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goodbye Facebook?

Discussion in 'Entertainment' started by EtherealSummoner, Jan 9, 2011.

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  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Rumors of an impending Facebook shutdown had the site's millions of users in a panic Saturday as they wondered who would take their number one procrastination tool away.
    The Internet rumor was sparked by a report from the "Weekly World News," a website which also includes a story insisting "Alien spaceships to attack Earth in 2011" and another titled "Mike Tyson Pigeon Fetish."
    According to their Facebook "story," the super popular social media website would be shut down in March because Mark Zuckerberg was getting too stressed out.
    "Facebook has gotten out of control and the stress of managing this company has ruined my life," the newspaper quoted Zuckerberg as saying at an alleged press conference in California on Saturday.
    The questionable story apparently sent Facebook users into a panic. The phrase "is facebook shutting down" was the 14th most searched for on Google Saturday and the 10th most as of Sunday morning.
    On Facebook itself, groups like "Against shutting down Facebook on 15th of March" popped up with the slogan "No Facebook, No Party". On Twitter, users fretted about what would happen to their pictures – not to mention social lives.
    "If Facebook shutdown Im not going to remember nobody birthday (sic)," one Twitter user wrote.
    Others started making alternate plans, saying they would move their information to MySpace, Twitter or a new service, like the one Google is rumored to be working on.
    The rapidly spreading rumor had many others ridiculing people's addiction to the social networking site that is used for everything from posting pictures, party invites and showing off how many friends that people have (even if they're just on the 'Book).
    "The number of Facebook users believing it will shutdown proves how badly it needs to be shutdown," Twitter user Ramezm quipped.
    No matter the parody report, Facebook has shown no signs of shutting down. It is set to most likely release its public finances to possibly become a public company later this year. A few weeks ago, a team at Goldman Sachs valued the Harvard tech-startup at around $50 billion.
    If it as valued for that at an IPO offering, it would be the largest start-up tech offering in history.

    Rumors of Facebook shutting down leaves users panicking, looking for other social networking options
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    That's false. I can give a long explanation on why it's false, but I don't feel like it.

    1.) Facebook just did an entire site update, which cost money, why waiste money on an update just to shut it down.
    2.) Facebook DAILY brings in a couple million to the owner, stress or not, that guys got enough big green $100 bills to fill a couple football stadiums and swimming pools
    3.) Facebook has contracts with several cell phone companies, website owners, and more that they can't shut down
    4.) IF the owner thought it was stressful before shutting down a website with millions of users who don't stress him out and such, wait until he has all billion world-wide users mad at him and trying to sue him for losing information.

    If anything will happen, the owner will more than likely sell Facebook to Google, and that quote "social networking site" google is working on, could very well be a sales contract they're working on for buying Facebook.

    All this is, is an incident like what happened to youtube 10 or so years ago when abunch of college students couldn't handle youtube anymore so they sold it google for a couple billion.

    There's no need to fret about something as false as this.

    Plus weekly world news is also a website that reports giant narwhales sinking cruiseliners. It's false news that all the people who believe the "worlds going to end tomorrow because an alien is going to shoot Earth" go to for their news.
  3. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    If this was going to happen it would make the PROPER news.
  4. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    i agree with destiny and kirby
    Facebook isn't leavin
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Did no one take a look at the source claiming this? Anyone taken in is a fool.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I had looked into it some more yesterday and it was just a complete rumor. -_- Who in the world started that rumor anyways? There's a group on Facebook with over 2,000 people who are against people shutting down facebook.
  7. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    Whoohoo! *Starts dancing around with a lampshade on his head* *Looks at the previous posts* *Takes the Lampshade off* Crap!....

    Lol, sorry.
    I don't have a direct problem with Facebook, but I kind of agree with what Ramezm twittered.
    The website has really gotten out of hand.

    Yes, yes there are people who use it for it's purpose, me included.
    But the mass amount of other people, use it stupidly.
    Like retarded games, spending countless hours on it, and freaking out when a mere rumor goes around.

    (Also, if you want a farming game that's actually good, go play "Harvest Moon". It's so much better than that farmville crap.)
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I love Harvest Moon, though I like the Another Wonderful Life instead of the newer ones that have been showing up for wii and stuff.

    Anyways, yes. Now this rumour can though be possible in a sense of it being sold. Within the past I'd say 5 years, Facebook I know has been sued AT LEAST 10 times(seen articles[real articles], TV reports, and read interviews and such). The original owners of youtube had that when they first started out then they sold to google(which if you ask me, I think it got worst with all the stupid "ads by google"). The site could be being sold off to google. But really nothing to get worked up for loosing the best procrastination site on the web. If some thing were to happen(like that time this past summer when Facebook experienced it's worst site malfunction when the servers all shut down) there's plenty of other procrastinating websites, believe me I'd know(let's just say a math book gets opened, math homework heading gets written down on paper, but no actual numbers make it to that page).
  9. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Can I laugh now? or wait until I see more replies to this thread?
  10. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    well its official Facebook is NOT shutting down! CNN has confirmed this, here's the link to the article: Facebook NOT shutting down March 15 - CNN.com
    personally I never believed this was actually going to happen, who would up and shut down a multi-billion dollar site because "I want my old life back" BS!!!
  11. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Pretty solid effort. Create rumour> Lead 2000+ people to believe. Sounds like a pretty cool guy.

    hush, you'll ruin the fun :p
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2011
  12. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    oh har har.
  13. Joxus

    Joxus New Member

    My facebook sucks! lol
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