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"The World" OOC/SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Beloved, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    Monday may 10th is Dark_Riku's 21st b-day!!!!!!! ^_^

    HAPPY B-DAY DARK_RIKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love ya! ^_~
  2. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Most happy wishes my friend
  3. Alright. I've been wandering. What exactly is the big story here because everyone is off doing something different.
  4. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Well, what needs to happen is we need to start gathering everyone together. Anyone without their avatar unlocked will get their turn to finally get it (Ep users w/o their Avatars yet need to PM me).

    I'll start pulling people together if need be, but so long as you guys are in pairs of three or something we should be fine. ex: Gerik, Salvatore, & Alkaid are - pretty much - in the same guild. So their good. Leo, Wraith, Sion, (note I'm only included characters of players who are still posting) and Karite are still on the loose, and we need to bring them together.
  5. Do you want us to bring our character into your guild?
  6. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Doesn't have to be my guild. It can be Shadow's or even your own (once you're proper level). So long as we can some how tie in all of our characters.
  7. I'm the highest level here I just noticed this ._.
  8. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    Oh hey Haresuno has Dark_Riku pmed you yet about the details of the rp? We talked on the phone last night and talked about what is goin to be what. So if he hasn't yet he will or he will have me tell you since I can get on more that he can. And some of the things he will tell you will be about his characters Ryo and Sion. And on that I'll also have to give you info on Ryo aka I forget his player character name.
  9. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    He gave me an over view of the RP, but if there are more specifics he wanted to give me, he hasn't yet.
  10. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    Ok, well I don't know when he'll get on here and let you know more, but I'll remind him. But he also may want to to tell you, so I'll ask him this weekend when I see him.
  11. Would it be alright if I made another character, Haresuno?
  12. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    How many do you have at the momennt?

    And sorry guys about this slowing down - got kinda busy. Keep up the RP though!
  13. I technically have three characters but they're in a coma. Leonardo is that one that's stuck in "The World."
  14. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Okay guys, it's almost time for my leave.

    It's been fun doing all of this with you, and I'm going to miss this place dearly. I've given control of The World to Haresuno, and he will me the new admin.

    And to just make one thing clear that I stated a looooong time ago.

    You can have up to three active characters at a time. Which means you can have as many as you want total, just that you can only have three that are not in a coma at one time.

    Now, Hare, I know you'll do this right, so I have no worries.

    Thanks to all of you for joining The World, and for keeping it alive even though it's slowed to nearly less than a crawl.
  15. EDIT # 1, EDIT # 2, EDIT #3 (Reonarudo Butsuchiru)

    I'm going to have to edit my character template for Leonardo due to recent events. Just as a a heads up, none of his friends are going to be mentioned back into the story since I decided that they aren't needed in the story anymore so here is my new template for Leonardo and a template for another character. I might think of getting a new one after a while but for the most part this is going to be it.


    User Name: <None>
    Character Name: Leonardo Butcher
    Job: Twin Blade
    Real Appearance: [​IMG]
    Character Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality/Biography: Quiet, timid, and gentle, Leonardo was seen as a rather humble person that came from totally not humble means. His father being a CEO of a bank and his mother being a top law authority as a prosecuting attorney, Leonardo was born into a rich family with high expectations. However, this family was rather absent in his life as he was usually left at home with his mother and father's large group of staff that oversaw him he grew up as a rather lonely child. Although he was intelligent, strong, and attractive, he would rather stay by himself rather than join a large crowd of people. This stopped when he became childhood friends with Kamau Densimo. Kamau's father was another top authority of a private law firm while his mother was an extremely elaborate genealogist that became rather well known. Unlike his friend, who was far from shy, Kamau was a brave, bold, even impish person who had a knack for getting into slight trouble. Both knew how each other grew up and their relationship got to the level of a brotherhood. This brotherhood, however, was separated when the two went to different schools. Leonardo going to U of D Jesuit while his friend went to Brother Rice.

    This separation was eventually gapped by the introduction of "The World." "The World" as it was called greatly intrigued Leonardo but he never thought of playing it as he never had the time to play games even though he had so many material things (he would spend his time studying and whatnot). Kamau was the first to join the massive video and later, on Leonardo's birthday, it was given to him as a gift. Seeing this as a great opportunity, he began to play "The World" in order to be able to see his friend.

    After a few weeks of getting situated, both friends felt a sense of ease. This was increased when Kamau introduced a friend of his named Heather Heinrich. Heather came from an almost noble family made of businessmen and bankers. She and Leonardo, although new to each other began to have feelings for each other and even considered going out. Kamau encouraged this and enjoyed seeing his best friend's face flush whenever he would mention her name to him.

    It was only a few months later that the three became very close friends and began to play "The World" more frequently. Kamau would baffle opponents with his weapons as a Macabre Dancer. Leonardo would furiously bring down foes as a Twin Blade. Heather would give support and healing as a Harvest Cleric. The three were a very large force to be reckoned with against the so called artificial intelligence of the monsters of "The World."

    However, after a previous encounter with two player killers, the three fled into a nearby dungeon and explored it as it was on their lists of places to go to.

    Then it happened...

    The three were confronted by Tarvos and immediately data drained shortly after. Leonardo woke up in an unknown area known as cruel, vindictive, scars. He searched for his friends, but found himself alone. He was alone until the same player killers attempted to finish the job but were destroyed by Leonardo when he was changed by Tarvos into a raging storm of pain and destruction. After the strange encounter, he noticed that "The World" felt more real than it wasps suppose to. Thinking that he would be able to log out he tried in Mac Anu but failed and came to a stunning conclusion. Somehow, his encounter with Tarvos created a strange change of events that caused his body of the game to be completely written into the game while his body of the real world lay in a coma.

    As things get far more intense in "The World," Leonardo is determined to solve the riddle of what is truly behind the game and how to return to the world he knows as the real world.


    User Name: Xero
    Character Name: Reonarudo Butsuchiru
    Job: Tribal Grappler
    Real Appearance: [​IMG]
    Character Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality/Biography: Reo (his nickname) is a very boisterous and upbeat boy who loves to have fun in the game known as "The World." He chose the job a Tribal Grappler seeing as how he was a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and enjoyed the thrill of fighting. Being from a relatively poor family, he understood the value of effort and money. Wishing to move out his less than comfortable neighbourhood, he is very studious and is very hard on himself in his grades at school. He relishes fighting monsters in "The World" and is usually seen hanging around a girl with the user name of Mira and is in a relationship with her at school. His love for her is extremely deep and he values her highly.

    However, due to the recent events of vagrants AIs and whatnot, Reon (another nickname) wishes to find the answers to his problems. He became a player killer killer in order to figure out what goes on in "The World" besides the slaughter of monsters. He wishes to cure "The World" of its strange "sickness" and hope that everyone can enjoy the game the right way.


    User Name: Mira
    Character Name: Miragurosu Praza
    Job: Blade Brandier
    Real Appearance: [​IMG]
    Character Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality/Biography: Mira (her nickname in the real world and "The World") is an upbeat girl with loads of writing and drawing talent and has one hell of an attitude. She can easily knock down a grubby boy's ego in seconds leaving them emasculated in front of their worshippers. Her attitude was what got Reon's attention the first time they met in school after she defended herself against a posy of bullying girls that were harassing an underclass student who was new to the school. This started thed spark of an intense and fiery relatuionship between her and Reon as both were instantly attracted to one another. Although she usually bolsters a tough exterior, Mira can be very insecure at timeas when compared to other girls and whatnot. Although she is able recognize herself as a unique individual she can never truly grasp her outer as well as inner beauty. One of the many reasons why she became so enthralled by Reon is that he exposed her beauty to herself and she began to see how beautiful she rally was. This deepened her love for him and she and he became truly connected by each others feelings. Although there are moments of intense drama in their arguments they always make up and then some (wink, wink, nudge, nudge ;)).

    After finally being able tp purchase both a computer and "The World," Mira was able to make contact with Reon when they weren't able to see each other. Being able to fight together was something of a beautiful thing to both of them. Him being one to rush in with a flurry of punches to cripple foes as a Tribal Grappler while she was able to nimbly cut down monsters as a Blade Brandier. The two made a devastating team they competed together in tournaments together and usually dominated the competition and regulalrly held top spots of the leaderboards. They even faced off against each other which was something that they both enjoyed.

    However, after a close encounter with a group of player killers, Mira and Reon began to realize that "The World" was far more than an oextraordinary MMORPG. It had a terrible secret within it that was soon beind ready to spring forward.

    Hand in hand, Reon and Mira together became player killer killers and went out searching for prominant player killers in hops to possibly gain information on an amounting crisis gorwing stronger and stronger in "The World." They hope to achieve their goal of making "The World" a save environment for everyone.
    Last edited: May 20, 2010
  16. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    Aww I don't like to see you go. T_T but you won't be able to get online during the summer. But I still love ya and get to talk to you every night on the phone and see you every weekend so I'm good! ;) Yeah guys I love my man! even though he can be a big dork.

    P.S. pm me if you want to hear some funny stoires about Dark_Riku! ^_~
  17. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Hey now girl! Let's not ruin my amazing reputation here! lolz

    Well, since it's my final days here, I'm going to leave you all with a final post in the RP.

    I'm going to give you a fight scene you'll never forget! *evil grin*
  18. *gropes DK*. Don't gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo > / / / > I'll mak you feel good XD jk.
  19. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    *Smacks Reonarudo* Hey thats my job, no groping my man! ^_~

    Well'll miss ya, love. And I still have no idea what you are talking about. ^_^ lolz
  20. Karin

    Karin New Member

    Username- Anzu Nakajima
    Character Name- Shizuko
    Job- Blade Brandier
    Real Appearance:


    Character Appearance:


    Username - Amaya Tochigi
    Character Name- Suki
    Job- Tribal Grappler

    Real Appearance:


    Character Appearance:

    Last edited: May 24, 2010

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