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IF You could have any Keyblade which one.

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by bladelight25, Apr 2, 2008.

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  1. bladelight25

    bladelight25 New Member

    mine would b the ultima blade
  2. heartless riku

    heartless riku New Member

    mine would be the fenrir. it is the best!
  3. Angel of Oblivion

    Angel of Oblivion New Member

    i liked oathkeeper a lot in both games cuz it looks really cool! and also its like a memento and holds meaning in the game ^-^ and its pretty when u attack with it too ^.^
  4. reme1123

    reme1123 New Member

    Oblivion for me
  5. smosh102

    smosh102 New Member

    mine is follow the wind i think its cool and has came in handy for me many times.
  6. antisorastwin

    antisorastwin New Member

    I would have to choose fenrir because it looks soooooo SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. donaldduck5

    donaldduck5 New Member

    Mines would deferently be oblivion!!!
    it's the best :)
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I would have to say Ultima Weapon from KH1, because it is THE BEST keyblade in KH1, whereas Ultima Weapon in KH2 has a weaker attack stat compaired to Fenrir, so technically, it is not the keyblade above all others.
  9. Kit

    Kit New Member

    The Two Across for me.

    JIMMER45KHB New Member

    Fenrir it is the best keyblade so far
  11. Namine3.0

    Namine3.0 New Member

    I would like to have the Ultima Keyblade from kh2
  12. axel_girl_1513

    axel_girl_1513 New Member

    i would have the bond of flame
  13. if i could have had 2 keyblades then i would pull a Roxas combo (oblivion and oathkeeper)
    but if i can only have one then i would choose.... agh this is so hard to decide. um...
    !! i know. i would choose "The Way to Dawn". you never said it had to be one of Sora's
  14. SlashVorlex

    SlashVorlex New Member

    I'd really actually chose Oblivion over all.
  15. ViralSorrow

    ViralSorrow New Member

    Id pick the dark keyblade that Riku uses in KH. But overall, Lionheart.
  16. Xephr

    Xephr New Member

    Mine would be Fenrir and/or Wat to the Dawn
  17. tinytommy

    tinytommy New Member

    mine would have to be oblivion
  18. The Way to Dawn and Ultima(I used those to beat the game, Best doble for Ultimate form). For normal form I would take Oblivion.
  19. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I gotta say Fenrir cuz I had to go through a tough fight to get it!
  20. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    well there is this one keyblade in the secret ending i'd lke to have, let me see if i can find a pic.
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