. They finally defeat him and discovered Jake's soul was possessed by Yen Dis(brother and ennemy of Yen Sid). Sora destroyed Kingdom Hearts and restored Jake's soul. They're still one thing to do: Defeat Yen Dis. Yen Sid think that if Sora, Riku, Jake and Mickey combine they're weapon power they could destroy Yen Dis. While the guys were destroying Yen Dis, Kairi, Donald and Goofy were protecting them form the heartless

    Power Level: ???

    Darkness or Light: Light (he used darkness because he was possessed by Yen Dis)

    Other: He is an apprentice-magician. His teacher is Donald

    Name: Yen Dis

    Age: Unknown

    Looks: He looks like his brother Yen sid. They are twin. His hair are black and his eyes are yellow.

    Special abilities: Unlimited magic power. He can use all the special abilities of organization XIII. He is really powerfull.

    Character they are most like: Sephiroth, Xemnas and Xehanort

    Gender: Male

    Short bio: When they were young Yen Sid and Yen Dis were apprentice-magician. Yen Sid was the good child and Yen Dis the bad child. One day they're master give a gift to Yen Sid. It was a magic stick. Yen Dis was jealous and killed the master. Yen Sid tryed to stop but he was to powerfull. Yen Sid finally decide to imprisoned his brother in a castle far away. It was the beast castle. Yen Dis was transformed into a axe. But when the beast transformed back into a human Yen Dis transformed back into a magician. He took the power of all members of the organization and built Kingdom Hearts by using Jake. He wanted to kill his brother.

    Power Level: Same as Yen Sid

    Darkness or Light: Darkness

    Other: He is a great friend of Maleficent and the master of Pat.

    Name: Fillion

    Age: Unknown

    Looks: Black hair, Skin color brown eyes green

    Special abilities: Can use a magic sword and take the power of others.

    Character they are most like: Mickey

    Gender: Male

    Short Bio: Fillion is Jake's dad and Mickey's friend. When he was young, he was taking magic classes with King Mickey. When Mickey became King he made promise to him and told him that he could demand him any favor. He finally demand him if he knows a teacher of magic to teach his son. He gave a magic stick to his son has gift.

    Power Level:Same as Mickey

    Darkness or light: Light

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2010
  18. Kratos7

    Kratos7 New Member

    My Kingdom hearts character

    Name: Kratos

    Age: 18

    Looks: Shoulder length red/orange hair. piercing green eyes. They change between blue and green. Wears white pants with two chain belts across waist. Silver shoes with black and white trims. Green shirt that is covered by a white vest and a black jacket with green trims and details. Wears gloves that match the jacket and shoes. Wears a necklace with a roman numeral seven/7/VII. 6'0/six foot.

    Special Abilities: Can make a concentrated energy around Keyblade to make it longer, faster, stronger, lighter. Can ride air streams/ glide quickly/hover. Heals a slowly in light. Knows magic in light, lightning, and wind.

    Character they are most like: Roxas/Ventus.

    Gender: Male

    Short Bio: He came from the real world. (Earth our reality) He just wants to live his life in the new worlds. traveling and meeting everyone who he can before he returns to hid world. Main mission is to help Sora and the others save the worlds and finally settle down in Destiny islands instead of going to the real world. Will find his meaning of life and true love in the end.

    Power Level: Strong and Fast. Simple enough. Restricted with three types of elements. Overdrive: VII Judgment, emits radiant white, can fly, when he hits it's like being hit seven times, an echo of the first hit. Faster. Most of the description of what he can do is in the special abilities. He gets a lot stronger.

    Darkness or Light: Light

    Other: Weapons: Keyblade called seven strife. Its chain is a Roman numeral 7/seven/VII. The handle is that of a normal kingdom key but silver. Its blade looks like a number 7 but it has a roman numeral VII detail. like it was made so you can see through the VII. The 7 shape has a hook at the tip and another RN7 on the hook.
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Name- Skye
    Age- 28
    Looks- tall, skiny, dressed similar to Aqua and Kairi combined, but it's a black outfit like Sora's. Bright blue eyes, long spikey/ wavy brown hair.
    Abilities- has a keyblade from her keyblade master, however she is more of a sorceress and wizard
    Character Most Like- Sora due to family connections, Yen Sid, and Aqua
    Gender- female
    Bio- Is Sora's older sister, but he doesn't know her due to her being trained by an unknown keyblade master. She ended up leaving her keyblade master, she weilds a keyblade, but she's more of a sorceress. After Sora and the gang left Twilght Town, Yen Sid met Skye and took her in as an apprentence training more with the keyblade and learning many spells and magic.
    Power Level- Strong, but not that strong
    Dark or Light- Light
    Other- keyblade weilder(star seeker)/ sorceress
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