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What you hated about Kingdom Hearts 2

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Goldfish, Jul 12, 2009.

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  1. Ace_of_Hearts

    Ace_of_Hearts New Member

    Kingdom Hearts 2 was wayyy to easy and short. Also some of the cut scenes were so over the top. That being said one of firends has yet to finish the game.
  2. Veldin

    Veldin New Member

    in Kingdom Hearts 2 there is no roll ability
  3. _Roxas_

    _Roxas_ New Member

    they killed Roxas and Axel -.-
  4. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Axel may not be dead. He could have just as easily pulled a second act like he did in kh com, recom. After all, his vanishing certainly looked real enough in re:com, but he didn't.
  5. Lanasende

    Lanasende New Member

    Yeah, but in Proof of Existence we can see that Axel's portal is red, which means that he's dead (only Roxas' one was still blue).
  6. queer

    queer New Member

    my only beef with kh2 was that u didnt get to go back to destiny islands
  7. Tsukiyo

    Tsukiyo New Member

    They took away my roll :(

    Also the reaction command made it way easier, which is both good and bad for me. Seems to me that they made the game more "kid friendly" and easier.
  8. Dragoon9108

    Dragoon9108 New Member

    I hate that you can only fight Sephiroth once.
  9. Soopaweirdo

    Soopaweirdo New Member

    The original poster pretty much hit the nail on the head here. It's not very challenging unless you decide to be presumptuous and make your own challenges for yourself.

    I also thought that some members of Organization XIII didn't have too much light shed on their characters and that they had fairly minor appearances.
  10. Roxosity99

    Roxosity99 New Member

    The ONLY thing i didn't like about the game is the there was no dodge roll, thats about it, well maybe also that you could only synch blade(dual wield) when it a drive form or as Roxas at his full ability, it woulda been great to do it at anytime.
  11. Marquis

    Marquis New Member

    1. too damn easy...
    2. no Soul Eater...(i mean the keyblade Dark Riku had in KH1)
    3. THAT BLOOMIN' POSTER DUTY MISSION!!! REALLY?!? 30SEC?!? *calms down*
    4. Kairi & Mickey not able to be party members (excluding the ko'd Sora bit)
    5. can't fight ALL the members of Org. XIII (wish i had Final Mix...)
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