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Ask us anything

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Chocobo Dyl, Feb 6, 2009.

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  1. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Hey guys, I don't know if I'm actually allowed to make this thread,with it been in the rules and FAQ and all,but this thread is to ask anything. This isn't just to noobs,but if you have any questions that are related to these forums,just ask. After you ask,a respected member (like myself,kupo,kairi star) will answer your question.

    So I'll start this off as well as give an example.

    Q: Am I actually allowed to post this?
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    A: Anything to help the site out is allowed. In fact, I think this is a great idea. Make sure you get kupo to sticky.
  3. Trexsaj

    Trexsaj New Member

    what is rep power? and how do you get it?

    I think I just found out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2010
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    A: 1.) Read the rules and FAQs, a lot of your questions will be answered there
    2.)don't double post please, it's against the rules
    3.) this thread is old so don't bump, but I think since this was sticky(I believe, forgot to check) it can probably slide but remeber that for the future
    4.) ACTUAL ANSWER- Rep power is when you get awarded by other members with special points for maybe helping them, a funny comment, or something a long those lines. They can be reqarded positivively or nagatively(and I'm totally failing at English right now >.<) The rep power though really just recognizes how special you are on the forum basically.
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