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"The World"

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Beloved, Jan 14, 2010.

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  1. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    Alkaid looked down for a second and then looked back up. "Its ok. I think I need to start talking about him so that I can find a way to get him out of that coma." Alkaid felt that she could trust this guy. 'He doesn't seem to know about AIDA, so mabey hhe's just a normal player. Better test him to find out.' "So wh-" But Alkaid was cut off because she got a message saying that she recieved an e-mail.

    in the real world
    "What the heck is up with this message? Its all messed up and curruped(?) in some places." Lilly said as she tried to read the message. She then printed it out so that she could work on it later.

    Back in the world

    "Oh sorry about blanking off for a bit I had to go and do someting right quick." Alkaid told Salvatore.
  2. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    (( Okay folks, this is my last post in The World. This will be a battle scene between Sion and an unknown entity. This won't effect the story for now, but it may later, depending on how things go. Just a bit of foreshadowing. ))

    Sion had been logged into The World for some time now, trying to get into contact with Alkaid. She wasn't responding to any of his messages, or any of his quick mails. He was starting to become restless.

    "Alright, this is just stupid. I've been roaming around forever, and I haven't found A SINGLE EPITAPH USER!"

    He went to the Koisk item shop near Mac Anu's Chaos Gate. Resupplied, he went into his menu and logged out.

    The familiar blue tinted light filled his visor, and the logout process began. He coughed a couple of times, his throat itching. He always waited until the logout was complete to remove the headset, in case something happened or went wrong.

    "Anatano jinsei , watashi hakakarimasu."

    "What the hell?" He turned the volume up on the headset.

    "Anatano jinsei , watashi ha , kakaruto eien no honoo wo kesu."

    Sion recoiled at the loud voice. He'd turned the volume up too high. He fixed it and listened harder.

    "Subeteno satsuei sareteirutameni , wareware ha modotte kouji nakerebanaranai!"

    It was Japanese...why would something be speaking to him in japanese?

    He waited for another voice...but heard nothing. The visor was still showing that he was logging out. He had to use the restroom badly, so he tried to remove his headset, but it wouldn't come off.

    He gave up, and thought about that voice. It was something about taking back what was once lost. Wait, it'd also said that it would take his life...

    As he was contemplating the thought, he tried to remove the headset again. Nothing...he sighed and tried removing it. But I wouldn't come out...

    The light got brighter, and he felt like he was floating. He closed his eyes as everything went dark.

    After what felt like seconds, he opened his eyes and saw a blue sky. A yellow sun was directly above him. He was laying on his back. He sat up and saw that he was in another massive green field. Directly in front of him, was a massive gothic cross. So out of place in a bright open field. It was made of a solid black material. He started walking toward it, but as he was walking he noticed something strange. He could FEEL the wind. He could feel it in his hair. He could even smell! Every one of his senses were with him.

    "Dakara , wareware ha futatabi au...Haseo." (So, we meet again...Haseo.)

    He looked up, to the top of the cross. There was a young woman sitting on the right outstretch. She was wearing a solid black dress, her long white blond hair falling around her slender body, stopping near her knees. She had a scythe with her, so she was oviously a Flick Reaper...actually, she had one of every weapon, floating around her. Fantastic.

    Haseo? What the hell? He decided to respond to her in japanese as well. "Watashi no namae ha Haseo dehaarimasen! Aanataha watashi to isshoni shitaidesuka?" ("My name is not Haseo! What do you want with me?")

    She dropped from the cross, and slowly fell to the ground, landing gracefully on her feet, her floating weapons constantly by her side. All the weapons used by each job in The World.

    "Ah , anataha Haseo desu. Anataga nokoru monodesu." ("Oh, but you are Haseo. You are what remains.") She started walking toward Sion. "Anataha watashi kara watashi no jinsei wo totte iru. Anataha watashi no tamashii wo nusun da!" ("You have taken my life from me. You stole my very soul!")

    Sion was getting angry. "Watashi no namae ha Sion desu! Watashi ha aidea wodonoyou naanataga itsutte iru!" ("My name is Sion! And I have no idea what you're talking about!")

    The weapons floating around here began circling her. She smiled serenely at Sion, showing no anger, barely any emotion at all. "Ah watashi no aisu ru Haseo ha...hitsuyou ninarimasu. Jikan desubetewo rikai surutameni kuru." (Oh, my dear Haseo...you will. In time you will come to understand everything.")

    Sion tsked. He was about to say something else as she grabbed a one handed sword from her weapon whirlwind. She smiled again, and charged Sion.

    Sion brought out his gliched weapon. The twin blade guns, and prepared for battle.

    In an instant, she was upon him, preparing to slash his head clean off. He parried her first blow with his left blade, and countered with his right. A large spear came from behind her, and blocked his attack. He pulled the guns trigger and landed a hit on her. It barely did anything at all. She let go of the sword, and it joined the other weaponry in their tumult. She removed the scythe from her back, and placed it on the ground.

    She lifted her her hands in the air, and her weapons joined into one. A massive black and white rod. Sion could hear screams coming from it. It was horrifying. He pulled his guns up and shot every bullet he had. She blocked every one with her new weapon. She charged him again, and he ducked beneath her attack. He charged a shot from his guns and fired as she slashed down. She flew away from him, weapon still in hand. She rushed him again, and kept attacking until his hand were numb. He slashed as much as he could, but he couldn't hit her once.

    She brought her weapon up again, and he barely blocked the attack. He noticed that every hit he too, even though the blocked it, was causing constant pain. His character must be taking damage. He pushed her back and she stumbled. He took this opportunity.

    He jumped back, and shouted for his Avatar. "Come to me! SKEITH!!!" His voice echoed with power, as his body began to burn with adrenaline and his power increasing. He took on his powerful Avatar form.

    The girl smiled evily, and rose from the ground. She began floating, and rose until they were eye-to-eye. "Anataha Haseo desu. Haseo haanatagaarimasu. Watashi ha watashi no tamashii ninarimasu. Soshite, anatahadoremo watashi wo teishi shimasu." ("You are Haseo. Haseo is you. I will have my soul back. And no one will stop me.")

    "Dare jigoku anataha nande suka?!" ("Who the hell are you?!") Sion shouted.

    She silently contemplated the question, and smiled sweetly.

    "Watashi ha Aida." ("I am Aida.")

    Sion's eyes widened with surprise. This was Aida? No way!

    She took the rod, and pointed it at Sion.

    Quietly she said, "Data Drain." A massive red beam of light flew straight from the rod at Sion. He couldn't move or react it was so fast.

    When it hit, he couldn't breath. It was just darkness.

    .....beep beep beep beep beep

    He opened his eyes to his dark room, sunlight coming from the cracks in his window. He yawned and sat up. Just a dream... He got up, and started dressing for class.
    Last edited: May 21, 2010
  3. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    ({this post I will be controlling Lilly(aklaid) and Ryo (tachiro) together as will most all posts will be from now on.})

    Alkaid was about to say something to Salvatore when her phone back in the real world stated to ring. "Oh sorry I have to go my phone is ringing. But I'll be right back." she told him and quickly ran to the phone.

    back in the real world
    Lilly got to the phone at the last ring. "Hello? Yes this is Lilly Sanga. Yes...... yeah......Yes he is my fiancee. He what!? OH MY GOD!!!! Yes I'll be right down there! Ok thanks. Bye Doc." Lilly had tears running down her face as she hung up the phone. She typed a quick message to Salvatore , sent it logged out, and ran out the door.
    The message read I'm soo sorry I had to run to the hosipital! He woke up!! HE WOKE UP!!!! T_^

    Lilly ran staight for his room the doctor had just came out when she reached his door. "Go, go talk to him. He's been calling for you." She nodded and went to him and took his hand. "I'm here. You can stop calling for me now." she told him. He looked up at her and smilied. "Lilly. Its soo good to see you again. I've been dreaming about you the whole time." he smilied and kissed her hand. Tears streamed down Lilly's face, she missed his kisses. She was going to kiss him back when the doctor came back in. "Well things are looking good for you. We just go the results back from your tests and it looks like you will be free to go. I already had my nurses gather your things and and told your fiancee here to bring you some clothes to change into. So get dressed and I'll come back with your release forms. And let me tellyou its glad to see you awake, Mr. Tachibana." The doctor then turned and went out the door.

    Ryo got up and kissed Lilly on the cheek. "I'll take those and be right back." Lilly watched as he went into the bathroom to change. Then she got out her phone out and texted CC Corp telling them to release Ryo's character because he has woken up. CC Corp had been good to her and helped to pay Ryo's hosipital bills. They owed her and him for many things so it was the least they could do that and Lilly threatend to tell all the players what has realy been going on with 'the world'.

    Ryo came out just as the doctor came back with the forms. He filled them all out and handed them back to the doctor. "Alright! Lets say we get out of here, Lilly!" Ryo said bag slung over his sholder and hand held out for her. God she loved to hear him say her name. "Ok." she smilied and took his hand.

    They took a taxie home. When Lilly got home she noticed that she was still logged into 'the world'. "Oh shit! I forgot to turn off the computer! I was playing 'the world' Hang on a sec and I'll-" "No wait! Sit." Ryo said as he sat her back down. "I'll join you. Its been awhile since I played. I need to see if I can rember this." he said as he turned on his computer. "Wait, what do you mean? Are your memories gone?" "No no, just some memories about 'the world'. When I got PK'd things got all fuzzy. I think it has something to do with AIDA." "AIDA! Damn those bastards! Well lets log in and see how much you rember." Lilly said as they both logged in.

    back in 'the world'
    Alkaid noticed that she was no longer in Mac Anu but in the CC Corp building. "What the?! How did I get here." She saw a message on a bulliten board. It read: "Congratulations Tachibana!! We welcome you back!! May you and Alkaid continue playing and enjoying 'The World' Alkaid looked over and saw Tachibana lookig at her. "Well shall we?" He said as he reached out for her hand and led her out the door into the central plaza of Mac Anu. "Mmmm. It feels soo good to be back." Tachibana said as he streched out his arms. "Hey come on! Lets go test how much you rember!" Alkaid sai as she led him to a chaos gate, she was soo happy to have him back with her.
  4. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Level 28 1/3

    Karite just finished his edit and reposted the new guild description.

    The Fantomz: We're a guild for being the best. We don't care if your old or new. If you want to be the best then join up with other player like you. Join Fantomz and together we'll be the best in 'The World'!
    To join contact the GM Karite: e-mail ********

    Karite smiled as he saw his work. It may not have been musch but it was a clear signal. He wanted to take on the world and come out on top. In a way it was his own declaration of war, war against everyone that wasn't with him. He would become the best, be allied with the best, and would defeat the current best. Karite smiled and walked over to the Chaos Gate. If he was going to be the best, then he needed to level up.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Level Up. Adept Rouge Level 17 0/3

    Gerik had reached the 10th floor of this dungeon. Each enemy he slayed gave him only one experience point, and they were getting progressively stronger. Gerik wasn't sure how much longer he could take this. "I've gotta get out of here. But I haven't seen a warp point since the third floor. I'm too deep in to leave now. This dungeon has to have an exit." Gerik attacked another group of enemies.

    Their battle went on. Gerik would barely do any damage, while each hit would take away 20% of his HP. "Son of a b****. There is definantly something wrong with this area." Gerik tried using an item to leave the battle. Nothing would take effect. Gerik began hearing some high-pitched noise in his headphones. The enemies hit him again, paralyzing him. The noise got louder and louder. Gerik looked over his character. Lines began forming around him. "What the? What is this?" The lines got brighter and brighter.
  6. Karin

    Karin New Member

    Blade Brandier Level 1 1/3

    “Are you sure you want me to play?" asked Anzu

    Yeah of course i want you to play, it'll be fun and plus we can spend more time with each other than just over the lousy weekends , replied Amaya

    “Yeah i guess you’re right .But i haven't held a game controller let alone played a game since i was like 10."

    eh, all the more reason to play, besides with this game and playing alongside me, you'll be an expert in no time !!!, yelled Amaya through the mouth piece.

    Anzu cringed from the sudden noise. “jeez do you have to yell every time you get excited?"


    "THAT WAS SO NOT FUNNY!!" replied Anzu

    All Amaya could do was laugh, Well look who's yelling now?

    "Shut it, anyway ill play your game but there's one problem"

    and that would be? asked Amaya with little interest in her voice

    "i don't have the software, let alone the equipment to play it,,,"

    Nyaaa not to worry, i already bought the software and everything else and put it under your bed the last time i was over at your house.

    "You what?!,,"

    Haha sorry, no time to talk, just got an email from the game, just install it and meet me in front of the chaos gate, you can't miss it.. later sis.

    And at that the line went dead. “Chaos gate? What hell is that...Sigh* oh well, might as well go find out."
    Anzu hung the phone up and started to make some hot chocolate. While she waited she figured she go and retrieve the game from the depths of her bed. Haha, no wonder she managed to hide it from me. The underside of my beds a total mess. Anzu got the box from under her bed and decided to read the contents on the back. Then again, never mind, don't really have the time.
    She stood up, turned around and wiggled the mouse to awaken the computer it from being on standby. Alright, let’s get this over with.
    After going and waiting through the process for 5 minutes, she finally had it installed and gotten her hot chocolate. Anzu then opened up the second box and in there contained a set of goggle that had a muth piece connected to it, a game controller and the lastly, the instruction manual. psh, like im gonna waste my time reading that, this is probably just another hack and slash rpg or something. thought Anzu as she tossed the book back into the box and kicked it into a nearby corner.
    Anzu plugged the goggles, and the controller into her computer then promptly double-clicked on the game icon, then donning the goggles "The World" huh? that's a weird name for a game, oh well, guess it doesn't really matter. Anzu just pressed a random button on the controller and the screen turned blue for a second and then she was told to choose a job: wow, didn't think there would be so many different jobs for just a hack'n slash. Ummm, this one sounds cool, a Blade Brandier...idk guess I’ll just choose this one. Next she was asked to allocate points among physical, magical offense and defense. not really giving it much thought, Anzu just pt most of the points into physical strength but made sure to leave some for the other 2.
    Finally, she was asked to create a character name. ummm, Well it’s a girl..So I think im going to name her after my grandmother.

    And in that instant, Shizuko took her first steps upon the surface of "The World"
  7. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Karite-28 1/3 Virgo-14 1/3

    As Karite slashed through monster to monster he suddenly heard a small ping in his head. Once he finished off the monster before him he stopped. That ping meant an e-mail. So who is it? A few clicks later and the message was on his screen for him.

    GM of the Fantomz guild. I'd like to talk to you about your guild. If possible could you meet me at the fountain in Mac Anu in a few minutes?

    Karite smiled and sent a yes as his reply. Better finish up this dungeon.

    Sam was not nessecarily a new player to the world. He had played the original world game as a kid. But then school and family matters prevented him form playing again for years. Now, he finally had the option to play again and yet, his profile was gone. Gone, along with the rest of the world's original game data. So he had to start again. He figured he'd try the new adept rogue class because multiple weapons seemed like a neat idea. After a day of playing he was level fourteen and was now looking at guilds to join. What caught his eye was one titled Fantomz. They were aiming to be the best, which was nice because Sam had always loved playing the original world since he was one of the best arena fighters. So he sent a message to the guild master to ask about joining up. With his new profile Virgo, he was hoping to return to the arena champion status.
  8. OOC: I don't know what levels to but Xero and Mira on so I'll wait. I know what level Leo is though.

    IC: YouTube - .//Hack G.U. OST 08-Ancient City of Eternal-Mac Anu

    Walking side by side were two players each of the same age. Both were at the average age of the majority of players of "The World" and were very efficient players of the massive game. On the left was a Tribal Grappler with the User Name, Xero. On the right was a Blade Brandier named, Mira. Both in real life were together in a very passionate relationship and the two loved each other a great deal. Although they lived close to each other went to the same school they were usually separated from each other after school hours which why they picked up "The World" as it was the only other way they could actually keep their relationship going. Xero, looked to his right and smiled at Mira's avatar as it looked as beautiful as she was and thought to himself, I really couldn't have wanted anything as good as you, Mira... When she met his gaze he he blushed slightly and looked away. She got closer to him and leaned on him. Although he could not actually feel her on him, he felt it in his heart. He chuckled while she giggled as they passed Leonardo who was sitting quietly as the sun beamed down on Mac Anu. Leonardo saw them walk past him and sighed...If I could be with Heather right now...If only...
  9. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Karite 28 2/3 Virgo 14 2/3

    As Karite neared the fountain in Mac Anu he started looking around for anybody. There were tons of players but how was he supposed to know which one he had come to meet? "Are you Karite, GM of the guild Fantomz?" Karite spun around fast to see another player behind him, wearing mostly blue and white with a sword at his hip. Karite nodded and the user's face lit up. "Oh good, I was hoping I got it right. My name is Virgo and I'd like to join your guild." Karite nodded again and then did a quick status check and sighed.
    "Level requirement is at least fifteen." Karite said. Virgo looked down for a moment but then had an idea.
    "Then how about we go complete a level together? It'll get me to level up and you'll get to decide if you want me to join your guild." Karite smiled and nodded. He sent a party invite and then started walking for towards the chaos gate.
  10. Karin

    Karin New Member

    Blade Brandier Level 1 2/3....Tribal Grappler Level 35 1/3

    Whoa...this is.."The World"?! Anzu couldn’t believe this, that this was a game. It looked to real to be a game. She just stood there transfixed by the scenery. Anzu stood along a canal; the setting sun turned its waters a fiery orange putting Anzu into a sort of trance like state. Brick stone houses and shops lined the canal. She continued to look around and noticed all the animated characters having private conversations with others. Some stopped and looked towards her glaring. Anzu quickly looked away. Jeez, no need to get mad. Just looking around.
    Anzu lightly tapped the left directional button on the controller and slowly turned around to find out what was the source of the whooshing noise that had been bugging her for the last good minute.
    “What the..What is that?!" asked Anzu aloud.

    "That there is a chaos Gate. The method of transportation in and out of various fields and towns." replied a sudden feminine voice.

    "Oh..That what it is..." it shimmered with a golden hue. "Wait what?!, who..? And at the sudden realization that somebody was behind her, Anzu jumped and quickly turned around to face the mystery person.
    It was a girl..Well girl was more of an understatement. She was built more like a young adult. Brown hair braided down the back, she wore a black outfit that covered only about half her body, she had strange markings all down her arm and who knows where else and for some odd reason she carried a lantern. She just stood there like she was studying her. It unnerved Anzu.

    okay this is weird. Guess i better say something.
    Just as Anzu was going to speak, the mystery girl spoke:

    "Anzu?!..is that you?"

    "Ummm...Amaya??..."Asked Anzu, ready to shut her computer off if it turned out to be a stalker.

    "Nyaaa, Anzuuuuu!!!, finally! You don’t know how many people I’ve asked thinking they were you." Amaya laughed. "Hm so you chose a Blade Brandier huh? Nice, it suits you." replied Amaya with an approving grin.

    Anzu just stood there, trying to get over the shock. This was the world? And the person in front of me is my little sister?! Another minute passed before she was brought back to the game by her sister’s voice.

    "So, what do ya think? Pretty cool huh" as Amaya was waving her hand around indicating she was referring to the world.

    "It’s really impressive. Not really what i was expecting Amaya"

    "Glad you like it, but i need you to know one thing. In the game, my name is Suki." informed Suki with a bow.

    "Ok and mine's Shizuko." Shizuko tried to bow but realized the only thing she knew how to do was turn and look around.

    "Um sis?"


    "Can you teach me how to move?! Yelled Shizuko. Suki just laughed. "Ok, sure thing but were going to need to exchange member addresses first. Member what? Haha guess I should’ve read the book after all. hm i guess I’ll do it later. Suddenly a screen appeared in her window.

    Suki >> Wishes to form a party!

    Shizuko entered the party.

    "Set your voice to party mode"

    "Um..Alright", not really sure what else what to do Shizuko just obeyed.
    After roughly an hour of instruction time, Shizuko was walking, clumsily, through the town and back up to the chaos gate to just get the feel of the controls. Shizuko was about to speak before Suki interrupted her.

    "So you think you’re ready?"

    "Um, ready for what?" asked Shizuko, kindly fearing what her sister had planned.

    Suki just giggled and said. "You'll see." as she was dragging her up to the Chaos Gate.
  11. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Karite 28 3/3 Virgo 14 3/3 Level up! Now 29 and 15!

    As they entered the Chaos Gate, the two found themselves at a moonlit field. "Okay, the objective is to open the temple doors by finding three keys. Hopefully I'll gain a few levels so I can join the guild." Virgo said as he pulled out his sword. Karite sighed but then started to walk ahead and look for enemies. He knew that enemies guarded the chests that held the three keys, so enemies were what to look for. He also figured he'd complete some more for the Book of 1000 and help rank up the guild. Virgo followed, looking out for any signs of monsteers or other players. After a few minutes, they spotted a group of enemies circling a chest. Before warning Virgo, Karite ran in and attacked.
    "Heavenly Wheel!" He yelled, launching the special an knocking the enemies down. Virgo quickly leapt into and slashed at them, keeping a couple of them down. The two fought and made short work of the monsters. "Good job." Karite said as he kicked open the chest and pulled out a singal gold key.
    "No problem." Virgo said. "So we got do this at least two more times?" Karite nodded. "Well then let's go."
  12. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Adept Rouge Level 17 1/3

    Gerik fell down to his knees, not understanding what was happening to him. The area around him changed. He was no longer in the dungeon. Gerik was in a completely different area. It looked like there was no ground, and that it stretched on for infinity. "I have found you." A voice echoed out to Gerik. He looked around. Behind him he found the source of the voice. It was his Epitaph, Fidchell the Prophet. Gerik's PC entered his Avatar form.

    He turned to face the enemies he was fighting. They were replaced by black dots. <AIDA> Anna, the basic form of AIDA, was in front of Gerik. He knew what he had to do.
  13. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Admin Adept Rogue lvl 20 (2/3)

    Alone in Mac Anu, Salvatore wasn't competely sure what he should do next. Leveling was always an option, but after failing to recruit any members for the guild he and Gerik had started he didn't feel up to it. Sure he had come close to getting that Alkaid girl join, but at the last minute she ran out and left him with a single (though excited) message.

    What ever her reason, the wake left Hibari disheartened. Once again he couldn't help but see Salvatore sitting alone and think of himself. Why does it always come back around to me being alone? Just when I thought I was getting friends and starting a guild...

    The wind rolled over the water's surface, shattering any attempt for a calm balance. At that moment he would have liked nothing better than to see calm waters. "Hardcore grinding... something to always get your mind off its troubles."

    Rising to his feet, Salvatore turned his back to the bridge and made a brisk walk for the Chaos Gate. Without really choosing his words with care, Hibari set out to a field that would be something of a challenge.

    Cruel Vindictive Scars.

    A dark sky overhead threatened to drench any player who set foot onto the hardpan of such a desolate place. Towering rock formations stretched towards that darkened sky, almost as though the ground was begging it to rain mercy on the lifeless place.

    Without really thinking about what he needed to do, Hibari sent Salvatore out on a monster hunt. It was time to do some level grinding.

    Pulling his hand away from the controller, Hibari rubbed at one of his temples. His head was beginning to hurt.
  14. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    Alkaid twin blade level 19/ Tachiro flick reaper cc corp admin

    'Oh yeah! Alkaid thought as she leading Tachiro to the chaos gate. "Hey Tachiro there is some one I would like you to meet. His name is Salvatore and he is a level 20 Adept Rogue. He also has a guild and wants me to join, I was about to say yes when I got that phone call. So what do you say to joining up also?"

    Tachiro thought about it for awhile. "Ok why not. I do need to get myself back up to par. So lets go meet this guy."
    Alkaid smilied as she took his hand and led him to the fountian where she left Salvatore. But when they got there he was no where to be seen. "Hmm thats odd, well he must have gotten tired of waiting around. I'll just send him a quick message and tell him that we are here." Alkaid said as she sat down to send her message.

    It read like this:Hey Salvatore! Sorry that I rushed off but hey I have you another person to join your guild! We will be waiting for you at the fountian in Mac Anu. Take your time, we'll be fine that and I need to do some shoping. ~~Alkaid

    "I hpoe he gets it soon." "Me too." Alkaid said as she moved closer to Tachiro.
  15. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Admin Adept Rogue lvl 20 (3/3)

    Resting the barrel of his steam gun against his shoulder, Salvatore paused as the latest of his enemies fell to his new-found might.

    A message?

    Viewing it rather quickly, Salvatore sighed. He had hoped to get higher with his leveling before he turned back, but it looked as though that would have to wait for another day.

    Turning and heading back towards the Chaos Gate, Salvatore stopped and looked back over the barren earth he had been traversing. Now and again he thought he saw someone moving among the boulders, or further out into the desert land, but he hadn't come across anyone.

    Shaking away his thoughts, the adept rogue sprinted back to the gate. Ready to go back to Mac Anu.

    The normal teem of life went on with its normal activity. Both at the gate, and back in the market. When he arrived at the fountain, he didn't see Alkaid. She had said that she needed to do some shopping, so she was somewhere in the district. Once again Salvatore the adept rogue was playing the waiting game.
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Adept Rouge Level 17 2/3

    The AIDA shot small energy blasts at Gerik. He was able to teleport away from the attacks. "What attacks can I do?" He murmured to himself, grinning from what was going on. Gerik didn't know, but he thought it was really cool. Probably some special event for sticking in this dungeon for so long. He shot some energy blasts back at the AIDA. They were like darts. The AIDA shirked in pain and tried fleeing. Gerik kept on shooting the energy blasts at the AIDA.

    It became paralyzed. Gerik found out he could do another attack. Spinning Death. He conjured up a spinning blade and threw it at the AIDA. The attack put the AIDA into Protect Break.

    The four disks floating around Fidchell moved around, one above him, one to each side, and one below him. Hexagon patterns formed between them, and a giant Data Drain cannon formed. Gerik shot the Data Drain blast at the AIDA, defeating it.
  17. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    Alkaid tein blade/Tachiro flick reaper cc corp admin

    "Oh come on hurry up! I can see Salvatore, he's waiting for us!!" Alkaid said to Tachiro. She had gotten her shopping done and was waiting for Tachiro, he couldn't make up his mind on how many speed charms he wanted. "Thats it!" she said as she started to drag him along.

    "Hey! What's the rush!?" Tachiro said.
    "JUst hush and come! HEY! Salvatore! Over here!" Alkais waved as she and Tachiro walked over to him. "Sorry that I just ran off before. OH and by the way this is Tachiro."
    "Hello and nice to meet you." Tachiro said as he held out his hand to Salvatore.
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