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The New Organization (Actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Desert Warrior, Mar 14, 2011.

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  1. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    NitonXao nodded his head. He wanted to get this over with, but at the same time, he just wanted to keep getting stronger.

    "Alright. But when we get to Castle Oblivion, we're gonna have to use mine or Daxma's portals to get to the 13th floor. Remember, ours are different because we've existed longer. But either way, we'll be there," NitonXao explained. He and Daxma followed Xyliar through the portal.

    "Xyliar, question. Do you know who the Summoner Idony is? Before NitonXao and I left, we noticed she and a girl was with her," Daxma asked.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "The realms are in constant danger, always struggling in this despair because of this monstrous entity. All we can do is to delay it and find hope. But you, you have a power that can well be used for anything that is marvelous. Still, it is up to you as to whether you will take heed of my one, simple instruction to help satisfy your very need." Yunalesca started to walk closer to him and started to stretch out both of her hands. 'the person who is currently in control of this castle has foolishly led himself blind in what he think will help him gain control. So are the company that are of the head of the organization. What I feel within you... distrust, revenge, all can be soothed if you control your power and release it. Just allow yourself to become a powerful beast, a powerful weapon that only requires one task: A powerful bond."

    Lilo and Stitch was able to take out some of the water copies but they ended up being blasted away by some geysers. "Dance water dance!" Idony was fighting head on with some of the dancer nobodies and was able to get rid of some with her magic. The Demyxx heartless was ready to go straight after Kayla and was using the water element to start blasting geysers after geysers at her. " Reflect it!" Idony cast Crescent's Circle on Kayla, creating a water barrier that reflected the geyser and kept her safe. " Mednd this broken soul..." Idony started to slide backwards and started to start a summoning. Stars and green magic started to swirl around her as spins around. As she jumped, Moog appeared and started to fly out of a small, yellow cloud and started to smile. "At your service, Kupo!'
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "You're talking to the wrong person." Adam spoke. "I don't give a damn if the entire universe is on the brink of destruction." Adam pushed Yunalesca back with his telekinesis. "Powerful bonds, following instructions, things like those don't matter to me. Anything I choose to do, I do for myself. Find somebody else to be your monster of mass destruction."


    "Idony, go on ahead." Kayla spoke out. "This enemy isn't worth our time."


    "I'm able to reach any floor in that castle that I want." Xyliar spoke to Niton. "I know that you don't remember, but I've been throughout that entire castle before. And I'm not the only one." She turned to Daxma. "Idony? Yes, that name sounds familiar. In fact, as I recall Motx encountered her earlier today. What about her?"
  4. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Daxma and NitonXao arrived on the 13th floor of Castle Oblivion along with Xyliar before Daxma answered her question.

    "She came in this castle looking for something by the looks of it. She seemed happy and nervous at the same time. As well as that, some woman, who's name is Yunalesca knew about her. I wanna know if you know any connection about them," Daxma explained

    "Don't forget Daxma, she said something about someone being outside the castle. That means there was another person with Idony. I wonder why that person didn't come with her," NitonXao asked himself. He stared at Marluxia's "prison," showing Xyliar proof of his progress in resurrecting him.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Xolla didn't say anything about Jinx's comment,though mentally she sighed.

    'It is a boring world. I guess even castle oblivion is able to show me my past life.' Xolla thought to herself leading the way through the side streets. She stopped ever so suddenly and looked ahead.

    "You!" Xolla exclaimed. It was before the other's accompanying her's time. It was within the first month of her time in the organization and where she was able to gain such high standings.

    "Here I thought you'd forget. Being so young at the time and we both know how good your memory was." He stated removing his hood.

    "Braxin, you're dead what are you doing here?" Xolla asked holding back her anger for the man.

    "This was where I brought you for all your training. This was also where you disposed of me with your other friend, what was his name... Aix?" Xolla stood there angry.

    Braxin was the man put in charge of training her and teaching her the life of the nobody when she first joined the organization. He was the one who turned her into a cold heartless killer, but also put her down all the time. If it wasn't for Aix she'd probably would of died when she fought Braxin, but she didn't.

    Braxin was an old member of the organization. Part of the first thirteen under Xyliar's control before they all died out and betrayed the organization trying to overthrow Xyliar. They were stopped and since then the organization has grown and continues to grow.

    "Xolla do you remember the words I told you before fading into the nothingness?" Braxin asked, of course he did. She remained silent glaring him down. "You will all still die at my hand and the organization will fall." Braxin recited.

    "And I said over my cold dead body." She stated.

    "And those were some of your first words if I'm not mistaken." Braxin stated. "Well, I think I might have the chance Xolla to take you down and return back to my life and take over the organization." Braxin said grinning before a very large broadsword appeared in his hand letting off fire.

    "Let's see what the Mind Ninja can do against the Fire Assasin!" Braxin shouted.

    OOC: for where Braxin came from see here >>> http://www.khplanet.com/forums/role...ad-aix-vs-xolla-we-may-not-able-feel-but.html
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Demyxx started to shoot another round of geysers at the party but Stitch went back into the fight to help once again. " Lad dee La dee dee!" Moog started to do a moogle dance, strengthening itself and enhancing Idony's defense and resistance. Idony and Moog started to go head on against Demyxx and they started to do team attacks right next to each other. As they started to attack, Moog started to call on his special power to do a random attack, ending up using Blizzara to freeze the heartless Demyxx's weapon to stop him from using any water attacks. "Let us end this." Idony threw her fans straight at the heartless and then shot a beam at it, stunning the creature but also making it disappear back into the darkness. " No more." Godelieve started to interfere in the fight and started to tap into her powers. The door behind her started to open and glow, enabling Godelieve to send the souls from the dancer nobodies to start leaving from the body and start leaving for different realms in the afterlife. As Godelieve was done, she ended up falling to the ground, with her husband by her side. "Gene...I am afraid of the path that I have chosen. Is sacrifice is really all that necessary?" "Do not worry. I do not care. I am willing to sacrifice my own self." Idony also felt the blast that was from the door and started to feel tired. "This power... another summoning?" Stitch started to stand right next to her and lend his hand at her, picking her up so she will be be fatigue.

    "Strange... I did not think that a world such as this would have..." Stitch smiled at her and Kayla, knowing that they were good friends. "Friends..." Idony looked back seeing that Lilo nodded. "Thank you so much. Well, we just have to turn back now..." "HEY! STOP!" "LILO! Experiment 644 has just been seen. Idony is running after it." Idony started to feel dizzy as the memory started to warp back and forth. As the memory finally ceased, they were back at Castle Oblivion.

    Yunalesca sensed the defeat of the Demyxx heartless, seeing that Idony has already achieved in completing the first task. "I knew that she wouldn't back down... just like her mother. Very well. Still, I am always here for you whenever you need me." Yunalesca decided to open up a little bit of Adam's darkness, allowing him to have access to a dark aura spell that will allow him to strengthen himself in exchange for sacrificing his health. She then turned into pyreflies, getting ready to look for another person that she wants to go after...
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Let the girl search for whatever it is she wants. According to Motx's report, she isn't much right now. As for this Yunalesca... I have actually never heard of her before. But considering that Idony is a princess of one of the worlds of light, it would be understandable that she has a connection with many people." Xyliar spoke before turning to the Marluxia body. "I don't believe any strength you gain will be enough to compensate for the time and effort you have put into this body."


    Jinx looked at Xolla's opponent. "Is that an old member?" She asked Rolexna. "He looks kinda familiar. Although considering he's a memory, why does he bother threatening to destory us all?"


    Adam punched his chest where his heart was. "I am so damn tired of people messing with my heart. Once we're done here I'm gonna go find something to go and change everything back to the way it was." Adam looked up to the dark sky above. "Why the hell do people bother approaching me? I just have one desire, and that does not involve anybody besides myself and Xyliar. Why is it too much to ask to be left alone?"


    "Idony, you're aware of just how much none of that made sense, right?" Kayla asked her. "How many more of these memories do you have anyways?"
  8. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    NitonXao stared at the body. He wasn't just going to resurrect Marluxia like he was before.

    "When I resurrect Marluxia, he's going to have far more strength than before. Unfortunately, there are limits to how strong he can become. But it'll give me a good amount of strength nonetheless," NitonXao explained. Daxma walked over to NitonXao's bed. He had no real reason to join NitonXao and Xyliar's conversation.

    "NitonXao I'm gonna take a rest. Wake me when the group gets up here," Daxma said. He fell asleep right away.

    "Whatever." NitonXao walked over his purple orb to look at Xolla and the others' progress. It took five seconds to find them. There was a man standing in front of the group. He was dressed like the Organization. "Xyliar do you know this guy? I've never seen him around the Organization before."
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "That... did not make any sense to me either..." Idony started to faint towards the ground and started to glow once more. " I don't even know what my mother wanted me to find out. Sacrifice, path, but there was this one desire that was understandable... a little bit." Idony tried to stand up and recover, and then continued. "I was always told of stories as how all of the worlds used to be as one. I always dream that something like that would happen but my mother, she always look up to the sky and stop talking whenever she starts wondering about the worlds and her duties for them sometimes. As for my father, he never told me that he and mommy had a task to do or that he was even her guardian. I do not even know what had ever happened to him."

    The light within Kayla started to glow and whisper. "Stop her..." Idony looked back and saw that another memory opened the door to the third floor. "This is strange. Um.. have you ever went to this world Kayla?" Beyond the door, there was a capital surrounded by water and a blue light with ancient technology." And that woman has Adam's hair color... shall we go? I am... am afraid that we will be separated from this once we walk through.
  10. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Phygronx looked at the portal, then to Motx, "are you sure you won't get in trouble if we skip the interview? I don't want to land you in hot water," he said timidly. He approached the portal and put a hand through it, then pulled it back out. "Where does this lead?" he asked. Phygronx put his arm in again and nearly stumbled into the portal but caught himself at the last moment. How did he summon this at will? he thought.
  11. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Cinx walked out into the sunset above Twilight Town. "Pff, how, could such a blinding sight be seen as beautiful by the human heart." he said to himself. "Who am I kidding, If i had a heart right now I would be mesmerized by this view." Cinx walked on he had a mission: to find at least one member of the Organization, they were his last hope If he ever wanted his heart back. he knew they came to this town frequently, all he had to do was wait. wait and watch. Once one of them came by he would force them to divulge any information they had on Kingdom Hearts. Nothing would stand in his way. He would become a new member and regain what was rightfully his!
  12. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "That would be Braxin." Xyliar answered. "He was a former member. He and a few others attempted a coup d'etat a while back. All of them were obliterated."


    "This leads to Castle Oblivion. I had explored it before I joined this organization, when I first became a nobody. Thanks to my abilities, I was able to remain completely undetected as I wandered throughout the halls. Since I've been through a large portion of Castle Oblivion, I'm able to open up a portal to wherever I want. I don't believe any other member of our organization has been in Castle Oblivion, with the possible exception of Xyliar. So unless Xyliar has been in Castle Oblivion before, I should be the only member who isn't restricted to appearing in the main hall. Although I suppose that would be a good place to start."


    "This world looks a little familiar." Kayla answered. "But to be honest, Adam and I don't put too much effort into remembering worlds unless we feel they have some importance. Which for me usually involves memorizing what worlds contain what potion ingredients." Kayla sighed. "Are you sure you want to continue progressing through here? I have a feeling your mother doesn't want you to enter this memory, especially considering that I think I heard her whisper to me to stop you."
  13. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    NitonXao watched as the Nobody known as Braxin spoke with Xolla's group. He noticed thaf Xolla seemed to be his main target.

    "Interesting. So it seems he was the Marluxia of your Organization huh? Still...I wonder why he seems to be interested more in Xolka. Hmm...Oh well. Doesn't concern me," NitonXao said aloud. He turned to see Daxma snoring. "What a sap. Anyway, Xyliar. If it is alright with you. I want to fight alongside my brother again and get stronger. And as I proposed before, the Organization can have full access to every part of Castle Oblivion except this room here. Only me, Daxma, you, and one member of your choice is alowed here unless I say otherwise. There is a room in the lower parts of the castle where other members can meet and discuss plans."
  14. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: Cinx, having just entered the story, has no idea that most of the Organization members are at Castle Oblivion. In fact he has no idea what C.O. is. as a result he is planning to cause something to have the Organization come to him. He is tired of waiting.

    IC: I feel like I've been waiting forever! Cinx thought to himself. He had never been very patient even when he was a Somebody. "I know!" he said out loud, "I'll go to a deserted part of town and cause a little mayhem! they'll think I'm a heartless and send a few members after me. perfect!" he didn't want to conduct his plan in the heart of the city, he new too much chaos would attract not just the Organization, but every two-bit hero trying to make a name for himself as well. So he went to the deserted mansion. " Man, it looks like someone beat me to it!" he said as he walked in the door! "ahh well, let's get started!" and with that he began to use his control over Gravity to toss objects across the room. hopefully the release of energy or the disturbance in general would be enough to attract the attention of the Organization.
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "I'lll I am still eager to continuing forward. Huh?" Idony looked and saw that there were pyreflies coming from behind them. The pyrflies went past them into the door. As she looked, a big, plasma hand came from the door and grabbed her and kept her from shouting. "HFJAFSMSDGSHEl!" Idony immediately went into the memory, ending up transported into the memory. She ended up falling and falling until she found herself in a throne room. "Who is she? she just appeared out of no where?" "I do not know. No one never been down here in the lost city of Atlantis." She started to open her eyes, only to find herself in front of a princess and her husband.


    Back at the same room, the pyreflies changed the room that Kayla was in. Within, the room changed into a dream and took Kayla to it in front of cradles of a baby Kayla and a baby Adam. In front of hem were Lady Yunalesca.
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "One moment." Xyliar spoke, some noise coming from her cloak. She reached inside, pulling out some device. She looked at it and nodded. Her body teleported away and reappeared next to Motx. "Take the new guy and go to Twilight Town."

    "What wonderful timing you have Xyliar. We were just about to go check up on other members. Why Twilight Town?"

    "One of the detectors that we've made activated. There's something of power located in Twilight Town. This will be a good way to break the new member in."

    "Okay, if you insist." The original portal Motx created disappeared and then reappeared, it's destination now Twilight Town. Xyliar also teleported away, back to Castle Oblivion.


    Kayla put her hand to her forehead. "Wonderful. I'm presented with an opportunity to go ahead and leave. But I can't let Idony just disappear like that. And now something is attempting to screw with my memories like this. I'm gonna go ahead and stab something." Kayla walked towards the door Idony was taken to, ignoring Yunalesca and the babies. As she passed by, she muttered something. "If you're gonna try to screw with somebody's mind with a memory, try to make sure the fake memory is more believable.
  17. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Cinx stopped his rampage. "That should be enough for now, I've put out enough energy for them to have noticed SOMETHING. besides, I need to save my strength!" he said to himself. "It's only a matter of time now!" he pulled out his double edged sword and sat cross-leged in the center of the foyer, placing the weapon on his lap. "When they get here I'll be waiting...They wont even know what hit them!" he laughed.
  18. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    NitonXao watched as Xyliar disappeared and reappeared within a minute. He was confused.

    "What the hell was that about?" NitonXao asked. He shook his head afterward. "Whatever. I'm sure it doesn't concern me. So anyway, do we have a deal? Not to be pushy or anything." While NitonXao and Xyliar were discussing terms, Daxma was awake. He did not want to get up because he wanted to think. He noticed Xyliar left. And he knew why. He felt the energy of his old friend, Cinx, wreaking havoc in Twilight Town.

    "So it seems Cinx is finally making himself known to the Organization. Took him long enough. By why now? Everyone is busy except Motx and the new members. I guess that's where Xyliar went. To tell Motx to find Cinx. This should be interesting. I'll let it play out and see what happens," Daxma thought to himself. He smiled and went back to sleep.
  19. EtherealArchitect

    EtherealArchitect New Member

    OUT OF CHARACTER: Enxith is waiting in a secluded area in Twilight Town's forest as to what verdict an Organization member has towards him wanting to join.

    Enxith stayed patient, but also felt rather indifferent as to why. During his short lived life as a vessel of nothingness, he needed some sort of motive, some sort of goal. He had hoped in vain that he could find somebody like him with motives that would help his ken in some way.

    He had heard that they hang around in this town for reasons that would have obfuscated him, yet at the moment, he was too apathetic about that. Well, it's not like they gather to the town's Malt shop every Friday to discuss what they're doing over the weekend, he thought. He had a feeling that there was some deeper meaning than that oppressed somewhere, though he wasn't worried about that. At least not at the moment.

    "Looks like tI'll need some sort of wake up call to attract somebody," Enxith mentioned to himself. With that, he drew an equivocal sludge close to him and scattered a large wave of it around himself. It emitted energy, so he had hoped that it would attract somebody. "Best to leave it alone now," he said to himself.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2011
  20. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: well with the new appearence of Enxith that complicates things for Cinx because of placement. Motx and Phygronx would most likely find Enxith before Cinx and assume he was the target. in an attempt to fix this new turn of events Cinx will challenge Enxith to a fight and put them in the same place.

    IC: Cinx looked up in shock. what was this new power he was feeling? Was this the Organization? "I'm tired of waiting!" he yelled out loud. If they wont come to me then I'll just bring the fight to them!" He rushed out of the mansion and out toward the woods. following the trail of energy to a man surrounded by a strange sludge. He pointed his double edged sword at the man. "Who the hell are you?" he yelled. "You're not an Organization member! Damn if you're here then they may mistake your energy for me! I wont let that happen! I will be the new member of the Organization NOTHING WILL STAND IN MY WAY, NOT EVEN YOU!!!!" and with that he charged at the strange figure.
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