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Favorite Kingdom Hearts Character

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 1' started by Father-McKenzie, Oct 4, 2007.

  1. Namine Lonsinger

    Namine Lonsinger New Member

    of course. but sora is cute <3 :D :D
  2. rixec

    rixec New Member

    lets see my favorites would King Mickey,Sora,and Rikku.
  3. Father-McKenzie

    Father-McKenzie New Member

    Oh wow. Surprised to see one of my threads stickied.

    Anyways, over the 3 years of inactiveness, my characters have indeed changed. =P

    I think my favorite would have to be Donald since he was always deep down my favorite Disney character.

    DESTATI New Member

    I have to go with Ansem Seeker of Darkness.

    And, you gotta like Captain Hook!

    Sword slash ftw against double boss Maleficent, Jafar, Oogie, Ursala, etc.

    They're easy compared with him!
  5. Rexzo

    Rexzo New Member

    My favorite character is Ansem the Wise.

    Although a close second is Master Xehanort.​
  6. SoraiL

    SoraiL New Member

    of curse thet sora, i's my favorite KH charecter
  7. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    My favourite character is Axel. Got it memorised?
  8. kairistar12

    kairistar12 New Member

    Mine would have to be Ventus......HES AWESOME! Then again, he's basically Vanitas.......
  9. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    This thread is for KH I characters. >_<

    Riku honors to Ansem.
  10. The Composer

    The Composer New Member

    I'd have to choose Riku. But that's because the Organization XIII and Namine don't appear in KH1.
  11. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    hmm im with yah
    riku is preety cool
  12. Oathkeeper

    Oathkeeper New Member

    For KH1, Sora wins :D
  13. NeroTheSable

    NeroTheSable New Member

    my favorite characters are: Sora Riku Kairi King Mickey Leon Yuffie Aerith Donald Goofy Axel Roxas Namine Ven Aqua Terra
  14. kupo.

    kupo. New Member

    Just for KH 2? Okaay~

    - Sora
    - Donald
    - Mickey
    - Hades

    Yes..that's it.
    Sora is definitly the best character. But I don't like his german voice. It's so annoying.
  15. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    1: Sora
    2: Roxas/Ven
    3: King Mickey
    4: Riku
    6: Terra
    7: Leon
    8: Cloud
    9: Sephiroth
    10: Kairi
  16. sunnyman

    sunnyman New Member

    Well Goofy is my favorite character.
  17. Noir


    Definitely Riku. He's way more awesome.
  18. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    I like Demyx. For a goofball, he's like a puppy! :3
  19. skyblaze112

    skyblaze112 New Member

    Oh darn for just KH 1? Ok let's see...
    1.Riku:He's just badass and really knows how to use that darkness :3 Even though I liked him better in KH 2 because he's not so emo-lishisly evil in it,but it's a plus that I think he's sexy and has a hot voice in both :)
    2.Mickey:He is a King. He pwns all. 'Nuff said.
    3.Leon:He looks sexy and I have a fangirl fetish :) I think he looks better in KH 2 though, because his eyes actually have COLOR!
    4.Cloud:I love how he's all quiet and, 'I'm looking for someone' and all that. I also like his spiky hair :D But he stole Vincent's cape -sniffle-
    5.Yuffie:A ninja full of awesome ninja-y pwnage :)
    6.Hades:I am attracted to guys with a weird skin color and flaming hair, ok? Can you really blame me? LOL love his WTF look when you kick his ass xD
    7.Ansem:Smexy voice,fangirl's honor :)
    8.Goofy:He souns retarded and he's a dog. I love retarded dogs :/
    9.Donald:I always lmao at his voice, even though it makes my ears bleed Dx
    10.Kairi:See, I don't really like her as a character,but I like her little giggles and her slow run :D

    I exhausted myself xD
  20. xemnas9898

    xemnas9898 New Member

    if its for KH2 then xemnas axel roxas and riku
    bout for KH1 then riku cloud and hades

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