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Why Kingdom Hearts?

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Kitty, Jan 21, 2010.


    XEHALEKS New Member

    that frend was me, and u shouldnt doubt me, i was right with everything i sed so far ryt, so just pay attention and follow da leader
  2. finalblackmage

    finalblackmage New Member

    I really really love Disney and at the time I was just getting into FF. When I heard about the combination I thought it sounded really cool.
  3. Ihtesam

    Ihtesam New Member

    Well, I like it because there isn't any racial/stereotype things in the game, I'm muslim, Islam and nothing is bad, also the story is just amazing, some people I know told me how good Kingdom Heart was and that they couldn't let of the controller, so I was like hmm, I might give it a shot.
  4. lyndsie

    lyndsie New Member

    My best guy friend was raving about it because one of his cousins was always playing,he got hooked,and he told me it contained a mixture of classic disney movies and then i was sold,but it wasn't just the disney part that is awesome,i love a game with a good,deep story,so kingdom hearts definetley wins my vote :)
  5. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    I have always know about kingdom hearts, but never played it.
    So I was talking with my friend one day, and we got on the conversation.
    He loved the game and was explaining why.
    So I said next time I go to Gamestop I'll get the first and try it.
    I took it home, and literally played it for hours!
    I could not get enough of the game, and I've been a fan since!
  6. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I loved Kingdom Hearts because of its amazing story and excellent use of both Square and Disney franchises.
  7. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    All honestly FF made me go get Kingdom Hearts, If I never played a Final Fantasy game, I would have never really even heard about Square or been here at the forums.... I fell in love with the game within one day.. The story, the characters, the way it was made into Disney and everything like that.. Plus I was a kid at the time, of course I was gonna love that with everything I had.
  8. Arnheln

    Arnheln New Member

    Your Dad's weird. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.
  9. Kit

    Kit New Member

    I saw the trailer on my sister's VHS copy of Disney's House of Villains. As soon as I saw it, I thought it looked awesome. It wasn't for another few months that I actually got to play the game. I was at my uncle's house and he had rented it from blockbuster, so I went ahead and tried it out. I immediately fell in love. When I got home, I went and rented the game from blockbuster. Over and over. Finally, I found it at Wal-Mart for $20. From then on it was mine...my very own...my precious...
  10. Terra

    Terra (Previously RoxasXRiku)

    Pretty plain and simple, saw a commercial for it on TV one day, thought it looked pretty B.A., asked for it for my next birthday, got it, and the rest was history.
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I was just in third grade and my mom was getting my brother and I a PS2 and wanted a game that a 9 year old could play and have fun with and enjoy it. My mom then bought it.

    My brother loved the game but when I first played it, I hated it. I didn't touch it again for a long time

    2 years later, compeltely forgetting I had this game, I was sent down to the basement to choose stuff for a garage sale. I stumbled accross this game and popped it into the ps2 and started playing it where my brother quit playing it, which wasn't very far at all it was like at Tarzan or something.

    I started playing it and in a matter of like 20 minutes I was hooked.

    I restarted a new game a few months later on TV, shortly after I beat the game I saw advertisement for Kingdom Hearts 2, I asked my mom to get it and it ended up being in my easter basket.

    I sped through KH2 quickly and then got CoM, hated that game and put it away and just kept replaying KH2.
  12. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I got by ps2 when I was five. KH, Basketball, and Frogger were the three games I got for christmas. I poped in KH and played for a bit but gave up when I couldn't find the eagle shell!!!! May I remind you I was five. I came back to it when I was about nine, but not to KH, to KH2 I noticed it in a blockbuster and rented it. It was sooo much fun but I had to return it in a week and I was soooo dissapointed. But my b day was coming up and I was going to get it then. But my kh playing didn't have to be at rest until then I played KH1 a ton those 4 or 5 months till my birthday. then KH2 came along and i couldn't stop playing it. I was hooked. Me and my friends played all through the night trying to beat it in the fastest time possible.(thats were I got the 22 times of beating kh2...about to be 23 btw) Then I beat it and got com for my little gba, i was about 10. I didn't like it as much as the other games but it had a nice story and I could take it on the go so I played it just for fun. It took about a year to beat for me because I was soo on and off with playing it. Then When I was 11 i got back to KH1 FINNALY!!!! I made my whay all the way to the second riku battle in hollow bastion. Then we moved.....I lost the memory card that the file was on and I was pissssseeeeddddd! I didnt' play the game until about a week ago and I finnaly beat it! after around 9 years of having KH1 I beat it!!!!! O ya and I did play Re com somewere in between.
  13. Marquis

    Marquis New Member

    I saw a kid beating monsters senseless with a giant key, I was instantly hooked...
  14. SeriouslyWicced

    SeriouslyWicced New Member

    For me, I've been a FF fan since I was a wee git, my big bro has gotten me into a lot of my games and just rpg's in general...anyways I saw him playing KHI when I was about 15/16 I think, and I know he has good game tastes so of course had to try it. I loved it but he was borrowing it from someone so I never got the chance to play it too much ((because he wouldn't stay off of it for long haha)) soon forgot about it. Couple yrs later when I was 18 my roommate had KHII and I was home alone bored one day popped it in then never stopped. The next day I went out and bought KHI and played that after I beat II, then I finally understood the storyline of and of course had to beat II again >_< so now on and on the cycle continues and I just can't get enough hehe
  15. Metallicat180

    Metallicat180 New Member

    I am a HUGE fan of Final Fantasy VII and browsing through cosplay pics on deviantART, I kept seeing KH pics too - particularly of some guy called Axel, who was not unlike Reno who I adore! So I read a bit more about the game and found out that there were a few character from FF VII in the actual game so I had to buy it and see what it was all about. The first one, I wasn't hugely taken with but when I got into the character of Organization XIII and starting playing KH 2, that was it for me! I was sold!
  16. Raven

    Raven New Member

    I was in the fifth grade when I saw the commercial for Kingdom Hearts - my family and I was sitting eating dinner with the TV on because of lack of conversation. I was hardly familiar with anything relating to Squaresoft (I miss them DX) at the time, so when I so a kid running around hitting things with the assistance of Donal and Goofy, I honestly thought the concept was stupid. That was until I saw the kid fighting with Aladdin and Peter Pan, beating up Captain Hook with Peter Pan. I dropped the fork I was holding onto the floor - my mom yelled at me of course - and I told her I wanted that game!

    A little over a week later my mom surprised me with Kingdom Hearts saying it was the last in the store. I didn't care for that of course, so long as I got it! I played obsessively that night into the weekend. I love playing in the Agrabah level.

    EDIT: I found the commercial! XD

    YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Commercial - [Widescreen]
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2010
  17. jjas132

    jjas132 New Member

    Actually, when I saw the commercial for this game, I thought it looked stupid. "Who would play that?" But one Christmas my aunt got it for me, and now its my favorite game. =D
  18. well for me this was at least 7 years ago my older brother was playing this game (Kingdom Hearts) i wondered what was it about so i played it but then i got in to it then i got Chain Of Memories and it goes on
  19. ace

    ace New Member

    Well being new here this is kinda just wingin it so sorry if it's not up to par.
    I came home one day from school and my step dad had his cuzin and his family over, so i went to talk their son and he was playing KH. I asked him what it was about and he let me watch him play. I quickly thought that it was a very interesting game being the fact that I love Disney. Plus the world that he was currently playing when I approched him was Halloween Town. The Nightmare Before Christmas is my fav. movie of all time so I noticed Jack Skellington right away and fell in love with the game.
  20. iAqua

    iAqua New Member

    I don't remember how old I was when I first saw Kingdom Hearts. All I know is that it was some time ago, and when I heard there were Disney characters in it as well, I was like 'cool'... But I guess I didn't get the PS2 ever, so, there goes the chance. But I did get a PSP later on at some point...

    And well, later, decided I might as well try Birth By Sleep. That was quite some time back too anyway, January? Oh well. :\

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