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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep' started by NeRo, Nov 29, 2007.

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  1. tmp1114

    tmp1114 New Member

    I think ven is the voice in the station of awakening why when sora, goofy, and donald is in end of the world right before the final boss fight sora hear a voice and he said it so familiar and i think ven is sora dad.
  2. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    that does make some sense but idk
  3. across2

    across2 New Member

    well heres MY theory on it
    vens heart was placed in sora's body
    a nobody that retains their human form had to have lost their strong heart
    since it was vens heart that was lost in hollow bastion
    it was a mirror image of ven that was created as a nobody

    not one that looked like sora

    its probly not true but thats the theory ive been sticking to these past months
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2008
  4. darkside

    darkside New Member

    I like this theory a lot, but its hard to accept that roxas isn't sora's nobody
  5. Zmoney

    Zmoney New Member

    And to add some meat to your theory...

    When Roxas first meets Xemnas and Xemnas says: "I've been to see him, he looks a lot like you." He might be talking about Ven.

    (And also, is there a scene in KHII: Final Mix where Xemnas is talking to Aqua's armor that is laying on the floor? I think I remember seeing something like that on youtube.)
  6. ven_roxas

    ven_roxas New Member

    listen guys, i really don't want to restate what i said earlier in the game thread in 358/2 days. but it coencides with this topic, so go and check it out. it is a teory that makes complete sence and acually would explain the start of the kh saga


    read the post starting there and you'll get it. it is compiicated, but totally works
  7. so u know the secret video at the end of the second kh is that about kh 3 or birth by sleep HELP im really confused! thanks x
  8. Xehanort_Riku

    Xehanort_Riku New Member


    Its about birth by sleep.

    KH3 mite not be made till 2011 or 2012
  9. PaintedDragon

    PaintedDragon New Member

    Yes, I've wondered why Ven looks just like Roxas...I don't think he's Sora's dad, though. I'll just wait to play the game (I hope i have a PSP by then) to reveal the mystery. But geez, it's confusing...
  10. Riku6979

    Riku6979 New Member

    well i would love to play as ven or the heartless guy with the wizard that would be aweome i just want to know all the sides of the story pasts and futers
  11. Xehanort_Riku

    Xehanort_Riku New Member


    Im gonna buy a psp and a ds just to play the kingdom hearts
  12. darkside

    darkside New Member

    i may buy a ds for 358/2 days, depending on the prices of them when it comes out.
  13. Riku6979

    Riku6979 New Member

    i think roxas got it on with namine
  14. Riku6979

    Riku6979 New Member

    thats y ven is there it makes sense because this seems like it takes place in the futre they have sex give birth as adults out comes ven amd its the future
  15. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Then why is Mickey Mouse there? Wait, does Mickey even get older? And isn't Roxas inside Sora and Namine inside Kairi?
  16. Riku6979

    Riku6979 New Member

    exactly they get it on and so dose roxas and namine he has first keyblade ever and no he dosnt
  17. Xehanort_Riku

    Xehanort_Riku New Member

    damn it

    Guys the game is set in the past birth by sleep is the game taht ven is in and its set 10 befores kingdom hearts 1 so thats makes sora about 7 and that means roxas doesnt exist yet so how could ven be roxas son.
  18. Riku6979

    Riku6979 New Member

  19. sidnexxx

    sidnexxx New Member

    ya of course its magic, i mean he is a nobody.
  20. Xehanort_Riku

    Xehanort_Riku New Member

    You guys roxas is not vens son
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