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Who is your Favorite Protagonist?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep' started by iAqua, Oct 2, 2010.

Who is Your Favorite Protagonist?

  1. Terra

  2. Ventus

  3. Aqua

  1. Stratosphere

    Stratosphere New Member

    Ventus all the way
    Easiest to play as for me, fastest, and Super Glide just trumps everything with it's high speed capabilities. AND you can get Super Glide as soon as you can access Disney Town. Simply Epic.
  2. Kitty_

    Kitty_ New Member

    I always end up liking a character similar to Terra so Terra is definitely my favorite. He's kind of like Riku in a way!
  3. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Aqua, she's a girl, so she's pretty much automatically nice (in the kingdom hearts world XD)
    blue hair and eyes? AWESOME
    nice keyblade, by far my favorite (out of Terra, Ven, and Aqua)
    easiest to render and make sigs of XD

    and Kitty_ don't you mean Riku is like Terra XD
    i mean Terra did come before Riku
  4. SacredRiku

    SacredRiku New Member

    Terra. I found Aqua to be more of a motherly character, at first I thought she had a lot of sex appeal, but her motherly personality kinda put me off lol. Ventus I found to be a lot like Roxas, too... depressing.

    In terms of gameplay I still found Terra the best, Ventus second best, Aqua third. I like the straight forward bashing style Terra uses. Ventus' speed was fun, I've always liked aerial combos, ever since KH2 and Master Form. I'm really lazy with magic, so playing as Aqua especially when her strength was low was kinda frustrated for me. Especially when playing on Critical Mode.
  5. xXAnTiFoRmXx

    xXAnTiFoRmXx New Member

    Errr...I'm stuck between Ventus and Aqua
  6. the Harmless

    the Harmless New Member

    Ventus. Because he's part of Sora, which is my fave kh character of all time (especially because some say we look alike..xp), his backhand grip of the keyblade is unique and cool, and had that epic gameplay at the end with vanitas. . .n.n,
  7. Jammie

    Jammie New Member

    Terra all the way..! He's too much like Zack from CC.
  8. kupo.

    kupo. New Member

    1. Ventus
    2. Aqua
    3. Terra

    I don't like Terra very much. He's a little bit too "cool", you know?
    Aqua is pretty good. But she has an annoying (and pretty :3) voice -_-
    Ventus is cool! I like him *_*

    But Aqua Story is the easiest to play. And Ventus the heaviest, because..Vanitas.
  9. Rojas250

    Rojas250 New Member

    Definetely Aqua.
  10. Leonheart312

    Leonheart312 New Member

    Terra for sure though I do have to play through the rest of their stories to be sure.
  11. skyblaze112

    skyblaze112 New Member

    I have to say Aqua is my favorite because I love her hair and eyes.They're just so pretttyyy!!! I like how she's motherly but strong and kickass too!! Her outfits pretty awesome too :)

    Terra's my second favorite,because he reminds me a lot like Riku, and I fall for guys with a tragic past or guys who are going through some hard shizz, like Terra went through.

    Ventus is my third favorite, because he just seems like a bit of a boring-ish character,but I love his personality and how likeable he is!The way he holds his Keyblade is really unique and I like his epic gameplay at the end with Vanitas :) Shows how strong and capable he is!

    Now that I think about it, he's probably tied in second with Terra...hmmmmm
  12. Hedrazala

    Hedrazala New Member

    I love Aqua it would have been between Aqua and Terra but she's just a little bit better.
  13. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Terra!!! Yes, Terras my favo character in BBS. Ventus just cause he looks like Roxas <33 xD

    Terra&Ventus4E ^_^
  14. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    I voted Aqua. She was my favorite character throughout BBS and will remain that way.
  15. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    Of course I voted Aqua! She's always been my big time favorite. As you could see, my username has been aqua ever since 2008. ^^
  16. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    I wish you could vote for 2. Terra and Ventus top favos fer life! ^^
  17. Mudstoise

    Mudstoise New Member

    Mine'll have to be Aqua. I find it tough to choose between Ventus and Aqua though because Ventus looks like your typical main character, but Aqua is more the grown up, serious, and responsible type who looks out for both of her friends, plus I like that you can finally play as a girl^^ it's nice for a change.
  18. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Is Vanitas a protagonist? No? Then I'd choose Ventus...No, Aqua...No, I'd vote Ventus xD I like Ventus and Aqua a lot...but then, I like Terra as well. As you can see, this is a tough decision for me xD. I'd choose Ven, though.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2011
  19. Xehanort

    Xehanort New Member

    I more or less decided Terra was going to be my favorite BBS character when I beat Lingering Sentiment in KHII Final Mix.
  20. Luke

    Luke Member

    Aqua, I love her personality

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