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Kingdom Hearts:Unchained

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Saffire, Feb 14, 2008.

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  1. Saffire

    Saffire New Member

    This will take place 23 years after kingdom hearts 2.anyone who wants to be in it can make a new character(s).you can make up to 3,at the most.just fill this out,and once we have enough people we can start.one person's character can be related to another person's character....only if both people agree to it though..

    Looks(eyes and hair):

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________
    here is my character
    Looks:black hair to mid-waist(always up),blue eyes.
    Past:she has lived on destiny island since she was born.
    Family:Sora and kairi are her parents
    personality:sweet,kind,caring,outgoing,always there for her friends,can be vary quiet at times
    World: Destiny Islands

    i hope people join!
  2. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    COOL IDEA!!!!! Anyhoo here is my character.

    Name: Jake Kolson

    Age: 19

    Weapon: Rapier (The Divine Ending (Rapier Keyblade))

    Position: Warrior/Wanderer

    Race: Human

    Forms: Divine/Final

    Abilities: Charge/Final Slash/Manipulate/Guardian Summon

    Charge: Adds 5% energy to charge gauge each use. Other Abilities can add energy to charge bu this is the easiest. Charge lets you use special abilities and attacks as well as forms and summoning spells.

    Final Slash: When the charge guage is at 75% and the enemyys hp is 25% this attack can be used to defeat or kill the opponent.

    Manipulate: Allows user to move anyy element in any way he chooses takes 2% charge.

    Guardian Summon: Allows him to summon his guardian spirit into battle or merge with it. Takes 90% cahrge energy and other requirments. (see spells)

    Magic LVL:19 Magic Points 100

    Hp: 130

    Defence LVL: 9

    Attack LVL: 10


    Spells: Flame/Blast/Full Restoration/Summon/Pierce/Time Wander/Teleport

    Flame:Fires a burst of flame to hurt the enemy. 5mp

    Blast:Creates a huge shock wave in a 20 meter radius. 20mp

    Full Restoration:Fully heals target except for mp. 10mp

    Summon:Summons spirit guardian (Drago) To aid him in battle. 50mp plus other requirments

    Pierce:Fires a energy ball at high speed to pierce target. Because of it's nature not much stops it so it can hit multiple enemys. 10mp plus 5mp to bend attack.

    Time Wander:Allows him to see into the past in a specific area. Range is a 100 meter radius. 9mp

    Teleport:Move to any place he likes so long as he has been there. 20mp

    History: After seeing soldiers attack and kill innocent people he decided to go and stop evil in the world. That was when he was 9 and he still does though he is wise enough to know that destroying evil is a task beyond him.
    He can be seen as a man who dislikes people that act foolishly but he always lets enemys surrender before a fight breaks out. He is currently searching for a man that controls a country filled with hardship caused by the tirant.

    Emotions: If you didn't know better this man would not have emotions. He is very guarded about what he reveals about himself. His background is very sketchy and you won't get much about his travels from him.
  3. Axel

    Axel New Member

    oh yaya! :D

    Name: Lexa
    Age: 13
    Looks(eyes and hair): has purple eyes, short spiky red, blonde, brown and pink hair. Lexa wears a pair of skater pants with many chains on them and a black tanktop with a nobody sign on it. She also has many earrings, a chocker with a small charkram on it, and a pair of Roxas's shoes.
    Past: When Lexa was little she remembers coming out of no where. A group of people took her into their arms but now they've disappered. Now she lives a quite life.

    Family: unknown. But remembers a redheaded brother
    Weapon: a pair of purple and black charkrams
    Personality: is always thinking, loves to explore, doesn't talk much, and is careing
    World: Twilight Town
  4. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >So when do we start?<
  5. Luke

    Luke Member

    Name: Prometheus
    Looks(eyes and hair):has gray and yellow eyes, dark purple and black hair that covers most of face. Usually wears a black cloak, when not he is wearing a black shirt and black pants.
    Past:Has no recollection
    Background:Has no recollection
    Family:None( unknown)
    personality: Distant, untrusting.
    World:Radiant Garden
  6. boo_baby2012

    boo_baby2012 New Member

    >May i join?<
    Name: Namine
    Age: 16
    Looks(eyes and hair): She has blonde hair. She has light blue eyes. Her eyes are aqua. Her hair is as long to her lower back.
    Past: She can not remember her past because someone brain washed her 3 years back when she was trying to complet a mission. So try not to bring that up.
    Background: She doesn't have a background that she can remember.
    Family: She lost her family 5 years ago. Due to a assassin coming into her house.
    weapon: She has a long sword called Sephloss.
    personality: She is very kind and loving but intill one of her friends gets hurt or bushed around she is very violent and demanding. But all to gether she is a great person.
    World: Halloween Town
  7. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    >me too?<
    Ginji's profile
    Name: Ginji Midou
    Gender: male
    Age: 15
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 172 lbs.
    Race: Human
    Position: None
    Job: GetBacker
    Family: parents are Ginji Amano's great-granddaughter(mom) and Ban Midou's great-grandson(dad)
    Weapon: hands, feet, eyes. will get a keyblade later
    Abilites: jumping and rolling
    lvl. 31
    health: 127
    Appearance: Blonde(from mom's side) with unique brown eyes(from dad's side). wears normal clothes.
    Personality: Happy, cheerful, and naive.
    History: none
    World: Destiny Island(grandparents moved from japan to another world..... somehow)
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2008
  8. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I think our host is refusing to start. Are you still there or are you dead as a doornail?
  9. DeDeDee

    DeDeDee New Member

    Name: Zero
    Age: Unknown,probably mid 20s
    Looks(eyes and hair): Bright red armour.Has long Blond Hair.Male.Armour resembles that of what many S.O.L.D.I.E.R. members used to wear.White skin.
    Past: Saved a few lived here and there.Never actually talks about his past.Something terrible must have happened

    Family: Unknown
    Weapon: Long High tech keyblade
    Personality: Quiet,tough,always looking to the future.Short Temper.
    World: Unknown.Nomad
  10. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    >Ooh may I join<
    Name: Alexander Silver
    Age: 500 but looks about 18
    Looks(eyes and hair): Look to profile
    Past: Look to profile

    Family: Unknown
    Weapon: Guns, duel swords, Keyblades.
    Personality: He's quiet some of the times but enjoys running around and trying new things.
    World: Unknown
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2008
  11. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    i agree with zerieth. this might as well be a second profile maker.
  12. Axel

    Axel New Member

    hmm... I dunno o_O
    Who thinks we should start??
  13. DeDeDee

    DeDeDee New Member

    I agree that we should start.
  14. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Right, enough of waiting for the one who seems to have left us behind. I'll start.<
    A ring of light appears as a man comes out of know where. "I think I landed in the wrong time." He says when he sees the sky above him. The clouds look inky dark while the ground is nothing but a wasteland. "This looks like the end of the world." He checks the watch strapped to his wrist and discovers that if this was the end of the world then it has come a little to soon. He decides that at anytime he can leave so he might as well explore. He begins walking down a trail.
  15. boo_baby2012

    boo_baby2012 New Member

    >Okay who wants to start sence the host isn't??<
  16. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >I just did. I set the place my guy appears in and I sent my guy along.<
  17. Axel

    Axel New Member

    >> ok . . .then I'll go second... I guess o_O <<
    Clothing is flying from a closet. Pants. Shirts. All went flying all over the room. Lexa's head pops out of her closet to look at the clock.
    She was going to be late for the train -witch is at 9:30am- to go to the beach. "Come on! Where is it!" Lexa said as she keeps of throwing stuff from her closet. After a few minutes she stuffs her bag with everything she needs before running out the door. Sometimes Lexa wished she could just put out her hand just like before and a portal would appear. But it never worked in years.
    Now she's running down to Station Hieghts. Getting in side Lexa got her ticket and got on the train at 9:30am.
    The ride was long. Longer then anyother time she's been on the train. When Lexa gets off she's on an island. "What?! I'm not-" Lexa truns around but there's nothing there. Just waves and trees. Looking around again she shouts, "HELLO?!". Where was she??
  18. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Seeing nothing of particular interest Jake is glad when he accidentally steps into a dimensional rift. That doesn't stop him from saying, "Oops." When he comes out he sees a girl standing on a island. He walks up to her. He could feel a strange aura around her. Like something was locked up in her. "Were is this?" He asks.
  19. DeDeDee

    DeDeDee New Member

    The Man comes accross Zero,who is fighting countless horrid dark things which seem to come straight from hell themselves.The Man decided that these must be Heartless
  20. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Lexa almost jumps and truns around. An org. member? "I-I don't know. Who are you." She asks. If this is one of the XIII members she could go back to see them again. Lexa would give anything to do that.
    To see the one person that cared. He was....was....
    She couldn't remember! Not even the other members names, but only Xemnas. She hated him and for what he did to her. The memory came back to her:

    She opened her eyes. Lexa was in a large glass water filled tank. There were needles and alsorts in her skin. Outside of the water she could she the silver headed man looking at her. His voice ringing threw her head. "You will help us to get our being back..no matter how long it takes. We will find Kingdom Hearts..."
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