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The New Organization (Actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Desert Warrior, Mar 14, 2011.

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  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    >Funny how you mention Aix, but he's not with Xolla's group. Sheesh AdogX.<

    "If you wish to witness Xolla's strength, then watch her battle with Braxin. As for the rest, it is useless for them to fight the thousands of heartless you have waiting for them."


    Motx sighed. "Daxma, you are aware of the possible insults you just opened yourself up to, right? You were defeated by a simple heartless. You claim that the heartless that defeated you was your heartless. Ergo, your heartless, and by connection you in your entirety, are simple."

    Motx then focused on the other two nobodies. "Do not worry about one of you having a greater chance than the other. Our leader did send me out here to collect you guys. I shall present you to her, and then she shall decide if you may join. She may test your strength in some way, or she may just judge your strength without actually doing anything and then decide."


    Kayla jumped away from Yunalesca again, stopping Yunalesca from messing with her heart. "There you go again with the touching. Boundaries, do you have them? Or are you just trying to start a fight? Show my brother no concern. His darkness is completely fine. You wonder why he seems so angry? People like you piss him off. You have no reason to get invovled with his affairs. Leave us the hell alone." Kayla's body transformed into smoke again. She moved to the door Idony went through. She passed through the barrier without any problems and entered the memory Idony was in.
  2. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    >Can't remember everything =/ <

    NitonXao sighed. He was hoping for some entertainment. But he had no choice.

    "Well alright then. I'll call them off," NitonXao said. He snapped his fingers and the Elite Heartless leader appeared before him bowing.

    "Yes Lord NitonXao?" It asked.

    "Call off the ambush. Alter the floors to where the ones in the Memory Room appear in this room when they exit it."

    "Right away my Lord." The Heartless left and did what NitonXao asked.
    "That Heartless was in fact MY Heartless. I saw it with my own eyes. Do not stand there and lie to me! Just because you never had interest in me, doesn't give you the right to lie in my face!" Daxma shouted. He wasn't exactly sure if Motx knew the Heartless was Daxma's Heartless, but Daxma figured he should since he's Xyliar's right hand.
  3. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Cinx sighed. "Enough of this!" he yelled. we're out in the field, clearly this is not the time to be discussing personal matters. every second we waste out here is a chance for us to be found, I'm sure you don't want the locals to be alerted to your presence, Motx. how will that go over with your leader?"
  4. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Phygronx simply hid behind Motx the entire time, afraid to speak, but what Cinx said worried him. What if they were found? Would Xylair be mad at them? "Perhaps....." he said quietly, "Perhaps he is right. Hello, I am Phygronx, I'm rather new. Should we go then Motx?" as he spoke, Phygronx did not take one step away from Motx and would follow him if he walked away, fearing to be caught in the fight.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Motx sighed. "Ironically Daxma, you just proved my point. But don't let me waste anybody's time trying to explain simple logic. Not that you've ever cared for anything like that.. Anyways, what would Xyliar care if we're found? I suppose that would be an understandable concern for individuals such as yourselves. Not that I have such concerns myself." An idea popped into Motx's head. "I suppose I could give them a slight example by what I mean." Another cloaked figure appeared and walked up to the group.

    "Motx, is this everybody Xyliar wanted you to find?"

    "Ah yes, wonderful timing Motx. I believe these are the nobodies Xyliar ordered me to find."

    "And then what would you call this now Motx?"

    "Well Motx, I suppose I would call this a slight demonstration. After all these guys are afraid of being seen."

    "Well, if you know what you're doing, I'll leave you to it." The second Motx suddenly vanished as if he was never there.
  6. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Cinx couldn't believe his eyes. "Wh-what the hell was THAT?!?! and what does that even prove?!? Your Organization speands their missions dressed in dark cloaks and going in the shadows. that to me looks like a covert operation. so I would deduce that being spotted will not be good for your career. you seem to overconfident, that is a weakness in my eyes."
  7. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Phygronx could feel himself beginning to panic and started breathing more and more heavily. He could also see Cinx and and Enxith becoming angrier. not wanting another fight on his hands, he ran over to the two and held their hands. Suddenly, his energy started to spread from where his heart would be to the edges of his body and then traveled across Cinx and Enxith. After a few seconds, it faded away. (This is the ability that Phygronx has that he used in an earlier post, it makes him and the people he is in physical contact with much calmer and more clear headed.) Phygronx took another deep breath and smiled, he felt much better, but then ran back over to Motx.
  8. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Daxma turned his head. He was sick of Motx showing off and being a smart ass. But he had nothing else to say. He knew when to shut up. He then turned to Cinx.

    "Don't worry about it. Motx has a habit of going too far when it comes to showing off in front of new people. You'll expect to see that a lot from him," Daxma criticised to Cinx. Daxma was tempted to leave, but he only stayed because Cinx was here. Plus, he thought the scenery looked better with him there.
  9. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Cinx was feeling more relaxed after what Phygronx had done to him. "Wh-what was that?" he asked. "Nevermind, we should be going back to your home world, and the sooner he better in my opinion." He walked over to Motx and Phygronx.

    "What do you say, we put this aside for now and get off this world?" he stuck out his hand to shake Motx's. "We can discuss our issues later."
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2011
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "I'm over confident because I can be." Motx thought to himself. "Anyways, we've talked and stood around long enough." A portal opened up behind Motx. "If you wish to meet our leader, follow me." Motx walked through the portal.

    It opened up before Xyliar. Motx stepped out of it. "I'm back. And there might be two new nobodies in tow." Motx looked behind him at the portal. "I kinda went on ahead of them. They should've been right behind me though. They seemed like they wanted to join really badly."

    "If they can't muster up the courage to follow you, then they're clearly not worthy of joining our ranks anyways."

    "Uh-huh." Motx nodded. He started to walk around the room. "Love what you did with the place Niton." He spoke sarcastically. "Seriously. You breathe life into this place."


    "Pssst. Idony." Kayla spoke when she found Idony. Kayla's body was still smoke, so everybody would have a harder time seeing her. "Listen. I've gotta go talk to Adam right now. So I'm gonna have to leave you alone here for a while. You can handle yourself here, right? If anything here attacks you, just blast them with your light." Kayla left once she finished talking.


    "Damn it took you long enough. What'd you do, ditch her?" Adam asked Kayla when he saw her.

    "Kinda, though not deliberately. Anyways, there are some things we need to go over."

    "No kidding. I see you met the bitch too."

    "You met this person as well?"

    "Yep. Which reminds me. You have one of those heart restoration potions?"

    "Not on me. Why?"

    "Because people have been messing with the light and darkness in my heart, and it's pissing me off."

    "Oh. And your abilities are weakened a bit if there's not that balance between your heart and your mind. And to have that balance, you need your unique balance of light and darkness in your heart."

    "And right now that balance has been thrown off. So let's return home so you can fix me up."

    Kayla sighed. "Fine then. Let's go before any more damage is done to your heart." Kayla and Adam disappeared, leaving Castle Oblivion.
  11. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Daxma looked at Cinx and Enxith. He looked at the portal and began walking to it.

    "C'mon you guys. If you hesitate to follow, Xyliar will think you're not worthy to join the Organization. I'm sure you don't want her to think that right?" Daxma asked, making fun of them both. "The portal leads to Castle Oblivion. It's not the Organization's actual base. It's my brother NitonXao's home. We're negotiating terms about the castle being the Organization's secondary base. Now, come on." Daxma walked through the portal and arrived in Castle Oblivion. "So how'd the negotiation go?" NitonXao didn't pay attention. Instead he stared blankly at Motx.

    "Don't be smart with me. The room is the same. I only added a bed and this orb. That's all," NitonXao said to Motx.

    "Oh great. Him to."
  12. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Cinx Walked through the portal without a second thought. he became slightly dizzy at the sight of the pure white room on the other side. He noticed the others that were in the room. Motx was standing next to another cloaked figure, which he assumed to be the leader of the Organization. Daxma stood next to Nitonxao, Cinx could tell it was him because he was the only one in the room not wearing the cloak. Cinx made a beeline for Motx and the leader. He held out his hand to shake.

    "Hello, I am Cinx. I control Gravity, wield a double edged sword, and I am a personal friend of Daxma."
  13. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    OOC: I'm assuming everyone went through the portal
    "Huh? Motx! Wait for me!" Phygronx said running through the portal. The massive change in scenery was slightly dizzying to Phygronx, but then he saw Xyliar. The sight of her made him afraid and he started to step backward towards the portal only to find that it had dissappeared. Phygronx slowly looked back at the rest of them and saw Cinx introducing himself. How can he be that bold? Phygronx thought. Slowly, hoping to not attract too much attention, Phygronx slowly walked to the edge of the room where he wouldn't be a bother and just watched.
  14. EtherealArchitect

    EtherealArchitect New Member

    Enxith was the last one to phase on through to the aforementioned Castle Oblivion. He did not know what just happened, but he was feeling a little bit more calm. Still very virulent, but more relaxed at least. "All right, let's head on through," he said. Enxith was stepping towards the portal, but beforehand he paused. All he did was take a nice look at Cinx. He then focused his attention to his flail, then back to Cinx again. Fortunately, his eyes were not on Enxith, so suspicion was not aroused.

    Kid, the older you are...the more that karma's a bitch, he thought to himself. With that, he stepped into what was his new brotherhood.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2011
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Children... be not troubled...the light will always give you two support." The light that Godelieve gave to Adam and Kayla started to shine from within them, supporting the two and started to balance them. All of a sudden, a beam came from the skies and started to hit the ground. There, a transparent Godelieve stood before them. "I can see that the two of you are doing well.

    "What was that all about?" Idony started to look around and was ready to travel outside alongside her newfound friends. As she walked, she saw many airships in the air and another town across the ocean from Atlantis. "I thought Atlantis is supposed to be lost?" "Haha. It used to a year ago. Now, all of us are working side by side with the humans on surface to bring prosperity. I did not want my people to suffer no more." Kida and Idony kept o walking, enjoying the scenic route and the kids playing. Idony also bought a few items. "Adam and Kayla would definitely love this. A ring for Adam and a necklace for Kayla. I can't wait to show them." They still kept on walking until they ended up near a temple. "Here we are."

    Pyreflies started to fly around, wandering around the castle once more. As it travels, she started to hear voices. The pyreflies traveled until it went past the walls to see the leader, Xyliar, along with the others. The pyreflies kept on moving around and went back inside the walls.
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Me? Get smart with you? Never. I was just complimenting your imaginative use of furniture." Motx spoke.

    "Motx, stop." Xyliar ordered.

    "Sure thing."

    "Anyways." Xyliar started again, noticing Yunalesca's pyreflies out of the corner of her eye. "You two nobodies want to join our ranks. What reasons do you have that would convince me to allow you to join? After all, being a 'friend' to a member doesn't mean much to me. I only accept people who can pull their own weight around and prove to be useful to the Organization as a whole."


    "Hello your majesty." Kayla spoke. "What brings you here? Although I suppose I'm more curious as to what it is you've been hiding from your daughter. The memories she's going through right now imply a lot."
  17. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    OOC: Not gonna use colors this post.

    IC: Daxma stepped up to speak for Cinx. Since Cinx helped him out in many situations, it was the least he could do.

    "Xyliar, if I may, Cinx is a great fighter. During my years of absence, he and I fought together. Each of us had our personal goals. His was to regain his heart, and mine was to get stronger and find my brothers Xelo and Xelax. Unfortunately, only I was succesful," Daxma explained. NitonXao turned and gave a pissed off and a 'wtf?' stare at Daxma. Daxma ignored it and went on. "Cinx believes the Organization can help him get stronger and regain his heart. He needs a family that can fight by his side. Isn't that what we all want as Nobodies?" Daxma asked. NitonXao then spoke.

    "Daxma, quit speaking as if you have a heart. It's pathetic."
  18. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Cinx gave a sharp look to Nitonxao, but quickly returned his gaze to Xylair and Daxma.

    "Thank you Daxma, I could never have said it any better than that." He directed his speech at Xylair. "Daxma has seen me fight both along side him and against him, here in this group now he is the only one who knows the extent of my skills. However, i am willing to give a little demonstration......"
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Godelieve looked down as she closed her eyes and shook her head. "The memories that she are experiencing, those memories are those that I had experienced when she was a child but what she is innocent of. You do know that Idony told you that it is a job as a princess, king, or queen to go around worlds and to make sure that the balance of the worlds are at ease with each other. But, it is also the job of a summoner too. Summoners go to each temples and gain a summon. That was what me and my husband, Bo, has took up as a task. Still, with each summon that we obtain, it ends up creating a strain on us mentally even though we get stronger. Your parents, which I do believe that Idony is looking at right now, were on a journey but... in that memory that they are experiencing, the two of them... crystallized themselves against the dark entity, Sin, which came from the realm of darkness. Atlantis ended up sinking back into the ocean after a tremendous battle. Me and my husband barely escaped with our lives.

    Still, the most powerful of all of them is the Final Summoning, which lies in the world, The Ruined Dreams. Bo became a Final Summon, but... afterwards, when it came to it, I realized that the woman had tricked us. I, instead, used another summon and we was able to halt Sin. But, Elabor ended up attacked because of my decision and I put my daughter at risk. I thought that putting her under your care would keep her safe but I was mistaken. She only ended up unlocking more of your powers and... if your friend catches her should she realize that she can send nobodies' souls away into the realm of light... and possibly restore them..." Godelieve looked away from Adam and Kayla, ashamed of what she has done and not realizing it. "The price of this is me dying but I am content with this. I hope that she can free my husband but, whatever you do, make sure that you can develop a strong bond with her. With a strong bond, I believe that both of you can stop your friend but without revenge." Godelieve started to fade slowly as she stares at them. "All three of you, especially you Adam, are a threat to the organization but more so if the Lady finds the leader."

    Meanwhile, during that time, when Godelieve was talking, Idony was already within the temple, walking inside the small chamber to obtain the summoning...
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "I agree with Niton. There is no need to speak as if you have a heart. There is no use for such facades. Now, as for you so willing to put on a demonstration. I suppose that is a reasonable idea. You may do so alongside this other person who wishes to join us, or you may do so facing off against Motx."


    "Damn right I'm a threat to her." Adam spoke.

    "Adam, stop it." Kayla spoke out to him. "And I know exactly what you're thinking. Don't worry about her mentioning our parents. After all, we both know the extent of our lies. Let them believe what we've set up. It makes things so much easier."

    "These are some interesting things you have told us, your majesty. I will be sure to think long and hard about them." Kayla spoke, bowing.

    Once Godelieve disappeared...

    "Okay, what the hell was that?"

    "What was what?"

    "You know exactly what I'm talking about Kayla. Why the hell did she bother mentioning our parents?"

    "Well, if I had to guess, it would be because she suspects things about us. Things that we fabricated to distance ourselves from the past. Don't forget the fact that there isn't a single soul aside from Xyliar who knows the truth. And besides, she isn't the only one who thinks they know us. That other woman we both me. She tried showing a brief memory of us. Although I immediately tampered with it the moment it formed."

    The pair reached the building they were currently staying in. Once inside, Kayla tossed Adam a potion. "Here you go. This will restore your unique balance exactly the way it was. It's a pity these are only able to be used on us. We could save so many people from losing their hearts if these potions worked on other people."

    "Yeah. Whatever." Adam spoke as he drank the potion. "I believe it is time we go. I'm getting tired of my inaction."

    Kayla sighed. "Yes. I suppose it is time for you to assault the Organization's castle again. This'll give me a good chance to raid their storage again, get some of those rare ingredients."
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