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Favorite Character

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy X-2' started by Kitty, Jan 30, 2008.

Fave character?

  1. Yuna

  2. Rikku

  3. Paine

  4. Brother

  5. Shinra

  6. Nooj

    0 vote(s)
  7. Shuyin

  8. Lenne

  9. Gippal

  10. Other

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    There's gotta be one that stands out for you.

    I'll say Gippal. I didn't like how any of the old characters were handled in X-2. And of the new characters, Gippal was the only one who never said anything stupid. Props to him for calling Auron a jackass. That made me smile (one of the few times while playing).
  2. Juste Belmont

    Juste Belmont New Member

    Still has to be Rikku for me, though Yuna and Lenne are Pretty cool in X-2, shame they couldn't extend the gameplay a bit more, maybe work on making it better
  3. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    The gameplay was just horrible, but i have to say Gippal for me too. He was the only redeeming thing about such an awful game.
  4. ~Ansem~

    ~Ansem~ New Member

    Rikku is the BEST FF Char.
    And next comes Yuffie <3
  5. Kanzen

    Kanzen New Member

    My heart went out to Shuyin. =P Not in a "romantic fangirl crush" way, but in a "Wow, I feel bad for you" way. Haha.

    Same with Yuna. Yuna and Shuyin are therefore my favorites, because I can't really remember feeling any sort of emotion towards any other character. :]
  6. I liked Gippal he's is mine favorite. Yuna was okay to me.
  7. Tifa_03

    Tifa_03 New Member

    Probably Yuna i love her personality and i like Rikku for the same reason. If they put more thought into this game it would be better.
  8. YRPgrls <3

    YRPgrls <3 New Member

    Yuna! she changed alot. from being shy to outgoing.
  9. Dreamscape

    Dreamscape New Member

    Yuna - she's pretty cool in this game (well, she was cool in the original, but she has more personality now).
  10. Kit

    Kit New Member

    In a game that wasn't all that, Shinra with the FFVII reference was good enough for me.
  11. smosh102

    smosh102 New Member

    My favourite character has to be rikku she's full of happines and conquersher fears easily not to mention a habit of trying to cheer people up.
  12. AquaKh-3

    AquaKh-3 New Member

    It's a tie between Gippal and Rikku. They're both funny to me. :)
  13. RoxasxKairi

    RoxasxKairi New Member

    Rikku, idk she is pretty and really silly! x]
  14. fishy smells

    fishy smells Member

    she's funny
    She makes me crack up
  15. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Paine or Rikku. They're both amazing.
  16. Blanca

    Blanca New Member

    "Dr. P is in the House" - I like Pain, cause she is a cool and mysterious Woman[esspecially at the beginning...]
    Also I like her gothic-like look ^^

    But Rikku is an overwhelming Character ^^ she is so funny and always have some stupid(and funny) ideas and comments ^^
  17. Rikku is the best of all lol
  18. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    My favourite character in this one would have to be Yuna... I find that she was more outgoing in this story and less of the shy summoner which she was in FFX... I thought she was very useful also, after I figured out how to use the dresspsheres though XD... Rikku was also great in this one since she is deffinently funny, but for me Yuna was the best ^^
  19. kirairiato

    kirairiato New Member

    I guess sephiroth, don't know why though. Just think he is cool.

    My other option would be that silver haired guy in the newest final fantasy game.
  20. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    i say shuyin im a big ffx fan and tidus is the shit shuyin was just a more serius version of tidus.

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