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Most Hated of All Kingdom Hearts Heartless

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by SoraTheKeyBladeHolder, Oct 4, 2010.

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  1. Name your most hated heartless that annoys you so much
  2. ace

    ace New Member

    My most hated Heartless would have to be the Large Body. I find it so annoying that you have to manage to get behind them just to harm them.
  3. jjas132

    jjas132 New Member

    Ruler of the Sky from Days...that thing made my thumb very sad. =(
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Fat Bandits, from whichever games they are featured in. I hate them and their fire breaths and their annoying frontside invulnerabilities.
  5. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Indeed. Fat Bandits, no matter which game for me, are the largest pains in my ass.
  6. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    from KH1, the f***ing rare truffles. the few times i happened to find them, i wasn't prepared and couldn't get everything from them and then when i was prepared, the little bastards dropped off the face of existance.

    from KH2, non of the heartless actually made me hate them, if anything it was the lack of a specific heartless that made me hate the KH2 heartless in general. where the hell was Darkside? i know we get the Twilight Thorn but that was a one time fight. Darkside was fought 3 times and hs appeared in other KH games(CoM/ReCoM and 358) so why the hell did that type vanish from KH2? pissed me off cause i like drkside.

    from CoM, the fucking wizards. i'm a heavy spell user in Com and ReCoM and those bastard heal from magic so they were always tough for me.

    from 358, it has to be that Dustflier. f***ing overpowered bastard.
  7. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Actually, the only thing that trumps the fat bandits were the poison mushroom ones. I LOATHE those with a passion.
  8. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    Those **** Fat bandits.
    I hate them with a burning passion.
  9. Liane

    Liane New Member

    Erm... hot rod, assault rider, grey caprice or the shadow globs, I know they are weaklings and you can defeat them in one hit, that's what annoys me. Going on missions just to destroy them :/ They're purebloods anyway... Pretty pointless
  10. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    KH1: poison mushrooms, large bandits, Ansem

    KH Days: Dustflier and those flying monkeys.
  11. ace

    ace New Member

    I agree, hot rod is quite a difficult heartless and i've still haven't come up with a stratigy to quickly defeat them. Any suggestions ?
  12. Father-McKenzie

    Father-McKenzie New Member

    Hot Rods from KHII is probably the only heartless I found annoying.

    DESTATI New Member


    No, I would have to say the red heartless dragon flyers that killed me simply because they led me to jump off the balcony in Hollow Bastion so many times!

    Or, the little magicians that kept raising their impenetrable shields!
  14. Rexzo

    Rexzo New Member

    I second this.​
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    KH1: The Black Truffles. DX I heard that you can get this super epic rare item from them but it is only a 0.01% chance of even getting one. They even have the immunity power of turning into stone so I have to wait for one to two minutes until I can hit them again.

    KH2: Bulky Vendor: Can never get the item that I wanted but whenever I just encountered one, they sometimes disappear before I can even use a reaction command on them.

    ReCom: I say the Wizard. Absorbs all types of spells and make elementals useless against them. :(
  16. Tntk_2

    Tntk_2 New Member

    KH1: Invisibles. Not difficult, just irritating.

    KH2: Assault riders. Never could fight them unless I was in mid-master combo.
  17. hyperhippo

    hyperhippo New Member

    kh1: fat bandits are the fatest things ive ever seen!
    ReCoM; wizards and those little green things that fly. u know, the ones that heal and cant be hurt by magic and are related to the ones that cast fire or ice or lightning. stupid little buggers
    kh2: i dont hate the heartless, its the nobodies that bug me
    Days: Ruler of the Sky and Dustflier are stupid! especialy Dustflier! i dont know how the hell im suposed to kill it!
  18. VanitasBBS

    VanitasBBS New Member

    Maleficent at dragon mode :mad:
  19. Kari'sHaWt

    Kari'sHaWt New Member

    KH1 The fat bastards...............aka Large body and than the rare truffles( Yes GrandShadow I know exactly waht you mean when you first click the X button of the PS2 for this game and run into them the first time................lol I was sooo pist when they didnt even drop anything AHHHHHHHHHH)

    KH2 The heartless wasn't that much annoying like the first one because you expect it already...........but the nobodies were a new type a pain in your gut : P
  20. Oblivious

    Oblivious New Member

    KHBBS: The gorilla ones >:/
    KH re:coded : the fat ones :mad:
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