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The Reapers

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Zerieth, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    So I hinted to some stuff so i thought this would be a perfect time to unveil it. I want to take this to writing but what better place is there to get the opinions of others than a good ol roleplay?


    The Reapers

    A Zerieth Roleplay​

    In a time far past and in a world far distant death alone could not judge all. When this world was born he was given charge over two places and so he requested to the citizenry of the first world, "Will some of you step forward and do the job I have done?" Several agreed and the reaper clan was born.

    The reapers embody the powers of death into scythes made from their spirits. Several castes exist within the clan. The farmers, the soldiers, the elites, and the monarchs. The farmers kept the clan well fed. The soldiers kept the clan protected. The elites journeyed the world and did the duty of the clan. The monarchs ruled over the rest. They formed laws and spread order to the world. At the end of a persons life death guided people to the after life. For those who took lives and disrupted the balance the reapers came and dealt punishment, placing the unlawful soul into their scythes, putting the evil souls into a torturous environment for many years.

    Eventually a evil came to the land, a man of the reapers who decided not to follow the old lawful ways. Many elites were dispatched to stop him but ended up losing their lives. His scythe was bloated on the power of good and evil souls alike, and he soon became unstoppable to all but the monarchs. Since the morachs could not leave their holds undefended, several elites were dispatched to aid him.

    I am playing the monarch, a younger man but very powerful. I want someone else playing the villain along with several bad guys to join his side. Equal on each side. As I said above the monarch and the main villain are evenly matched in every way. The rest of his cronies haven't got the stomach to break the ultimate rule of feeding a good soul to his/her scythe. Thus if one of the elites faces the main baddy the elite should either lose or run. Same vice versa. Demons wander the lands and are neutral in the fact that they attack anyone.

    The scythes have a rather vicious nature inherently. That said they also can be rather kind to their hosts though most are more raw and animalistic. Make your weapon and personality accordingly. The persons themselves don't have to follow this.

    Age: (Monarch is in his late 20's. The elites should be in their late teens to early twenties. Max age 24)
    Fighting style:

    Scythe Name: (Yes these are named. Include their release mantra's in this. It only needs to be a few words then the name)
    Scythe Pic:
    Scythe Release:
    Scythe Personality:

    (Doesn't need to be a true scythe. It does have to modeled after some kind of bladed weapon meant to kill. A sword is pushing it, think sickles, scythes, battle scythes, glaves, and halberds. I will allow a sword but not to many of those. Try on this people, and challenge yourselves)

    Name: Mar Shermone Hesterian. (Just call him Mar, or Monarch Hesterian)
    Age: 29
    Pic: [​IMG]
    He tends to wear a black long cloat, a traditional garb for the reapers. He is a taller man and well built. He is also light on his feet. He wears a white shirt, blank pants, and black leather boots.

    Fighting Style: He prefers a mixture of his magic and scythe skills in battle. All good scythe fighters strive to keep their enemy off balance and he is quite good at it. His spells are incredibly strong, and he's done much in practice. His only problem is that he is a bit naive, and can be fooled.

    Personality: A good leader and companion. He prefers to keep a lose friendly group. He works hard for his people, and governs well when needed. He hasn't gotten to the high council in the clan, but he has been nominated several times. He can be a bit foolish and silly at times.

    History: Mar Hesterian is a impeccable fighter and artist. He was born to rule, and he's filled his role quite well. He worked hard in his studies, and has taken many souls as an elite. Now he wishes to wile away his days doing administrative work. He grew tired of dealing death at a younger age than some, and instead devoted himself to art of all things. Several of his artwords hang in the homes of other upper class families.

    At a younger age he witnessed the evil of some first hand watching a young boy like himself get beaten almost to death. There his powers blossomed and he attacked the almost killers with verocity. Now, though he dislikes it, he has grown accustomed to saying, "I have come for your soul." The dictum every reaper says before slaying an enemy.

    Scythe Name: Reap the harvest, Merda Syda
    Scythe pic: [​IMG]
    Scythe Release pic: [​IMG]
    Scythe Personality: Compared to others, Merda is positively tame. When Merda first contaced her host she did so in a calm manner. Even now she guides Mar to be a strong caring man, though in a fight she gives in to her appetite for souls. She has punished many, and knows she will punish many more. She hates Mars silly personality though.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2011
  2. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    I kinda want to be the villian, If you'll have me that is.

    Name: Golrum
    Age: 23
    Pic/Para: [​IMG]
    Fighting style: He Has stolen the souls of evil men and uses that power to aid his skills with the scythe. Using the souls to gain advantage over the field, the enemy or even to power the scythe itself. He tends to trick his opponent by giving them a false sense of security, then when they let their guard down he strikes.
    Personality: Malicious. He thrives in Darkness, letting evil cloud his mind for the sole purpose of gaining power. He cares for none but himself. he strives to be the sole Monarch of the clan. He thinks of himself as far supperior to the other reapers. overconfidence is his weakness.
    History: Golrum was not always known as such. He had once gone by the name of Roanoak however he changed it when he abandoned the Reapers. He started out following the rules of the reapers. He had been an elite reaper, when Darkness came to him and showed hm a path to power. Roanoak gave into temptation, and allowed himself to delve into the powers of Darkness, stealing the souls of evil men for his own gain. He began to take the souls of good men simply to diminish the amount of good in the world, giving no regard to the laws of reapers. With the evil souls now trapped within his scythe, it became deformed and twisted becoming the scythe he now carries. The Evil souls corrupted it's nature and made it submissive to Golrum's evil.

    He got others to join his cause, but none were as ruthless as he was. Golrum strives to dethrone the Monarchs, he sees himself as being the most powerful and therefore the most worthy to rule the clan of reapers.
    Scythe Name: Reap The Dark Harvest! Soul Harvester
    Scythe Pic:[​IMG]
    Scythe Release: [​IMG]
    Scythe Personality: Twisted by Evil Souls trapped within it, It bent to it's master's will killing whoever he sees fit to die.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2011
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Evil. Very much evil, but I got some minor issues.

    Reapers don't have "Dark Magic". They have Reaper Arts that are basically the extra powers of death. Here is an explanation on it in general. I have very few spells thought up so everyone is allowed imagination. You can have a darker aspect or use of them though Knight. I guess this cancels my own concern =P.

    Reaper Arts are spells. They come in all kinds of variety's but the clan has managed to give each spell a ranked category. Easier spells are ranked as level three's. They are simple to use but trade off simplicity with power. They are more for faster use or for less experienced reapers. Rank two's are middle level spells that any reaper can perform to some extent or another. They are a little more difficult to control but they are powerful enough to be worth using. Sometimes they require an incantation but every time they require a name. Level one's are the highest. They are extremely powerful in the hands of a master and extremely volatile in the hands of a novice. Most elites don't have enough experience to use them proficiently, though in most cases they don't blow themselves up either. Elites can use them at about half power, which is still much higher than a level two at it's best. Monarchs practice enough to be able to use these proficiently as they have loads of time since they rarely journey far from home. Some can level mountains with these powers. Any reaper can use the arts in some way or another, and strength is not limited by the individual. Instead experience gauges the power of the spells.

    To sum it up level ones require an incantation and loads of concentration, level two's require a name, and level three's require a thought only. Make em up as we go along.

    Also my other concern is that you think there is only one monarch. Their are actually many of them, totalling in about fifty fully taught ones in this age. Out of those only thirty hold lands. Of those thirty five are on the council of rulers. They govern the peoples below them. The rest of the government is made of two of the other castes, representing them. Two farmers, two soldiers, and two elites.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2011
  4. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    ok I can edit. Let me know if you like the changes I make.
  5. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    That looks much better and even more evil. I hope others will join us soon.
  6. Key King

    Key King Member

    (I'm gonna be a bad guy helper)
    Name: Syvil Havoc
    Age: (Monarch is in his late 20's. The elites should be in their late teens to early twenties. Max age 24) 25
    Fighting style: prefers to get up close and personal, into the thick of it.
    Personality: he is quiet and dark, when he speaks it is dark and dreary.
    History: He was once an elite, but when Golrum defected he followed. he had had enough of reaper life, and when he turned 25 (to old to be elite) he saw that it was useless to continue to oppose Golrum. When he discovered his powers he was considered a freak.

    Scythe Name:anima exterminatore (soul destroyer)
    Scythe pic:http://steelcloset.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/buffy-scythe.jpg
    Scythe release pic: http://www.dragoart.com/tuts/pics/8/2519/popup.png
    Scythe personality: the scythe is dark, and usually angry. It is always sending rash thought's into Syvil's mind, poisoning and molding him.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2011
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Well key king once more we got several problems. We'll start with the obvious. Elites MAX AGE 24, not 25.

    Second your history needs to be way larger. Put a lot of thought into building your character. Why did he defect, How does he fight, when did he become evil, were did he learn his powers? Answer some of these. Flesh him out a little bit.

    Scythe needs a release. Also some more description of its powers and thoughts tho you dont have to.
  8. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Picked another pic out instead. This looks more the thing.
  9. Ninamihurai

    Ninamihurai New Member

    Here's the beginning of my character(helper good guy), gonna work on drawing the character and scythe tonight and tomorrow, along with wrapping up the details. : )

    Name: Helana Reveetha
    Age: 24
    Helana has fair skin, blue eyes and long jet black hair. In the sunlight her black hair shines with bands of purple and sometimes dark blue. She often wears a tan cape and what looks like a cream colored cotton blouse, but it is a halter neck to allow full range of motion for her arms and shoulders (She is hoping one day to find a nice necklace to wear to complete the outfit). She is often teased for her looser pants, but she found they allowed full range of motion without constriction. The tall brown leather boots help to keep the loose ends of the pants tucked securely. Before a battle begins she likes to put on tough leather wrist-guards to support her wrists and protect them while fighting. With all of the traveling she has done as an Elite she is well toned and very fit. Her agility becomes evident whenever she feels the urge to climb a tree, often a nice spot for drawing landscapes.

    Fighting style: Helana’s demeanor is rather calm during the midst of a battle, she is very analytical of her opponent’s moves and tactics. She tends to favor her magic over her scythe, but is definitely not afraid to use it. If she had to chose between fighting or not, she’d rather not fight, but if no other option is available she will fight to win.

    Personality: Helana is typically a quiet person, having traveled alone a lot, but can be very cheerful and friendly when around other people. She has a love for life and works hard as a Reaper, having found that her job allowed her to protect precious lives from an early end. She loves animals and has a hobby of learning everything she can about them along with doodling in a leather bound sketchbook she carries around. Helana has a darker side when it comes to battle; her hate for people who kill others unnecessarily simmers behind the calm exterior as she works to destroy her evil foe.

    History: Helana grew up in the country side near a city where a variety people came and went, but seldom saw the darker side of the city and the people. When Helana was eleven and her older sister fifteen, they were captured by a group of back-street thieves and murderers when walking home late one day. It was then she saw the brutal evil that roamed in the alleys of a supposedly welcoming and kind city. Helana and her sister were saved by a Reaper, but went back home with the realization of the darker side of life. Helana later became a Reaper, feeling the need to protect her family along with the lives of those who accepted and enjoyed life.

    Scythe Name: “Show evil no mercy, Yatschrava Yvu.”
    Scythe Pic: As in above picture
    Scythe Release:[​IMG]

    Scythe Personality: The scythe may as well be a wary and wide eyed snow leopard, Yatschrava naturally watches her prey for a chance to pounce and consume. Yatschrava otherwise has a calm, yet snide attitude when satiated. She likes to make comments and poke fun at her wielder, but still shares the same hate for people who ruin good souls. During battle she becomes focused and works flawlessly with Helana to find a chance to collect their foe’s soul.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2011
  10. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Usually reapers are born into a vaster kind of kingdom and end up realizing their potential in their caste later on. I'm glad I shared that info with you love.

    Thats right my gf is back once again you khers. Show the lady a lot of courtesy yes?
  11. Noir


    I'm up for a good reaper.

    Name: Arkon Xavier
    Age: 24
    Pic/Para: [​IMG]
    Fighting style: He is a expert on melee. He is strong, but a bit fast. He uses his scythe very much. He also uses many magic, spells and abilities in order to defeat the enemy, to dark heal or to escape. He also gets an evil man's soul which he saves on a hidden container. Once the container is full of souls, he releases everything he had. Wings and his scythe release.
    Personality: Quiet, kind and cool, staying chill always. He calms easily. He sometimes laugh, which he call his happiness. He always say romantic words which mean something sacred. He rarely smiles and winks a lot.
    Arkon Xavier had a normal mother and a reaper father. His father was a elite like Arkon which will be one.
    Arkon always get stick to news. He loves his family and cares enough for them. He was kind on many people but doesn't care on anyone sometimes. At the middle of Arkon's life, while he was 13, Arkon will be amazed, with his soul getting bigger, creating a scythe, appearing in his heart. Then, it came true, the scythe appeared in his heart, as it has it's name in the handle. When Arkon grows more powerful, the scythe becomes more looking powerful than ever and more magics will come to it. Arkon later in his teenage years, he heard his scythe talk. His scythe was a twin of another scythe who also grow when the wearer grows powerful. Arkon in the age of 16, he discovered many graveyards and dead people. He started a shop with full of sacred relics, also with scythes, clothes, cloaks and food. His relics are the most popular on his shop so far. So Arkon keep continuing managing the shop, as he grows older and older, as it improves more. Finally Arkon became a elite reaper in the age of 18. He keep continuing his journey.. as a young man.
    Arkon, now in the age of 24, meets many reapers. Now he started a new journey and began to seek something more.

    Scythe Name: Within the souls of death clear these, Cosmos Raikum!
    Scythe Pic: [​IMG]
    Scythe Release: [​IMG]
    Scythe Personality:
    Cosmos Raikum, the scythe is yet to await evil souls. It is very chaotic and it is angry which makes the wearer shakes his/her hand, except for Arkon, because he mastered this ancient scythe. The scythe is ancient, which has a twin which is joyful, but chaotic too.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2011
  12. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    I'd find it very ironic if Ninamihurai's character was saved by Golrum/Roanoak (depending on the timeline) If Roanoak, then he would have saved her for good purposes and then later he would have become evil himself. If Golrum, he would have killed the evil men for the sake of stealing their souls to power his scythe.

    one must always love good irony.
  13. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Gonna make a character later today, if there's a chance of getting accepted this time. ;3
  14. Noir


    Uh, guys. Am I accepted?
    Also is the actual RP started?
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2011
  15. Ninamihurai

    Ninamihurai New Member

    Hi guys, i recently had contact with Zer and he says he should be able to get on tomorrow, hopefully. Fingers crossed, cuz i want this roleplay to start too. : )
  16. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Noz please do make one.

    Venitas I have a few issues with your chara. First off reapers make scythes out of their souls. They are born with them in fact.

    Also your profile looks like it was written by someone who doesn't take well to the english language. You get a pass if you really aren't english speaking and the forum is just translating but otherwise you need to reword things. Also I don't know if I wanna make demons and humans compatible. Usually they are really big mean beasties that devour anything in their paths.

    Finally we kinda need to know who's side your on, good or bad.

    We'll start when we got 3 good and 3 bad. The good will be trying to search out the bad and the bad will be harrying the good along with pulling strings of other evil people.

    Nina is good to go, and I once again applaud your drawing skills.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2011
  17. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Name: Jaq

    Age: 21

    Pic/Para: [​IMG]

    Fighting style: He tends to be a physical fighter, rarely using spells. Training mostly with his scythe, he's very efficient fighter with equal skills on offense and defense. Among the caste's elites, his psychical strength is renown.

    Personality: Jerking off most of the times, Jaq is not usually understood and gets into trouble while communicating with people who don't understand his jokes or teasing. Even while harvesting souls and battling, he tends to tease his foes with words and actions. Even though that he's very anarchist and has no respect towards authority, he follows the one who he sees as the strongest - Golrum. He constantly wants to try out how far he can go.

    History: Jaq, being part of the Elites, once followed rules that were given to the Reapers and obeyed the decisions of the Council of Rulers. Constantly doing missions with few other younger elites, he began to wonder how his life started being very null and unexciting, doing the same exact thing from day to another - training, missions, never new adventures or never any feeling of excitement.

    For about two months, he began plotting against his comrades-in-arms, waited for the right moment to strike them down as they were only now nuisances in his way to better life - and slaughtered all of them but one, to bring the ill news to the caste's Monarch. Of course, the Monarch wasn't very happy of this as the words he sent were full of mockery and wickedness, so he was from now on a marked man, with a prize on his head. Many of the younger elites tried to get him for riches and fame, but no one succeeded. When the stronger elites tried to hunt him down, Jaq had disappeared to thin air, leaving no marks after him.

    For about three months, Jaq wandered around never staying in one place for too long. Then he heard that a Monarch had risen up against the Reapers authority, and oh boy, was he excited to hear about this. He journeyed to find the man and eventually did, joining to his side against the Reapers. Why? It sounded exciting to question the rule of the Reapers and if they succeeded, the world would be turned around.

    Scythe Name: "Slice 'em up, Ryyji Roguro!"

    Scythe Pic: [​IMG]

    Scythe Release: [​IMG]

    Scythe Personality: Ryyji is best pictured as a maniac. His lust for souls is never eased, and tends to communicate with his host for more and more, never wanting to stop. Even while doing so, he bends to Jaq's will quite easily.


    Meh, tried to do something, at least.
  18. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Looks good for everyone so heres how it goes. Good guys need to hang for one day together while my monarch gets his orders from the ruling group. After that we travel to the edge of reaper owned lands on horseback and then out into the normal world of normal people (its also a monarchy ruled by a king). From there we go looking for the baddies who try to harry our steps the whole way. Lets roll.
  19. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    so is there a specific place where Golrum and his gang are set up? or can I just make that on my own?
  20. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I'll upload a map later on. The world is split up into three territories. The Reaper Holdings, the place were the clan is based at. The Kingdom of Alveron, the human area which is larger still. The Badlands, were swamp and mountain prevent any kind of farming at all and makes that land next to worthless. It isn't owned by anyone so it would make sense that Golrum and his chronies be based there. Its a months journey on horseback from the edge of the reaper holdings.

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