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Avatar the Last Airbender, Version 2

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Kitty, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Because the old thread is old.

    So, I've discovered (well, I didn't, exactly, but I saw it) something, and figured I'd share ...


    YouTube - The Last Airbender Movie Update #16 - Trailer Analysis

    You can see him in the top left corner starting around 1:34. He looks fluffy!

    [/fangirl mode]

    I just know I'm gonna end up paying to see this in theaters now, even though I'd always said I wouldn't. I'm still not convinced the movie will be fantastic, but I can't help being excited for it anyway.

    Also, here's another trailer for anyone interested. It's different from the one Roxasblade posted a little while back.

    YouTube - The Last Airbender Movie Update #20 - Theatrical Trailer #2

    You can see a little of the Zuko/Katara fight from the season finale, as well as what looks like Aang's Avatar State freakout over Gyatso from The Southern Air Temple (though the focus is on Katara. :D

    And I gotta say it, I'm still very displeased with Rathbone's Sokka. This line about starting a rebellion makes me cringe, and they play it in every single trailer. Sokka was always the one eager to smash in some fire nation skulls. Why would he be so worried? That's Katara's job. And besides, starting a rebellion is the whole point. Can't kick the firelord's ass without one. :confused:

    There also seems to be this weird thing with the firebending. It's like the firebenders have to have a fire already set to bend from, instead of looking all badass shooting fire from their hands like in the show. Kinda don't see the point of it, either, as I thought firebenders drew on the sun as the source of their fire. Zuko or Iroh or somebody says that in the show somewhere. Hence the whole Day of Black Sun thing. :confused:

    Anyways, discuss, you fans of the show out there.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2010
  2. OkamiOrra

    OkamiOrra New Member

    Oh god I am so excited. It looks like M. Night is going about this the perfect way. I cant wait for it.
    Kitty likes this.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    God bless you for posting in this thread.

    I am super psyched for this movie. The more I see about it, the more hyped I am.

    There's been another US trailer since I posted this, and recently a French trailer. The US trailer #3 has a better shot of Appa (though no face), a close up of Yue (who I think looks just about perfect), Aang training with Master Pakku, Zuko speaking, and just some more general Aang kicking ass. The French trailer has the Kyoshi Warriors, and Aang smiling, which makes me happy.

    I'm really coming around to the casting, too. I still am skeptical of Jackson Rathbone as Sokka and I'm a little concerned about Fire Lord Ozai. I saw his actor in Push recently, and I dunno, he just has the face of a kind person, if that makes sense. I don't know if I can see him as the crazy messed-up Ozai. And he's missing his beard of awesome. v_v But everyone else, though some (Iroh) might not look like their animated counterparts, seem like they might just capture the essences of the characters anyway.

    I'm gonna be optimistic that the script and directing live up to the epicness of the trailers.
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    For all the character's looks, I'm most dissapointed about Zuko and Iroh. Iroh looks nothing like himself, and Zuko barely looks recognizable.

    Saw a preview for it when I watched Iron Man 2. The part with the Blue Spirit looks cool. I do think that I might be a bit dissapointed watching this movie. I will seriously be amazed if it is as good as Iron Man 2.
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I was annoyed about Zuko at first, especially since, judging by appearances, it seems like it would've made more sense to cast Dev Patel as Sokka. But I'm gonna set aside my usual skepticism and hope that Patel can bring it as Zuko, and make me forget that he doesn't look anything at all like my favorite character of the animated show. And he had better say something really cheesy about his honor. <_<

    As for Shaun Toub, ignoring the fact that he's not fat and jolly, when I see him in the trailers, and some other promo shots I've wandered across, there's just something about him that seems very Iroh-like. I'm happy with his casting, so far anyway.

    Definitely. Though, out of all of the characters' appearances, I think the Blue Spirit's is the closest to pissing me off. That black mane just looks idiotic, and it's so unneccessary. v_v

    I'm crossing my fingers that this goes more the way of the LotR trilogy, which I loved. I don't think it will be a huge success, but hopefully it'll make enough that they'll make the next two seasons, and I'll enjoy it enough that I'll want to go see them.

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