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Discussion in 'Video / Cinema' started by EbeneezerAl, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    OK, I've seen these mentioned many times. I've had it explained somewhat, but the person doing the explaining was in a hurry and I still didn't quite get it. What are they, how do you get them, and how do you use them? It seems that most people use them in just about anything they do, and I haven't the foggiest clue of how to do it.

    Also, it'd be nice if people could make some tutorials that explained exactly what they were doing and why, rather than just listing the steps. I've tried to read tutorials before, and I just can't follow them. It's like if I was to tell someone the steps to writing a piece of music, but failed to first explain the theory they were using to do it. I can click a menu item, but that doesn't mean I understand why I've clicked it.
  2. Nikylee

    Nikylee New Member

    C4D is a graphical shape or object created on a software called Cinema 4D.
    I attempted to create one ages ago but failed horribly.
    and example of a C4D render is in Pulse's Tut
  3. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    I may as well add that this is the exact same somewhat vague description I've already gotten.

    Is this a PS plug in? Is it a completely separate program. How does it work? How do I get it? I would say that 90% of the tutorials I've ever seen involve C4D's, and thus are no good to me if I can't use them.
  4. Nikylee

    Nikylee New Member

    no its a completely different piece of software
    i know very few people who actually make C4D's but i know there are loads that have already been rendered.
    o just have a look around for "C4D renders"
  5. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

  6. Nikylee

    Nikylee New Member

    i normally just use them or the soft light or overlay setting like on my current sig.
    it gives a little bit more dimension to the left side of sora's head
  7. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    I usually set my to Lighten, duplicate and Ripple the top one.

    Though Ebal is still using gimp so im unsure of the effects.
  8. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    I haven't even attempted to do things like stacking the same image on top of itself yet. I'd probably just do stuff with the single render itself.

    Plus usually about the time I get to using effects, the images are merged. GIMP won't let you manipulate the image as a whole without doing so. And most of my effects so far have been for the entire image and not just a single part of it.
  9. Nikylee

    Nikylee New Member

    You should deff step up to photoshop
    at first glance it looks very complex but after you know the basics and give a few trial and errors with things you'll get the feel for it

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