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Dissidia Tales style//SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Dark_Hanyo, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    This is an RP of the Tales games of Legendia, Abyss, and Symphonia(1) only. You can be any character you want but these three characters are on hold only for people who are avid posters maening you have to post at least once a day everyday, and these characters are: Loyd, Luke, and Senel. They are also party leaders so you must know a lot about the game your character comes from. So I will be choosing who gets one of these characters. You can also make up your own character if you don't want to be a character from the three games. You can even controll more than one character from any of the games, but you can only have two altogether.

    The world is devided into four main parts which are from the three games. The first is the contienet of Abyss, the second is the contienet of Symphonia which has both worlds combined just like at the end of the game, the third is the Legacy for the tales of Legendia, and the final one is a destroyed continet simply know as the Ruin continet. The ruin continet became what it is b/c of a great war between the three major kingdoms it is also the home continet of the people of Legendia who now reside on the Legacy. And in the middle of this huge continet is a huge destroyed castle/temple which is said to hold an awsome power. But the only way to obtain this power is to gather the three crystals from each kingdom which are under heavy guard by the elemental summons ex. Shade and Luna being two of the guardians of the Abyss crystal. The main bad guys are the ones from each Tales game whom have come together to gather the crystals and obtain the power and yes take over the kingdom that they are from and then in turn rule the world. So the main characters from all three games come together to plan a way to stop the baddies from getting the crystals.
    So the story will start off with each leader meeting and then going and getting party members. Each party can have up to 12 people and you can mix match from each game.
    The main bad guys are Vaclav, Van, and Methios whom will also be played by avid posters.
    And the one whom I choose to be the three leaders and the three bad guys will be give further info on what to do. The character templae are as follow.

    Character name:
    What game they are from:
    Character pic:

    Also I need a guy who would like to help me out by being some what of a rp admin and also to be the other God. He will be able to be in the rp as a diff character but not one of the main leaders or bad guys just like me.

    So please join and have lots of fun! And once we get enough people I will start the rp with the same name!!
  2. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    Character Name: Goddess Atala
    Gender: F
    Age: several thousand years old
    From no game
    Weapon: Goddess power
    She is the Goddess whom with her lover created life on the planet. Her lover created the planet itself. She is also mothernature itself and aslo watches over the life that lives on the planet and bestows great power and gifts to a select few chosen. Her image is in every temple, she is always show standing next to her seated love. Not much more is know to most people only the monks and preistess know more about her.

    I also have:::::
    Mysterica(Tear) Grants
    From Tales of the Abyss
    Weapon: staff, hyms
    Tear is a decendent of Yulia and is a Seventh Fonist in the military wing of the Order of Lorelei, the
    religion ovreseeing the Score. She lost both her parents when she was still
    an infant, and has been raised as a warrior ever since. She is staid and
    silent, giving her a cold air, but she has a secret weak spot for cute things.
    She was borin Yulia city. Her brother Van seeks the crystals to gain power.
    She is also in love with Luke.
  3. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    Still lots of slots availabe.

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