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Which FF character do you want to see in KH?

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Luke, Feb 19, 2008.

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  1. Luke

    Luke Member

    I want Leo, Vincent, and Reno
  2. FinalForm1

    FinalForm1 New Member

    I would also like to see Vincent Valentine in Kingdom Hearts, that would be awesome!!
  3. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    I would like to see all of the Cid's. Together. Hilarium would ensue.

    And Quina. Quina would be fun. I can see her in the Disney environment. Balthier and some of the other cast from XII would be nice to see as well.

    And most definitely Gilgamesh, FTW, cause he's just awesome.

    I'm also moving this to Future KH games.
  4. rencoinfreak

    rencoinfreak Banned

    i would like to see Vincent, Reno, Rude, Loz and Yazoo in KH. that would be so cool

    edit: AND ZACK.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2008
  5. Ruxath

    Ruxath New Member

    FFIV - Kain

    FFVI - Locke

    FFVII (in general) - Vincent, Shelke, Red

    FFIX - Kuja, Freya, Beatrix, Dagger, Zidane, Blank, Steiner (spread out over a few games I suppose XD wouldn't want to overdo it)

    FFX - FFX-2 - Lulu, Kimahri, Paine in non fairy form..

    FFXII - Baltheir, Fran, Vaan, Ashe

    *takes a breath* Thats all I can think up. I would add FFXI, I suppose the world would be possible enough and it does have its own characters specific to it. however I doubt that it will ever.. ever happen.
  6. Luke

    Luke Member

    I wanna see Reks and Vaan from F12 too, I mean reks was like so cool for the 10 minutes you play as him. Then he dies lol

    and reeve+cait from FF7

    and Luith(i think thats his name) From FF3
  7. Talon

    Talon New Member

    I wanna see all the characters from Dirge of Cerberus~
  8. I'd love to see Balthier, Fran, Ba' Gamnan (he will be an optional boss like Sephiroth) and Blok, Stok and Atak (the trophy bangaas from the Hunter Camp. I think they will be just awesome as shopkeepers).

    And of course, Gilgamesh. He'll do an awesome optional boss, too.

    I just LOVE FFXII!!!!
  9. Nearosaki

    Nearosaki New Member

    i think it would be really cool to see vincent, rikku, and red13.
    i know rikku was already in kh2 but she had a crappy role, soo i would like to see her with a biiger more interesting role in the game = ]
  10. Twilight Knight

    Twilight Knight New Member

    Gilgamesh definitely
  11. corbenik

    corbenik New Member

    i wanna see vincent!!!:rolleyes: and maybe if they'd put a few of the FFXIII characters that'd be cool too:D
  12. bubbles

    bubbles New Member

    i want to see ashe or fran in kh
  13. darkside

    darkside New Member

    cloud and sephiroth, so it to have closure
  14. sha19

    sha19 New Member

    I would like to see Zack and Vincent from FF7 in KH.
  15. Grimboyjr

    Grimboyjr New Member

    i'd rather see the summons turn up myself, like bahamut and shiva, as optional bosses (cough cough but have them harder than sephiroth and give you cool keyblades for winning cough cough):D
  16. Ruxath

    Ruxath New Member

    Odin would give a Gungnir keyblade.. that would be interesting. (Gungnir = Odin's lance for any who don't know)

    Sadly I am guessing that unless its a Final Fantasy character (Dagger, Yuna, ect) doing the summoning their respective summons will not show up. Square seems pretty content to just have Sora summon up disney characters (not that I am not thankful to see Stitch being destructive)
  17. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    birth by sleep:
    genisis(hollow bastion)
    zack(hollow bastion)
    angeal(hollow bastion)
    seymour(olympus coliseum)
    vincent(hollow bastion)
    auron(olympus coliseum) i want see how he died.
    and all the previous ff characters.

    vincent(hollow bastion)
    ff13 characters(some new original world)
    different types of moogles(anywhere)
    bahamut(hollow bastion)
    kadaj and the 2 other guys, forgot their names(hollow bastion)
    jenova(hollow bastion)
    auron(olympus coliseum)
    and all the previous ff characters.
  18. Noah

    Noah New Member

    I reckon quistis and rihona from VIII and they should call Leon "Squall" because that is his name!!

    Why is he called "Leon"?
  19. Noah

    Noah New Member


    I think the Aeon 'Ifrit" is in KH2 inst he?? in Beast's castle is that ifrit??

    JIMMER45KHB New Member

    I have to go with Zidane from FFIX
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