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Hey, i'm new :]

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Liane, Jun 20, 2010.

  1. Liane

    Liane New Member

    Hey, i'm Liane (if your wondering how to pronouce my name, its exactly the same as Leanne, just weirder :])

    I live in England, I haven't really been playing KH for long, my first game was 358/2 days so surely that proves that i'm abit behind on the whole stroy of kingdom hearts, i've recently (and i mean a couple of days ago) completed KH2. The right order for playing the games is really messy for me :)

    I'm planning on getting KH1 very soon, so hopefully that will clear up a few question marks for me (I don't want to ask any questions on here, i'd just prefer to play the game, incase anyone wanted to help me with my 'question marks').

    My favourite male character, (in the games that i've played) well it used to be Roxas then I saw more of Axel and then in KH2 Axel died because of Roxas so now, I hate Roxas lol and for the male its Axel, he just made both the stories 100% more entertaining, in my opinion
    My favourite female character is Namine, don't really see much of her as you do with the other characters, but still.. oh I dunno, i just like her ok?! lol

    Oh, and by the way incase you haven't noticed. I often put alot of detail into my posts, so most of them, i imagine will be long - sorry! :)

    Edit: Oh and when i say, i 'hate' Roxas, i think i ight have been over reacting a slight bit there XD I enjoy playing as him than Sora however i do hate the fact that Axel died for him
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2010
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Welcome to the forums. Read/follow the rules and have a nice time here.
  3. Imsnooin

    Imsnooin New Member

    I like you already :)
    Nice too meet you.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Wow long story, no worries you're justing playing Kingdom Hearts like they released all the Star Wars movies.

    Hey there! Welcome to the site, I'm Dawn. Make sure you check out the FAQs and the rules. If you need any help feel free to PM/ VM me. I hope to see you active on the site! :)
  5. lyndsie

    lyndsie New Member

    Welcome newcomer :)
    I am Lyndsie,nice to meet you.
  6. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Awesome introduction and welcome to the forums. If you need any help contact me or another staff member. :D Hope you have fun.
  7. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    I like long introductions. Welcome to the site, I'm Kyuu and I hope you'll have nice time. Follow the rules.
    See ya~
  8. Liane

    Liane New Member

    Thank you :)

    :D Nice to meet you too :)
    I know - sorry! As i said, i often put loads of detail into my posts, i do it on english exams aswell XD

    Hey, thankss :)

    Thank youuuu

    Thank you, i plan to (follow the rules) :)
  9. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Welcome to the forums!
  10. fishy smells

    fishy smells Member

    That part was sad... But nice to meet you!
  11. keybladeweilder

    keybladeweilder New Member

    Welcome, new person! I'm Keybladeweilder, I'm weird(Watch out!).
  12. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Good post is good. Detailed posts are great. Do not really enjoy those "Hey I'm new" and period ones, so great job.
    See you around.

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