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Who was your favoortie Organization member?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days' started by Remedy, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Pretty much self explanatory.
    I dont want anyone to say Axel, Xion, or Roxas. (only becaise they were the main members)

    Mine was Luxord or Zexion.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2011
  2. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    After replaying KH2 and then playing 358/2 Days I've gained new respect towards Saix.

    Saix does touch my heart, he always thinks of what would benefit the organization, and since Xemnas always seems to be busy he's the one who has to make a lot of decisions and of course he has gained respect from the leader of this group. Plus he tries desperately to get things to work.
  3. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    damn why can't i say Axel Roxas and Xion?ah whatever.i guess i have to say that my other favorite originazation members are Larxene and Marluxia.those 2 are badass
  4. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    Saix and laxeuas or however you spell his name there both pretty important

    Saix:same reason as purple diamonds

    Laxeuas:he just I think is a funny character and his combat is pretty good
  5. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    can you explain funny? i mean i didnt find laxeaus funny? o.o
  6. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    as in just his strenght and how slow he was combined i think that is funny all the time not just with him :D :D :D
  7. xXAnTiFoRmXx

    xXAnTiFoRmXx New Member

    Marluxia because I like his limit break
  8. Oblivious

    Oblivious New Member

    mmm... I think Zexion is my favorite .
  9. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    Um, I guess if I can't say Axel it would have to be Marluxia
  10. Mine..... is definitely Xigbar, only because I can't say Axel or Roxas... AS IF!! XD
  11. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Hey tell your friends about this thread
    the number of votes for each member are posted at the top
    i will update it as often as possible
  12. ✰Wayfinder✰

    ✰Wayfinder✰ New Member

    Probably Xigbar, I love his dialogue and his background.
  13. NeroTheSable

    NeroTheSable New Member

    Axel and Roxas
  14. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Demyx, but he isn't on the list...
  15. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Oh that list is just who has been voted for so far...
  16. I still believe Xigbar kicked all of your asses RAWR AS IF!
  17. EverlastingOblivion

    EverlastingOblivion New Member

    My favorites are Axel, Xion, Xemnas, and Demyx. Maybe Xigbar to.... not sure. Me liking Roxas is as likely as me liking Cloud from FFVII. The over popularity of the character kinda ruined him for me. I just got tired of hearing everything about how cool and awesome he is.
  18. Voxeril

    Voxeril New Member

    Vexen. He had a great character, its a shame he was killed off so fast.
  19. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    Axel was epic. Then obviously there was roxas. I really don't like xion, though I haven't beaten this on yet.
  20. I would say Axel. He was always cool and always my favorite

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