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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Luke, Dec 7, 2007.

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  1. Luke

    Luke Member

    Sora manages to free Auron from the god's spell by destroying the doll that held his memories. During this scene, some of the quotes Auron made shortly before he died in Final Fantasy X are displayed and spoken on the screen. This may indicate that, unlike most of the other Final Fantasy characters featured in Kingdom Hearts, he is the same Auron that appeared in Final Fantasy X.
  2. Lurker77

    Lurker77 New Member

    which would mean Auron was sent to the underworld and not the farplane...
  3. Luke

    Luke Member

    Yep and that KH2 takes place in Gaia lol
  4. boo_baby2012

    boo_baby2012 New Member

    Well my opinon is that Auron will always be the same no matter what. :)
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2007
  5. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Well, all the character's are (to an extent) the same. Cloud and Sephiroth still have their battles, Tifa and Aerith still know Cloud and such. I think they are all the same characters, but just in different locations.
  6. Ratede

    Ratede New Member

    and vivi....... why did they make him a weak loser, but in ff9 he was kool
  7. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    I think auron's death will be explained in birth by sleep, i mean it's logical.
  8. Soras Other #13

    Soras Other #13 New Member

    Why should they have to explain Auron's death in a kh game when he did'nt die in kh2, but in FFX?
  9. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    well ffx's story does'nt exist in kingdom hearts so he must have died differently in kingdom hearts.
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