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Starfox :O

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by Phox, May 12, 2010.

  1. Phox

    Phox New Member

    ZOMG no starfox? Dang... Well anyways i wanted to post this to determine who here likes Starfox to death. I love starfox so much even though it's a completely different game type from Kingdom Hearts :p I have no idea why animals flying through space seems like such an awesome idea. Whoever came up with it is a genius on drugs. Anyways,

    Just post your favourite starfox game here and then your favourite character and then after that your favourite anything lol

    Fav starfox game: Starfox 64
    Fav starfox char: Fox (pretty close with Falco)
    Fav starfox planet: Katina
    Fav starfox Vehicle: Arwing (Especially the Assault model)
    Fav starfox line: Gee, i've been saved by Phox, how swell (Not barrel roll for some reason :p)

    Post away any fan related material on starfox here! Except Furry stuff... that's just nasty
  2. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    i've only played 64 and then the multiplayer of Assault and adventures. and i gotta say, the land fighting sucks. Starfox needs to stay in space where it belongs. and Starfox 64 rocks.

    little known fact Starfox 64 is actually just a 64 remake of the original Starfox for the NES
  3. I remember playing it on Nintendo 64 and was awesome at it. I've always been good at games like that. Adventures was a little bit of a disappointment to me as the gameplay and combat system were absolutely awful but it was cool beating around dinosaurs with a staff. The Dinosaur language was just ridiculous in my opinion as it opened up in the first level. Things got better as the player progressed but I still felt no real love for it. There was another release for the Gamecube that was really intense and I liked it except for the on foot and tank mission, bleh. The strategy game was a piece of cake and really fun.
  4. Omega

    Omega New Member

    i love the starfox series. i consider starfox 64 to be one of the greatest games ever. i did like playing starfox adventures, but it was a bit zeldaish. starfox assault was awesome and i still play it. as for starfox command, i'm glad it went back to the flying and nothing else.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    DX The only game i remember was the Starfox game 64. My cousin used to have that game but I guess he went and threw it away. I never was able to remember the name of the game until Super Smash Melee came out to tell you what game Fox came from.
  6. Phox

    Phox New Member

    For all of you who posted that said anything about Adventures, i agree with you. It's not that great of a game. It was kind of just like a filler until Assault came out. The attacks and combos were fun to play with but the whole concept of Fox running around with a magical staff kicking dino butt just didn't really make sense. I thought he was supposed to be flying around space with a high-tech spacecraft kicking MONKEY butt. Meh...

    Assault was too short in my opinion but had like the awesomest multiplayer modes in any of the starfox games. The land missions were fun and highly appreciated because flying around all the time can be tedious. Anyways, doesn't matter what games they come out with, i will love starfox to the very end. :D
  7. Starfox was always fun to play especially on this one level where there is just so much debris that you have to dodge so much it would make so much more fun when you had four people playing. I usually won but I have to admit it was really hard to even get a lock-on. I think that Command did a lame job with the multiplayer because all you had to do was lock on and boom, you're opponent is dead.
  8. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I enjoy starfox but cant really get into it. I played the one for the DS, StarFox Command I think it was, it was ok i guess, then it got really hard and i kinda gave up.
  9. Star Fox Command was a total cake walk for me. I'm guessing it's for my deadly strategy skills.
  10. Kit

    Kit New Member

    Starfox 64: Awesome game, but seeing as you could go through the story mode 5 times in a single day, it really didn't hold my attention for too long.
    Starfox Adventures: Like Zelda with a Starfox skin. Not a bad thing, since I love Zelda. My only complaint? Once you get to the end, you're done. Those who have beat it know what I mean. You can't go back to anywhere from earlier in the game once you get to the final boss, unless you start a new file.
    Starfox Assault: Now THIS is more like it. Mission based gameplay, with large maps and complex objectives. I even enjoyed the on-foot sections, though the Arwing sections were definitely better. I also had fun for HOURS with the multiplayer and a few friends.
    Starfox Command: Like 64, it was just too short, even with the branching Storylines. Some of the endings even depressed me a bit, which is never a plus.

    Winner: Assault, by a long shot.

    EDIT: Almost forgot favorite character: Krystal. Psychic powers? Check. Piloting skills? Check. Blue fox-lady animal? Check...I think. And last, I'm not afraid to admit that I think she's hot. Double check.
  11. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Dude! Starfox 64 was tha bomb, like all 64 games are! I love the space fights, land fights were oaky but space was better, i liked flaco more though. The new star fox is good too, but wolf is the coolest!
  12. Phox

    Phox New Member

    Haha. The storylines seem to be the issue mainly in Starfox. There's some plot twists in some for instance the branching storyline in Command but they generally follow a rail system. Assault was great but once again there were only 10 missions and they were set. I mean going back to get all the flags was fun and unlocking characters and weapons in multiplayer. Me and my bro are pro at multiplayer on Assault lol. Wolf is hax i swear....

    I still think 64 is better though because it's a true classic. Many missions, 2 endings, Slippy's wtf voice-actor and the gang's awesome personalities. And the credits were freaking awesome.

    Krystal's my least favourite character in Starfox... sorry... She's just tossed in there to be some sexual influence :p The only use she's for in Assault was to be annoying by attracting all the baddies and then add an extra mission on the side. :p
  13. Fox, Falco, and Wolf are simply amazing in SSBB. But it is kind of lame to have them all have the same Final Smash.
  14. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    i agree with that, i mean they could have at least changed the ships.
  15. I was expecting them to use different things. Fox using a Landmaster, Falco using a fighter or something and Wolf using something that had to do with cutting something XD

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