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Soria: The Beginning of Fate(Actual Rp)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    >Sorry for the Semi-machine gun, but I wanted to post with Mizu since I realized I haven't posted with him for quite a while now<


    First, he sliced a darkling through its chest. Second, he turned round to face another and block it's leap with his sword.
    Third, an explosion ruptured the area. His arm was thrown off balance and the darkling dived into him, sending him plunging into the depths of the lake.


    Immediately after opening his eyes, Mizu noticed he was surrounded by numerous pillars of ice. He also noticed that he was dreaming. And that Rhapsody, Larissa's scythe, was still in his hand. Someone-or something- flickered into sight like candlelight. That something took the form of an orb about the size of his head.
    ''Yo, you're probably wondering what you're doing here. I can change that.''The orb said coolly,''See, there's something you'e been chosen to do. Something you, along with a scarce few others, were born to do. It's your purpose.''

    Mizu sighed,''The darkness,right? We have to defeat the darkness. We're the only ones who stand a chance.'' He mumbled quietly, a tiny hint of sorrow reflected in his voice.
    ''Correct. But don't look so upset! There's something you should know. It might just interest you. Or worry you. Your power stems from your hands because...Actually, I don't know why your powers are tied to your hands. But when you exert it too much, your mind automatically stems your hands to our vision. And then to your hearing. And eventually you lose every sense and become hopeless if you exert yourself too much.''

    ''Seriously? I...I lose my senses if I exert my power too much?!''

    ''They come back. Gradually. That's the only downside to your power. So, anyway, onto a more pressing matter.'' The Ice pillars shot into the ground and Mizu was left floating in a serene frozen wasteland, the orb circling him rapidly,''There are others, as I said, with the same purpose as you. To defeat the darkness. Stick with them. Now, it was awesome meeting you, so seeya. For now.'' The orb flickered out and there was a brilliant flash of light.

    When Mizu awoke, he was lying on the ground, somewhere close to the lake. 'But I fell into the lake...didn't I? Then again, I'm not quite sure when I passed out. I could've been dreaming it...'

    In the distance, he saw the figure of a girl. And the spark of broken wires. Broken wires! What happened to the hanger?! He broke into a jog towards the hangar. That jog became a fast paced run, which soon became a sprint. He met the feminine figure halfway there and found that she was none other than Eona. Tears were streaming down her face, although she had a determined expression on her face. She was almost definitely looking for the others,''Eona. You're looking for the others too? I know I put Larissa down not too far from here. At the other end of that lake. Why don't we split up and meet back here? I find Draco and you find Larissa?'' He asked hastily. He then held out the scythe and added,''Oh, and give this to her when you find her please.''

    >Really long, I know, but I kind of had to seize the chance for him to fall into the river while I could. And that thing about his hands, that's just something I put in. Not much to do with the plot, don't worry<
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2011
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will stopped short of the mouth of the cave, looking up into the mouth before looking down at his gauntleted hand. He knew if he went in that cave he would need to face his demons and allow his past to come out for the first time in years. As he looked at his hand his vision shifted to the hilt of his sword, the one his grandfather had made for him, and also the one that had spilt his grandfather's blood. This sword haunted him more than his memories did. Everytime he used his sword he hated himself for not having found the murderer yet, for having taken this long to get vengence, and for never completing the project his grandfather was so proud of him about. He shook his hair into his eyes and looked up. "Shall we enter then?" He asked the others.
  3. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    > Simply put it appears Raiza has gone ahead, he entered the cave and looked into it's reflecting pond recovering his memories and old persona he now has the attitude of a young reckless boy, who is a seasoned combat expert.
    He keeps to himself alot but is searching for allies to combat the darkness. His first goal nowm is looking for Eona and the others. As Eona was originally the girl he was assigned to protect as a kid.<

    Raiza stepped into the new town just down the road from the cave he had encountered the goddess. His memories stirred and so did his headache but he pressed on. The towns building reminisced a guild like setting with rough looking characters and a tough yet hardy setting. The folk here seemed to like the tough life and enjoyed laborious yet prosperous lives. As he entered the city, a man with blonde hair crossed raiza's path, There was an odd feeking about him but Raiza shook it off.
    Cloud had recently awoken and bounced up onto Raiza's shoulder. He yawned in a rather cute manner before speaking. "Hey dude, whatsup?". Raiza looked over and then pressed on muttering "Not much". Clouds expression became serious. "You sure have changed...like overnight. You okay?". Raiza smiled and then sat down on a nearby bench. "I'm fine, you look hungry would you like food?". Cloud wasn't convinced but he was starving. "Yeah..". Ok, these are the last of those fruits i acquired, we'll have to find some means of cash to pay for it...so let's see about finding a job". Raiza stood up and casually walked over to the center of town looking around for a Signpost or poster that could offer a few bits of money to pay for dinner.
  4. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    Shimon walked up to the man that passed him. "If you're looking for work, I'll pay you to help me out with something." He pulls out a nicely sized wad of cash. "I just need help traveling, a bodyguard if you want to call it."

    Shimon leans against the wall hoping for an answer. He lights up a cigarette as he waits. "I just need to go a few towns over yo drop off some supplies to a family I made a promise to."
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2011
  5. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Raiza stared at him for a moment but shrugged it off, considering it to at the very least be some easy work, with a small pay. His trusty companion cloud smiled back from atop his shoulder giving his consent. "We'll take the job".
    Raiza pondered for a moment before introducing himself properly. "Hi, i'm Raiza and this is Cloud, he usually keeps to himself". Both Raiza and Cloud knew that a talking cat was enough to scare anyone away. They subtly agreed to keep it between them with a simple nod.
    Walking out of town with the man Raiza couldn't help but wonder exactly why he had ditched Fan and Will...perhaps he had been called to that strange cavern?. Shaking it off he focused on his next target, grabbing some food.
  6. Azrazae

    Azrazae New Member

    Not far down the path away from the town, atop a hill stood a young girl, no more than nine. She stood stoically, staring at the blonde boy at the bottom of the hill. Well, perhaps it appeared that way, for the blindfold clearly made this an impossible feat. She noticed his eyes fixing on her, rather curious as to what she was doing there all alone, but mostly indifferent toward the whole situation.
    "Azrazae~! Azrazae~! どこだの?大丈夫?教えてくださいね!Azrazae~!"
    Immediately noticing the call, the child turned. That was indeed her name being called, so she ceased her fixation on the strange boy, yet remained still as the voice approached her.
    "Azzie! Don't run off! This place is dangerious!"
    Of course, she had run off in search of the strange energy she had felt emanating nearby. Once she had found the strange boy, she had stopped. She knew that he was the source. She knew not why he had such a strange aura about him, but she was intent on finding out. So she sat atop the hill, perhaps waiting for him to notice, perhaps to simply spy. Truthfully, it mattered not to her. I mean, she couldn't communicate with him, so what use would it be to encounter the odd fellow? As the source of the voice grasped her hand, Azrazae once again fixed her "gaze" upon the strange boy.
    "Huh? Is he a friend of yours?"
    "No. I don't know him, but he's strange."
    Her partner in linguistics smirked chuckled, "Alright, well let's find out why." She took in a deep breath...
    Azrazae felt herself suddenly being pulled.
    "Cieralyn! You idiot! Stop!"
    It was too late, they were already half way down the hill. There was no stopping that pesky sister of hers. Upon reaching the boy where he stood, Cieralyn bowed.
    "Sorry to bother you. We're... not really from around here. Do you think you could direct us to an inn?"
    Azrazae nearly choked on her sisters infallible charm. It was ridiculous.
    "I really hate you right now, Cieralyn."

    >Since there's no real conversation going on between other characters in this post, I felt a need to translate most of the sisters' conversation. Italics represents communication between the two in another language. Bold italics represents telepathic communication. The bold will be used with Azrazae... probably only Azrazae (just so nobody gets confused as to who's speaking and how. Hope this post wasn't too confusing...<
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2011
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Wait Raiza just skipped the whole cave thing I was building up to? Seriously dude you have to slow down some.<

    Fan nodded to Will, and walked in. The first time he'd walked inside he'd gotten an immense migraine that almost knocked him out. This time he felt only a slight tingle and realized that his powers were still with him, though greatly diminished. He doubted he could use his knew magic skills that had come with the true awakening of his powers, but he could probably still make his scythe.

    He looked around and noticed the various pools were glowing, just like last time. They illuminated the cave in a eery blue light. "This place brings back memories." When he realized what he'd just said he laughed. "I didn't mean for that pun though."
  8. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will shook his head, feeling his head clear of all regrets and doubts the second he passed the threshold. He eyed the different features of the cave, noticing it hadn't changed much. "That it does my friend, that it does." He said, eyeing the various pools and trying not to look into them at the same time. He didn't want to be here but Fan thought they needed to be here so he didn't care. He just knew he needed to get to the next town so he could have access to a forge and metals. "When we get to town though, I will need a few days for something." He said, not really wanting to reveal his plans for the sword yet.
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Decided my reapers blade will get complicated. Gonna give him a color, red for my scythe, blue for my character. This only happens during the reapers speech. The rest is all normal black.<

    "Fine by me. I need some time alone myself." In order to practice my technique. No one else knows about my scythe yet. Especially the new powers I've gained. However if I am right i did hear something about a local problem, some man who committed some pretty nasty crimes. I can deal with him and learn my techniques.

    "We finally going to go get a soul for me?"


    "If a soul takes the lives of many others then it must be punished. It is the job of the reaper to deal out this punishment. In other words," The scythe smiled in his mind, "I eat it. In my stomach the soul under goes a hell of pain and suffering equal to the amounts it dealt to others. When you die the souls are released from me and they are allowed to go to the after life. When you go after someone with intent to kill state your intention. It's only good manners.

    "So your saying I should say something like, 'I've come for you're soul?'"

    "That's it exactly."

    Fan tried hard to keep a look of revulsion from his face. He hoped hard that he'd succeeded. Keeping his voice steady he asked, "Ready to proceed? I guess we'll be doing a lot of preparing in the next town." In his mind he added, "And I'll be seeing just what I got myself into."
  10. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will nodded, noticing the slight shake and revulsion from Fan. And he knew it was not from this cave. "Yes. I feel the faster we can get to the town the faster we can finish our business." He said, turning and going towards the exit. "That is unless there is more here you wish to do." He asked Fan, eyes curious but hidden by his hair. He then shook his head. "I shall be outside, inform me when you are done my friend." He said, striding towards the entrance.
  11. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    Shimon nods and hands Raiza the money. "I'm Shimon. That'll be the advance payment. I have more for you when we get there." Shimon walks with Raiza out of town.

    Shimon turns to look at the newcomer. "Um, yeah. There is an inn about halfway down this street into town. Tell the innkeeper that Shimon sent you. He'll set you up with a room."

    >Azrazae, I just assumed it was me you were talking about. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
  12. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Fan nodded absent mindedly. Once Will was gone he drew his scythe out, and whispered, "I know you can hear me. So come out of there and talk to me. I want to know exactly what unlocking my powers did to me."

    "Just go over to that pool over there. We can see each other better that way. If you think I am coming out there you are absolutely undeniably crazy. Or stupid. I haven't decided yet."

    Fan growled in the back of his throat, and walked over to the pool indicated to him. He sat down, stared at his reflection, and waited. Eventually the being appeared in place of himself. "Wow, much better."

    "Ok. First of all this soul reaping business. I'm a necromancer, not some grim reaper."

    The being looked at him in a odd way, and then replied "Are you naive, or just stupid? Of course you are a reaper. You always have been even though you were ignoring me every time I called out to you."

    Fan narrowed his eyes, and then said, "So I am death? In case you've grown blind my friend I am not nearly as bony as he is. I've seen the man to, and he's a very skinny kind of guy if you know what I mean."

    "Is that so? You saw lord death? I don't remember that. Anyways you are half right when you say you aren't death. You have the responsibility to measure the weight of souls in this world and destroy anyone upsetting the balance of souls. You also have most of deaths powers, but you aren't the actual grim reaper. More like someone trying to do a bad imitation actually."

    "Ok so why is that soul stuff my problem? Once again I am a necromancer."

    "You mean no one else if your family has fully awakened their powers? That's grim indeed, no pun intended. I guess that means you are one of the few, lucky you." the image grinned fiercely Are you done questioning me now? I have explained everything I can to you aside from my name. Oh yeah I should do that. I am Mikin Shori.

    Fan worked those words in his head a bit and replied, "Strangle the Night?"

    "Well you speak the old tongue. Good for you. Now go to that town, kill that oaf that murders people, and then give his soul to me. I will gain power from that bastard that disrupts the balance and use it to right that balance. I'll teach you more spells as we search for him."

    The being faded, and Fan got up. He was about to let the scythe vanish when he noticed it was different. It was more fluid looking, and graceful. His old scythe didn't have the inlaid art word this one had on it's handle. "What did he mean by that name business? Mikin Shori, Reap?" The blade shimmered, then suddenly exploded into a chain like weapon with a hook on the end. "WHAT THE!?" It hung from his hand limply. He returned it to his soul, and then walked out. "This whole reaper business is getting odder by the minute."

    He walked outside and said to Will, "Let's proceed my friend. The town awaits us."
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2011
  13. Azrazae

    Azrazae New Member

    >Grandia- Actually, I was referring to Raiza, but it really doesn't matter. I can work with that, no prob. I somehow forgot the two of you were together. ^^U<

    Cieralyn smiled sincerely, "Thank you very much..." she curtsied politely.
    Well this is going nowhere, she thought to herself. It was only then that she really took notice of the other boy. She noticed that his bag was rather heavy-looking... then something within it stirred. How fascinating!
    "I don't mean to pry, but what's in your bag?"
    "Cieralyn, we haven't got time for this. Just cut to the chase. If you're so determined to find out what's going on, just ask. People with energy like this couldn't possibly be strangers to questions of the sort."
    "黙れ…" Cieralyn whispered under her breath.

    >Cieralyn's text is heard by everyone, so it's not really supposed to be understood. That's why I didn't translate it. I'm sure you all get it by now, I'm just covering the bases :p<
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2011
  14. Noir


    OOC: Sorry guys for being really late, I was lazy.. really.

    IC: Shikau wandered around the graveyard. Then on the seashores, near the city, near the graveyard, he saw a big stone who is believed to be a "relic". But no one can't understand the letters what it means. Foreigners didn't even see the stone.
    "What's this? Maybe it's one of those giant stones that were vanished from.. wait. I think I can read it, by translating it. It's maybe an ancient language or something." Shikau thought.
    The stone says:
    "Well, that was yet mysterious.. after all, it is ancient, but it is very weird, it looks like Japanese." Shikau said roughly. "It says.. -Before there was a child, there was a demon.
    Before there was a birth, there was a human.
    Now the child came.. and he seeks power.
    As he grows up, he became strong.
    Now as on his age, the final test he will see will be ever enhanced.-" Shikau said hard and he sighed.
    Shikau then saw some shadows coming. He summoned his Frost Sword, now called Frostslash.
    Shikau then hit the ground hard, bashing it. Shikau runs to a village.
    "Necromancer?" Shikau thought as he was confused, seeing the Necromancer passed through.
  15. Noir


    OOC: Sorry guys for being really late, I was lazy.. really.

    IC: Shikau wandered around the graveyard. Then on the seashores, near the city, near the graveyard, he saw a big stone who is believed to be a "relic". But no one can't understand the letters what it means. Foreigners didn't even see the stone.
    "What's this? Maybe it's one of those giant stones that were vanished from.. wait. I think I can read it, by translating it. It's maybe an ancient language or something." Shikau thought.
    The stone says:
    "Well, that was yet mysterious.. after all, it is ancient, but it is very weird, it looks like Japanese." Shikau said roughly. "It says.. -Before there was a child, there was a demon.
    Before there was a birth, there was a human.
    Now the child came.. and he seeks power.
    As he grows up, he became strong.
    Now as on his age, the final test he will see will be ever enhanced.-" Shikau said hard and he sighed.
    Shikau then saw some shadows coming. He summoned his Frost Sword, now called Frostslash.
    Shikau then hit the ground hard, bashing it. Shikau runs to a town.
    "Necromancer?" Shikau thought as he was confused, seeing the Necromancer passed through.
  16. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    >Sorry zerieth, i had waited for almost a week before moving on. Just play it off like raiza had run ahead into the cave almost possessed and did not return.<

    Raiza turned his curiosity heightening toward the young girl and the older one. The young girl appeared...unemotional, yet she seemed to hide something. Before he had a chance to speak cloud began stirring from his slumber. he popped out of Raiza's bag with a huge yawn and gazed at azrazae. Cloud went nuts and immediatley hopped over and onto her shoulder, purring consistently. The wild cat thought to himself (she's soo cute..). Raiza grew a half-moon look before prying cloud off azrazae's shoulders and introducing himself. "Hello, i am Raiza, this here is cloud, he is my cat. You two are headed into town...well be careful, there are tales of dark creatures assaulting the land and i'm sure you've heard much about Aldin".
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will nodded. "Yes my friend, let us get to the town, that way we can finish our business and find this 'wandering man'. Any ideas where he may be?" Will asked Fan, tightening his sword belt and straightening his gauntlets. He then looked around before he started walking towards the town. His boots padded lightly along the path, a small trail of dust kicking up before he looked back. "Are you coming or do you want me to go ahead?" he asked.
  18. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "I haven't the foggiest about were that man is. I'm coming," Fan added as he hurried to catch up.

    >ANd off to town we go. We speeding.<

    Will and Fan both arrived at the city gate. The city wasn't much to look at, but the guards still appeared alert. "I have some things I need to take care of. We should find ourselves some lodgings first. We don't want fancy, just affordable and comfortable. Here," Fan pulled a small disk out of his pocket. "This will let us keep in touch. Just talk into it. I'll go look that way."

    Fan hurried down the street looking for some kind of affordable lodging. I hope this doesn't take to long.
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will let the disk fall into a pouch on his belt as he strode the opposite way as Fan. He strode through the street purposefully, looking for lodgings for them, but more importantly, a forge. He knew it would take him at least 4 days to finish the sword, 3 if the forge had all the alloys he needed. As he turned a corner He noticed an inn. But the thing about the inn was it was on the second story. It looked like a medium sized in, built ontop of an old forge. The familiar clang of metal brought memories rushing to his mind and a tear rolled down his cheek as he reached for the disk. When he pulled it out he lifted it to his lips. "Fan, my friend, I found us lodgings..." He breathed, starting towards the forge with an excited glow in his eyes.
  20. Azrazae

    Azrazae New Member

    It was then that Cieralyn felt a sharp tug at her hand. She looked down at her sister.
    After a moment or two of silence, Cieralyn turned back to Raiza, "Sorry, um... one second." then back to Azrazae, "どうしてそれをするのかい?" she spoke. More silence ensued before she continued on, "本当?彼たち?ウソじゃん!"
    It was as if she were having a full conversation with the child, yet the child never spoke back... how queer a feat, indeed! After going on like this for a few more minutes, she looked back up to Raiza and Shimon, blushing slightly with embarrassment.
    "Um, my sister... I-I can't really explain it here... a-and I know we've only just met and everything..." there was a tug at her hand again. She shook her head and groaned, her expressing growing more serious, yet remaining gentle, "There's no point mincing words, here. There's something different about you two. Something almost mage-like, yet... different. More special. And you know it's there." She nodded toward Azrazae, "And she knows it's there, so it must be there... My words... I'm so clumsy when I speak. The point is, we need to speak with you. While I'm unsure if it's guidance or something more, we need to speak with you if only for a moment. Just hear me- us out. Please." She curtsied as elegantly as she could, praying that they would only give her the chance to speak to them, for Azrazae had just told her some shocking information:
    These gentlemen, were to guide them to the one thing the sisters had wanted for so long...
    The answer.

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