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Keyblade Combinations

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Reonarudo Butsuchiru, Apr 23, 2010.

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  1. With Kingdom Hearts 2 and it's ability to allow you to wield two Keyblades in a Drive Form (not counting Anti Form), you're able to choose which Keyblade goes for what Drive Form. In your post, describe, discuss and explain what and why you used the Keyblades you did.

    Valor Form
    1. Fenrir
    I used Fenrir because it has the highest attack while having a quick end to combos with Negative Combo.
    2. Sleeping Lion
    While being a great source of power it would also add more to my combos with it's combo puls feature :3

    Wisdom Form
    1. Ultima Weapon
    Using this Keyblade was awesome for me because of it's MP Hastega so I was able to cast strong spells with a KEyblade with the highest Magic rating while having its physical power (shooting) amplified by its already high attack.

    Master Form
    1. Follow the Wind
    Having this allowed me to draw in the Drive Orbs I would to help level it while it had a pretty balanced attack and magic level.
    2. Star Seeker
    Air Combo Plus was a plus XD.

    Final Form
    1. Fenrir
    This was a devastating weapon to use when I was in this form. High attack was got boosted was just sensational.
    2. Ultima Weapon
    While still keeping it's high attack rating it gave me some extra jucie with my magic attacks.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I never really thought too much about which keyblades I equipped. I'm a whore for collecting items, so Sora almost always (unless I was in a tournament) had Sweet Memories equipped normally. I only really drived when I was leveling up, so the keyblades I used weren't usually the best, or the most useful given the form.

    With Valor, I used Sweet Memories and Sleeping Lion most of the time. Replace Sleeping Lion with Ultima Weapon at the end of the game. I just picked whichever had the strongest attack at the time.

    With Wisdom, I used Bond of Flame. Casting Firaga was the easiest way I found to level this one up.

    With Master, I used Sweet Memories and Follow the Wind (for the draw ability).

    And with Final, I think I most often use Sweet Memories and Bond of Flame, for the same reason as Wisdom. Maybe Ultima Weapon, too.
  3. You just love Sweet Memories don't you?
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Did the fact that I said I'm an item whore and used Sweet Memories all the time give it away?
  5. I wouldn't see an item whore using Sweet Memories though :-/
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Lucky Lucky increases the drop rate of items. That's the only thing Sweet Memories has going for it. *facepalm*
  7. Oh, oops. I forgot about that.
  8. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    well i always used the Ultima once i got it, until i did though i used Oblivion.
    so here's how my weapons played out.

    Normal/Wisdom: Oblivion until I had Ultima
    Valor: Decisive Pumpkin until I had Fenrir, then Fenrir all the way.
    Master: Sleeping Lion until I had Ultima, then this is where Oblivion went.
    Final: Oathkeeper, no other option
  9. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Normal- Kingdom Key ( I used it the whole game, when sora wasn't in any drive forms)
    Valor- Oathkeeper and Oblivion, why? I don't fucking know i just did it
    Wisdom-Starseeker. Why? because it's blue and has stars
    Master-(Bond of Fire and Fenrir)
    Final- Ultima Weapon and The mulan one..
  10. The Mulan one is Dragon's Flame or something like that. That was good for MP Rage but I didn't need it because I wasn't getting hit all the time :p
  11. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Normal - Kingdom Key (I use it as my base keyblade always, even in drives)
    Valor - Kingdom Key + Fenrir
    Wisdom - Kingdom Key
    Master - Kingdom Key + Oathkeeper
    Final - Kingdom Key + Ultima Weapon
  12. Phox

    Phox New Member

    I use Kingdom Key all the time. Even during tournaments where i'm underleveled and even when i took on Sephiroth at level 35 :p Anyways, here's the stats...

    Valor - Kingdom Key and Sleeping Lion, why? who cares? it's leon's, it's awesome by default
    Wisdom - obvious :p
    Master - Kingdom Key and Hero's Crest, Hero's Crest just to make those powerful aerial finishers even more powerful. (Note: Reflect and magnet are way too hax in this form :p)
    Final - Kingdom Key and Oathkeeper, Oathkeeper because it's an awesome keyblade and it even has an awesome ability that allows for longer Form time :p
  13. Lanasende

    Lanasende New Member

    aw, I never thought about it in this way - I just equipped mu favourite ones |D Besides, I didn't even I can equip those as my current weapon, so first time I get through whole game using Kingdom Key XD

    Default - Ultima Weapon. It's the best Keyblade in my oppinion. Great strength and well-balanced magic plus MP Hastega makes it very powerful and useful as well.

    Valor - Ultima, of course, plus Fenrir - it's strength is the best for physical attacks, so it's the best choice for this form.

    Wisdom - Ultima Weapon. Because of MP Hastega.

    Master - Ultima Weapon and Sleeping Lion. I dunno why, it just looks cool |D

    Final - When I'm going to use this form, I always change Ultima for Oathkeeper. And I also add Oblivion. Those two looks just hilarious in Final Form~
  14. Kit

    Kit New Member

    Default: One of the "Storyline" Keyblades. Namely, Keyblades that have appeared officially in the storyline in some way, shape, or form (ex: Kingdom Key, Oathkeeper, Oblivion).
    Valor: "Storyline" Keyblade + Sleeping Lion (no need to worry about magic, so high strength stats are a must)
    Wisdom: Same as default. I don't change Keyblades for Wisdom form, though I probably should...
    Master: "Storyline" Keyblade + Rumbling Rose (decent strength and magic balance)
    Final: "Storyline" Keyblade + Ultima Weapon OR Fenrir (Depends on pre- or post- Sephiroth)
  15. You do know that there are stronger aerial finish Keyblades right, Phox?
  16. Tntk_2

    Tntk_2 New Member

    Normal: Oathkeeper - It increases every drive forms length.
    Valor: Oathkeeper+Fenrir - Most powerful offensive blade, form boost ability.
    Wisdom: Oathkeeper - Duh.
    Master: Oathkeeper+Ultima Weapon - Master has stronger magic than Final, so MP Hastega goes here.
    Final: Oathkeeper+Oblivion - It's awesome. Final is plenty strong, so might as well make it look cooler.

    Training blades
    Normal: Oathkeeper - Form Boost
    Valor: Sweet Memories+Hidden Dragon - More hits = More experience.
    Wisdom: Ultima weapon/something MP based. - faster MP charge, and Magnega owns in this form.
    Master: Wishing lamp+Oathkeeper - More Drive orbs dropped. Jackpot helps too.
    Final: Ultima+Oathkeeper - Strength and form boost.
  17. Namine Lonsinger

    Namine Lonsinger New Member

    Did you hear about a keyblade called the x-blade???
    it is the only keyblade that can open kingdom hearts :)
  18. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Please do not post in threads that have been inactive for more than a month. Thank you.

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