• Square Elite
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The Reapers (RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Zerieth, Oct 10, 2011.

  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Monarch Hesterian kneeled before the council of five, the ruling body of the reapers. The room around him was ornate with gold vases and red carpeting. Before him was a marble desk with the five sitting around it. The desk was on a raised dias so they could look down at whoever sought an audience with them, in this case.

    Mar Shermone Hesterian, Monarch of the Reapers, held no lands. He instead waited for the time when he was deemed worthy enough to hold lands for himself. Until then he was a enforcer, ensuring everyone within the Reaper Clans lands upheld the laws and ordinances. He was no stranger to this room.

    "Mar Hesterian, we the five have called you here for a grave reason. A ex elite by name of Golrum has pointed his weapon at us and has slain many young elites sent for his head. Are you aware of this?"

    Mar was and replied, "Yes your honors. I have heard word of this man you speak of. Am I to go and bring him to justice?"

    "Yes," one of the younger members replied. "We are sending you to the badlands were he hides. You will put fear into him and then judge his soul. After that you will return here with his head."

    "That is not all," another member spoke up. "Rumor has it that Monarch Desno is in violation of the anti slavery laws. You will bring him to justice on your way."

    "A group of strong elites has been chosen to aid you. They are quite skilled in their work and will serve you until death if it comes to it."

    This was also not surprising to Mar. Monarchs were rare, and good ones rarer. He was a excellent worker and leader and so it wouldn't come as a surprise that several strong members of the Elite class would be sent to aid him, even if it meant their lives. He wouldn't even need to earn their trust before that happened. It was supposed to be an honor to give ones life for someone so high up on the proverbial food chain. He'd need to rectify that.

    As if sensing his musings, the leader of the five asked, "Do you have any questions young Mar Shermone?"

    "No your honors. Your will be done, Young Golrum will meet his end by my hand, or i will die in the attempt."

    "Go then. And do your words well that Golrums remaining life be measured in days instead of decades. Bring us his head and you will surely be awarded."

    Mar stood, his cape sweeping out behind him, and strode from the chamber. With the stares of the highest of the high boring into his back he thought, For my sake I hope this is the last time I need to kill.
  2. Ninamihurai

    Ninamihurai New Member

    Helana Reveetha sighed contentedly as she approached her small home, just tidied and cleaned a couple days ago when she returned from her usual Reaper’s work. Sometimes she would be gone for a month and the house would become terribly dusty.
    “Good thing I stuck with a smaller home,” she muttered to herself, walking down the short stone path to her front door. The house was a solemn blue gray in color, but once Helana stepped into the main hall, her personal touches brought out the coziness of the little house. She turned towards the doorway to the left led to a cozy living room, which was her favorite room of the entire house. A pale purple and brown rug in intricate patterns spread to cover most of the center of the floor, a couch, arm chair and rocking chair assembled around the low table in the center with an iron statue of a crouching big cat in the middle. A pair of bookcases sat to either side of the windows looking out to the little yard and the street, simple brown curtains pulled back to let the light in.
    Pausing in the hall and cocking her head as listening to a voice she frowned and sighed, going back outside to stand in front of the door.
    “I know someone was coming, I just thought I could wait inside until they arrived,” she said, holding her hand out and allowing her scythe to materialize. It was a simple scythe with two blades coming out from either side of the dark wooden staff, one a little shorter than the other. Strong iron binding circled the shaft beneath the blades and a white bunch of hair with streaks of black dangled from a braid holding it to the iron reinforcement. More iron encircled the bottom of the staff and a solid sphere of iron was at the very end, providing a balancing weight and an efficient cudgel in a fight. She stroked the white and black hairs as her scythe retorted, “I prefer to see people coming, that way one can tell if they are prey… or simply unimportant.”
    Helana shook her head, “You think most of the people in the world are unimportant, except for yourself.” An image of a gleaming white snow leopard appeared in her mind, the cat lounging as it groomed itself, “Of Course, I thought that was obvious.”
    Helana sighed again, but didn’t let herself become too perturbed by Yatschrava’s self-centeredness, she had gotten used to it for all the years she’d had her.
    The sound of horse hooves clopping over the cobbled streets brought her out of her musings, the rider appeared to be a messenger. “Unimportant,” Yatschrava said, the cat laying back and closing its eyes. Helana rolled her eyes and stepped forward to the street where the messenger halted.
    “Are you Elite Helana Reveetha?”
    Helana nodded curtly, “Yes sir.”
    A neat envelope was handed to her and the rider rode off down a side street. Helana walked back inside her house and closed the door behind her, flipping the envelope over she opened it and pulled out the papers inside. Sitting on the arm of the couch, which was nearest to the doorway, she rested her scythe on the floor so it went across her chest and the blade curved over her shoulder and read through the letter. She suddenly sucked in a breath, gripping her scythe as she brought the letter closer she re-read the line that caused her reaction. She jumped up, making the couch slide on the wooden floor with a loud scrape.
    “I was selected to protect Monarch Hesterian?!” she shrieked. She opened the door and went outside looking for the messenger, then after realizing he was long gone went back inside to pace between the doorway to the living room and dining room. She finally stopped and sat down on the crooked couch staring into space, the letter dangling from her finger tips and her scythe vertical in her grip. “An honor…” she muttered, blinking a few times, “One of the highest honors… I could ever receive.” She raised the letter skimming it again and let it drop once more. She felt her heart grow with excitement, then felt it drop with sudden realization.
    “Oh,” she muttered, “If I don’t properly protect Monarch Hesterian… and he dies, I’ll have to commit honorable suicide…” Helana looked out the window then felt her determination swell. Standing she strode to the window and said in a low voice, “Well then, I suppose I’ll put in my all into this mission.” Looking at her scythe she asked, “What do you think of this amazing honor, Yatschrava?”
    The snow leopard raised an eyebrow and looked away, sniffing, “Unimportant.”
    Helana smacked her forehead, “ Your incorrigible!”
  3. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Golrum sat in his own throne which he had used a mixture of his scythe and an assortment of spells to carve from a rock. He held Soul Harvester in his right had and placed it, blade upwards, next to his throne. The power of Darkness flowed strongly through his body. The other ex reapers all bowed before him, acknowledging him as the true Monarch and sole ruler of all reapers. He spoke to them.

    "My friends, those elites that were slain by our hands were not the last of our problems! I sense that a day will soon come, where my authority will be challenged once again by a Reaper of great strength. We cannot allow this day to pass!" his statement was followed by cheers. "We must be prepared, we must learn who my enemy is. and kill him! His soul will become one with my scythe, and he will be among the many who will be used for the downfall of the Monarchs!" more cheers flowed from the mouths of the followers. "I want one brave soul among you, to find the name of my nemesis! I feel that the Monarchs have already chosen their assassin, I must know his name, which of you wish to be my eyes?" He waited patiently for one of his followers to volunteer.
  4. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    "I will do thi-", a young man said and almost raised his hand before he was tucked to the ground by a kick in the leg. The crowd turned around to see what was the commotion about, and started slowly to give room for the man who had silenced the young Elite.

    "Yooo~", a young man with gray hair and a decorated long leather jacket shouted and raised his scythe. The other one that was pushed to the ground now quickly moved out of the way as he recognized this ex-Reaper behind him to be one of the strongest Elites among them.

    "This surely sounds exciting - the time is at hand, my followers", Jaq said with a voice mocking their leader in his usual way, and raising his hand to point the crowd. "But seriously, if you want to know who's against your motives and maybe get few weaklings out of the way, surely me and my scythe are the best choice for you. And besides, the caste knows my name and some of the Elites have maybe heard a few ghost stories of me, so dropping the morale of them is most likely to happen by my hand", Jaq said and smirked.
  5. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Mar arrived at his estate and was greeted by his man servant, a Farmer Caste member by name of Rolinth. "Sir it is good to see you back, but I thought you would be gone longer."

    "Yes Rolinth, so did I. Orders to kill someone don't take long and the nature of the mission put me off my afternoon stroll."

    The two walked side by side towards Mar's sitting room, a ornate and well stocked library. The halls around them were made of marble. "Would it be prying if I asked the nature of this mission?"

    "I suppose not. I have found you to be a very trustworthy man." Mar took a moment to collect his thoughts and added, "Have you heard of Golrum?"

    "I am afraid not sir." Rolinth stroked his black beard in thought as he tried but stopped when Mar raised his hand.

    "Not many have. The Monarchs have been trying to cover it up. Never the less some have heard his name though no one knows the truth about him, that he was one of us and now wishes to rule us all. The rest is all fairy stories told around fires at night, along with his chronies." Mar adopted a stern motherly look and added, "Be good now little Benny, or the big bad Golrum will come and get you in the night." He finished with a chuckle, and Rolinth couldn't help but smile at his superiors antics. This was the funnest master he'd been employed to.

    "In any case I am being sent to take his head from his rather proud shoulders and then I must deposit said cranium on the council floors."

    "Sounds like a messy task."

    Mar shrugged to himself. "It isn't something I'm not used to."

    "I don't mean the killing sir. I mean that the servants at the council chamber will have a large mess on their hands."

    Mar and Rolinth looked at each other, and then burst into laughter. When they were done and their sides ached Mar tried to get a more serious look. "Please send a messenger around to the ones on this list," he handed the list of protectors to his servant, "and have them report here at their earliest convenience. When they arrive show them to my sitting room."
  6. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Golrum leaned forward in his seat.

    "Yes...Jaq, Why didn't I think of it before? But know this: Do not kill anymore than you have too. I need this to be a stealth mission, also, what good will it do when I become ruler if have no subjects to rule over? Now then, I trust you will be more than capable to discover who my enemy is. GO! Be swift, and report to me the instant you discover his identity. You should be gone no longer than a handful of days." Golrum stood up and banged the end of Soul Harvester on the ground to signal the end of this meeting.

    As Golrum exited the meeting ground Soul Harvester whispered in his ear.

    Master, do you think Jaq will be able to accomplish this task by himself?

    "Of course I do, Jaq is easily the second strongest, the first being myself, mind you. Yes this mission will be among the easiest I've ever given him." retorted Golrum.

    And what if he were to be discovered? Or worse yet, killed by the very man he's been sent to find. said Soul Harvester

    "Then the loss would be unfortunate. But I think Jaq will be successful. Yes it will only be a matter of days before my assassin will be marked for death himself!" laughed Golrum. He went back to his living quarters laughing at how easy taking over the realm of Reapers was becoming.
  7. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    "Haihai..." Jaq said and signaled his liege for his leave before disappearing in a flash.

    "So let's see... find the man who's against the boss... have a nice dinner...", he muttered to himself while walking over to his black, saddled horse. Getting up, and off he went.

    "So what our destination?", Jaq's Scythe Ryyji whispered in his mind.
    "The former caste that Golrum was in, that's the most likely place to find news about this man who's been sent after him".
    "Oh, ain't that the place where you slaughtered that one man who gave you food?", Ryyji said and laughed.
    "Oh, shut up already. They may be hunting for me but that hasn't never stopped me before from doing things. This time were going underground as traveling elite from some other caste to make sure that no one knows it's me", he said as he wrapped a black scarf around his face to cover his face, and put the hood from his jacket on so that only his eyes could be seen.

    "You know, if you pass any Elites from that time when you killed the man, they know it's you even from your eyes. And if they wanna see me, they recognize me anywhere. It's risky, so I love it, bwahahaha!"

    Even thought that Ryyji tried to converse with him all the time during their journey, he ignored him like he usually did.

    The distance to Golrum's former caste's village was not too far away from the swamps, three weeks journey when riding through the night without too much rest. Jaq continued his ride towards the village...
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2011
  8. Noir


    Arkon just was wandering outside in a town.
    "At least I am safe, so what's the matter, Cosmos Raikum?" Arkon said
    "I am rattling, master. But do not fear when I don't. I seek more evil souls." Cosmos said.
    "Today I don't feel something nice or what.." Arkon said roughly.
    Arkon walked everywhere.
    "Any ideas, you say?" Arkon said.
    "Well, let's go inside over there and we'll meet Mar. And yup, it's not an idea by the way. Just.. just follow me and stay calm." Arkon said.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2011
  9. Ninamihurai

    Ninamihurai New Member

    Soon after Helana calmed down from reading the contents of the letter, she heard a knock on her front door. She opened it to find another messenger, his horse standing idly in the road behind him.
    “Elite Helana Reveetha?” he asked, reading the name on the back of another envelope.
    Helana blinked and nodded, barely managing to say, “Y-yes sir.”
    The messenger handed her the envelope and bobbed his head farewell, riding away on his horse. Helana stood in the doorway holding the second letter, letting her shoulders sag as she blinked at it. “I probably don’t need to guess,” she said as she closed the door. But her excitement was evident when she walked briskly to the couch and sat with her scythe over her knees avidly reading the now opened letter. She nodded as she read then stood and placed her scythe and the letter on the couch, running upstairs. Yatschrava, realizing she was alone, perked up in her snow leopard visage. “What are you doing?"
    “If you were paying attention to that new letter, I have to get ready to meet the monarch I’m supposed to protect,” Helana said aloud as she undid the leather tie holding her long, shining black locks in a ponytail, grabbing a brush to smooth the stray strands. “I must look presentable, otherwise the man would think I’m a slob, and thus think my fighting style is so.”
    The snow leopard yawned and laid back, “Whatever… I’m going to take a nap now."
    “Fine,” Helana resisted rolling her eyes as she put her hair back up and exchanged her relaxed street clothes to her typical attire for missions: cream colored halter blouse, fine black pants that were loose until they tucked into the polished, but worn, black leather boots. She decided to leave the dark gray cape on the bed and stroked her collar bone in the v-shaped opening of the collar of her shirt as she looked in the mirror. “It would be so nice to have a necklace…” She shrugged to herself with a sigh and trotted down the stairs and through the door to the streets, all the while calling her scythe back to herself.
    Once she reached the large and ornate home of the Monarch Hesterian she was escorted down the beautiful halls to a sitting room of sorts, her eyes caught on the many bookshelves and she couldn’t help but walk up to one and read over the titles on the spines.
    “And I always thought I had a sizable amount of books…” she muttered to herself, cocking her head at an angle as she scanned the spines.
  10. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "They are quite nice aren't they? It's hard to come across this many books in this day and age but I must say I did my best." Mar turned in his chair to meet the eyes of a lovely young beauty.

    "Sir, Lady Helena Reveetha, Elite class traveler." Rolinth announced rather belatedly. He seemed miffed that she had strolled across the threshold before he had the chance to announce her, and somehow Mar found that amusing.

    "It's alright Rolinth. We don't need to stand on none existent formality here. You should know we try to leave all that rank business at the front door."

    Rolinth frowned. "But sir, if I may, this is all neccasary. People must work to their rank so that a hierarchy can be observed."

    "Very well." Mar adopted a serious expression but a spark of mischief also shown in his eyes. "In that case my farming friend you have just over stepped your bounds and tried to tell a Monarch what to do, and in his own home! Oh the dishonor that is on your family name." He waited a second for this statement to take maximum effect, and laughed at Rolinths horrified expression. "Oh I'm kidding my friend. You know you've done more honor to your family than even this young woman here! I'd be a wreck without you tidying up and making sure i know up from down every day. That and this library wouldn't be as well stocked without your efforts." He turned to Helena. "As for you young mistress please make yourself at home here. As you can see we run a very informal house."
  11. Ninamihurai

    Ninamihurai New Member

    Helana blinked at Monarch Hesterian, and then smiled. “I like this guy,” she thought to herself. Turning to the farmer named Rolinth she bobbed her head and said, “I’m sorry, it’s just that I like to collect books too and I have never seen so many in one place.” She walked over and seated herself in a chair near the Monarch, glad that he was a relaxed and cheerful kind of guy, but couldn’t help but feel some need to be formal.
    “Thank you for inviting me to your home Monarch Hesterian," she said bobbing her head again, hands folded in her lap as she sat straight in her chair. "From what I gathered from the letter your messenger gave me, and also from the letter from the High Five, I was selected to be your protector…” she paused, then asked, “Are there any other Elites who were selected?”
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2011
  12. Noir


    OOC: Sorry for being confident, I guess.

    Arkon with his scythe goes forward and walks to the door, but some guards try to stop Arkon.
    "I am Arkon, one.. of the elites. I am here to see Mar Shermone Hesterian." Arkon said to the guards.
    The guards opened the door. Arkon stepped on the floor and the door was closed.
    "Well, it is pleasant to see this. Let's go upstairs then." Arkon said.
    "And don't forget that "thing"." Cosmos said to Arkon.
    "What "thing"?" Arkon questioned.
    "We will talk about that later, master. But we should continue now." Cosmos replied.
    Arkon continued walking. Arkon sees more guards.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2011
  13. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Oi Ven you were supposed to start in town and get my characters message?<

    "I hope so. One protector is hardly enough for a mission such as this one," Mar replied to his new companion.

    "On the other hand my messenger would have found him by now if he was in town so we shall assume he isn't. I suppose I should fill you in on what our goal is." He smiled and grew silent as he composed himself for a minute.

    His servant interupted saying, "Sir, Monarch Shole is here to speak with you."

    "Show him to the red room. I will be along shortly." He turned back to his companion and added, "Please excuse me for a minute. You are welcome to look through my library. I shall try not to take long."

    Mar walked into the red room, a red furnished room with white walls, and said to his elder, "You needed something from me Shole?" He kept his tone pleasant, but was wary. Shole had a habit of asking impossible things.

    "I hear you are to go and deal with the renegade situation." It wasn't a question so Mar remained silent. Shole turned and fixed him with one red eye. The other was blind. "You can feel it can't you? The turmoil that has gripped our nation."

    "I have detected a hint of uncertainty in the council chamber yes."

    "Join me friend."

    Mar decided to opt out of mentioning that he was the one in charge of this home, and instead joined his friend at the window. "Behold our grand city," Shole announced and waved a hand as if showing it in.

    "It is a beautiful one."

    "But also," A cloud covered it and Mar realized the image was a illusion Shole placed. "A cloud. A heavy cloud of dissent that hovers over it. Normal in many cities but not this one. There is a power struggle among our kind. This golrum individual will no doubt play on it. If he does," The cloud rained fire down on the illusion. The city burned. "This will occur. I thought I would give you the stakes of this mission."

    Shole turned to leave and added, "Please do not fail us. The council rests the whole of our world on your strong shoulders. When the time comes strike true."

    Mar remained to look out the window, now showing a normal view of things.
  14. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    >I need more evil Reapers...so I'll just have to use an NPC for now<

    Golrum sat alone in his chambers. Soul Harvester was whispering into his ear.

    Master, why didn't you go to find your assassin with Jaq? Only a few know of your existence, so you would not draw attention. said the scythe.

    "That is the point, I want my presence to remain hidden as long as possible. the Monarchs are playing right into my hand! If the people knew of me, there would be a mass panic, making it harder to infultrate the villages. They would be prepared, and thus be defending against me. If they don't know of me how can they defend?" Golrum let out a menacing laugh. just then a knock came from the door. "Enter" said Golrum in a lazy tone, he did not enjoy being disturbed. In walked one of the newer recruits, Golrum guessed he had been the one Jaq pushed out of the way when he had volunteered for his mission.

    "Master Golrum...I was just going to say..." he spoke very nervous, he clearly feared Golrum for his power, "I wanted to say that i would have gone on that mission if your greatness would have allowed?"

    "I admire your courage for wanting to serve your master, But I have assigned Jaq, If you really want to be of use, then Go to the lookout tower and search for signs of Jaq's return. I will have food and drink brought up for you so that you can be on constant watch, when you spot him, send me message that I might greet him and receive his report." Said Golrum. the young reaper bowed and went straight for the tower of the complex.

    "It's good to see my subjects are so loyal!" laughed Golrum. returning to speaking with Soul Harvester.
  15. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Oh! Hi Ven Lolz.<

    Mar started from his revalry when his manservant said, "Sir. I hate to disturb you."

    "No it's quite alright. And I did mention you don't need to stand on ceremony here." Mar turned and smiled at his friend.

    "Force of habit sir. A elite by name of Arkon is here to see you."

    Mar grinned. "Finally. Please have him brought to the library. After wards ensure our privacy for a time."

    "Of course."

    Mar returned to the library and took his seat. He motioned for his new friend to also seat herself. "It would appear he found us after all. I do hope nothing to major delayed him" All the sudden the door opened and a new figure stepped in. "Ah be seated with us please."
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2011
  16. Noir


    "Alright." Arkon sighed as he sits.

    "I am Arkon, an elite. As you see I'm specialized in Darkness or Lightning. Anything interesting here, san'?" Arkon places his hat in a hanger.

    "And I would like a cup of tea as well too."

    Cosmos Raikum levitates again. Arkon stood up.

    "Well, Monarch Hesterian, I am here to tell you if you found Golrum. Also, I'm going to stay here for the night." Arkon waits for Mar's answer.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2011
  17. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Mar tried to keep a straight face at the upstartness of the new youth in his room. He intends to stay the night and doesn't even ask. "That is incorrect my friend. You were called here to guard me during my search for Golrum. As I intend to leave immediatly you will have to come along now. We have already lost much time waiting so it is best if I brief the both of you on our ride to the next city over."

    Mar decided not to let them know about the reason for the stop. He lead the two out to the stables were the finest black horses were kept. He had three. "Please choose a mount. The one here is mine, named Dulra. The second and smallest over there is named Freeya, and the third one with the white sock is Marsh. They are all well trained and I had them brought especially for our exclusive use." He mounted on his horse, and proceeded outside to wait.

    >Little bit of a powerplay but we need to get moving.<
  18. Ninamihurai

    Ninamihurai New Member

    Helana's eyes went wide when she was led to the three fine mounts. Freeya's eyes caught her's and she walked up to the pure black mare, stroking its nose lovingly. "You beauty, i promise to take very good care of you. And i hope you do the same for me." The horse whickered and bobbed it's head as if it understood. Helana mounted and joined the Monarch outside of the stable, hoping that their new group member would be ok with the last horse. She felt since she was smaller and lighter than the two men, she would take the smallest horse. Smiling gratefully to Monarch Hestarian she said, "I really appreciate you selecting such fine mounts. I always had a soft spot for pure black horses," she said stroking the silky mane of the mare.
  19. Key King

    Key King Member

    Syvil walked up to the tall double doors. A long scar ran across his cheek. He had walked into a Reaper-controlled town and had narrowly escaped. His scythe told him to stay where he was, and not to share his report, but he ignored it. "Useless scrap of metal." he murmured. The scythe yelled at him, but again, he ignored it. He had been assigned to get info, and it had been a success. He had to slit a few throats, but he knew a lot more than he had when he had started out. He drew his short knife, strapped his scythe to his back, and pounded on the door.
  20. Noir


    Marsh caught interest in both of Arkon and his scythe. Marsh walked near Arkon, showing respect to him even without knowing him much.
    "This horse will be a perfect choice for me. Hope it doesn't bite me." Arkon mounted on the horse. The horse stands in it's previous position.
    "Well-trained huh? As guard for you, Monarch, say anything you want me to do." Arkon said eyeing him.
    Arkon pets the horse. "Also in the end, there will be an end where you will find. I hope you will remember that." Arkon sighed.

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