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Battle System Change

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories' started by DV8playa, Sep 4, 2011.

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  1. DV8playa

    DV8playa New Member

    Okay. How many of you would've liked Chain of Memories better if it played like an actual card game? The action elements, in my opinion, were severley hindered by the Card Battle System. I would've liked it better as an actuall card game. Who else is like me?
  2. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Me being the yugioh I am I must say that I agree with you.
  3. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    I'd agree...but I would have liked the game better than that if they had nixed the card element all together.
  4. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    eeeeeh......while not my favorite, I can't say I hated it either
  5. LegendLatios

    LegendLatios New Member

    Nice idea. That would be cool. KH might lose some fans, but they will gain some more. :) Nice thinking :)
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