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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Zerieth, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. Luke

    Luke Member

    I dont remember if i posted in this or not.

    Money can buy you things that make you happy. But it cannot buy happiness itself obviously for happiness is an emotion and intangible.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    There's a difference between an occasional goof-off post and consistently adding a ridiculous remark throughout something that should be a serious debate. I'm not refering solely to this thread, either.

    Also, questioning a mod's decision in public is against the rules, if you'd bothered to read them.

    Back on topic, it looks like Luke said it all.
  3. Earindel

    Earindel New Member

    Well I must say that if money brings happiness then its a rarity and that it doesn't last long, and that it's only a materialistic happiness.
  4. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    Luke- I'm happy with money. Money buys happiness

    Earindel- It hasn't gotten old to me.
  5. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    What ever. Toph, that was ancient history by SkylerOcon. Skyer, still my friend.
    Anyhoo, money doesn't equal happiness because loads of people were happy without it. I am not saying we should be commies but it is the truth. Now a days we give that little piece of paper more credit than its worth.
  6. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Try living without money for a while Zerieth (P.S, what is all this still my friend not my friend crap that you do all the time? I'm confused by that so explain it please) and you realize that money is an integral part of society now. It's highly possible to be happy without money, but it isn't easy.
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    (It is from another debate. Skyler went against me a bit but still asked if we were friends.)
    All you need to survive is a hammer and nails along with an axe. A dog and some sheep to raise a flock. I get my food from the forest and sheep and get water from the forests ponds. I build a home with that axe and build a fire to keep me and anyone living with me warm. Settlers got along without money for a bit.
  8. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Settlers did yes, but not many people are wood folk like you seem to be. Settlers lived a LONG time ago when things weren't so... uniform? I dont know if that is the correct word but you get my meaning. Most people are completely conditioned to the way society works today, and that involves money. The happiness doesnt come directly from the money, but it is an integral part.

    (ok, i was just curious, thanks for clarifying)
  9. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    My thoughts exactly. Money's not Required to live now. Never was. Depends on if you're willing to put in the effort.
  10. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    i like your argument and toatally agree with it
  11. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    If you like it you should build on it.
  12. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    i couldnt think of anything to say....

    money does not buy happiness, it buys contentment. if someone has enough money to live in a house, and eat three square meals a day, and provide for their family, then they should be happy, and content. if someone has so much money that they can own a huge mansion, 20 german sports cars, and buy as many girlfriends as they want...i do not believe they could ever be truly happy. they can say they are happy, but you know they are not. many rich people are either depressed or greedy...bill gates is only leaving ..04% of his money to his kids to share when he dies...his own kids....so people that are greedy and have too much money are just there and rich, never happy.
  13. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    HAHAHAHA. Oh god... did you just insult Bill Gates? He's donated millions of dollars of money to charity? And you have the gumption to call him a bad person? Where is that other money going? To fund Microsoft, and to people who actually need it most likely. And .04% of six billion is over a million dollars, thats still a lot of money. I fail to see how that makes him greedy.

    And a mansion, twenty german sports cars, and supermodels sounds pretty good to me.
  14. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    okay hes not like super evil or anything, just i mean come on his own kids dont even get 5% of his money, seirously, a little cheap, and thats not the point, the point of this debate is weather money buys happiness or not, not if bill gates is greedy, it was just an example....

    and if you had all of those things the question is would you be truly happy with it? i mean sure a frekken sweet car would be nice with a mansion on a cliff overlooking the ocean, but would it make u truly happy? would it be better to just live in a normal house with a family?.......mabye a normal kinda big house with a family and a really nice car.....yeah.....

    anyway my point is bill gates dosnt matter, its just an example
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2008
  15. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    I would be perfectly happy. Sure, a lover wouldn't be bad, but I can still see myself happy without a lover.
  16. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Actually, I'd like to point out a couple of things. It's a little off topic, but I've got to say it. First off, if Bill Gates is leaving most of his money to charities and not to his kids, that's a far less selfish act. And while I'm doing a bit of speculation here, I suspect it's also done to make the kids show a little bit of responsibility. 5% of a 50+ billion dollar fortune is still A LOT of money. But it's not so much that a person couldn't squander it away if they aren't careful or responsible with it.

    Besides which, as far as I'm aware, they're getting the company. They don't need the fortune. Microsoft will keep them nice and cozy for the rest of their lives more than likely.
  17. Mike

    Mike Member

    Bill Gates....hmm. Something about him makes him seem kind of 'fake.' Does anybody else get that vibe? Like he's donating things for popularity (which albeit he doesn't need...but still).

    Regardless, the man has so many luxuries that are unnecessary. I wouldn't call it greedy, but isn't it excessive to have each room of your house equipped with a unique auto-adjusting thermostat & light sensor? Haha...it's like one of those Rocket Houses.

    But anyway, I don't think Gates' intentions are to educate his kin in the art of responsibility. He's put so much into his company, that most of his money (probably his heart too) goes to his company. He's not greedy, he's just a business-man.

    That reminds me of a depressing documentary I once saw, entitled something like "The industry." It's about corporations, and how they often times have rights similar to human beings (fair trials, etc.) So this guy puts corporations to the test...literally.

    He gives them a psychoanalysis (ie. as if they were human beings), and finds just about everything you possibly could, wrong with them. Good documentary, makes you think.
  18. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    So long as he is happy about his work. That is, until Jason Fox comes around and messes with him. Lol.
    (Jason is in a comic called Foxtrot, in case you never knew that.)
  19. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    Heh heh... I love FoxTrot

    On-topic: Even if he is donating just for popularity it's still good (though that would make him a complete jackass). So he's not greedy. And a multi-billion dollar fortune (50+ billion was stretching it, Al) kind of balances out having a super-advanced thermostat in every room.
  20. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Last quoted number I heard was $52 billion. Of course, that wasn't out of an actually reference source. It did come from several different teachers at my college though.

    But more on topic, while I don't think having money, in and of itself would bring the majority of people happiness (I'm sure there are exceptions), I don't see where you can make a statement like having that much money will guarantee your unhappiness. One can be rich and happy. One can be happy and not rich.

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