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present world,darkness,light,and in between

Discussion in 'Archive' started by lokisenna, Apr 29, 2008.

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  1. lokisenna

    lokisenna New Member

    in ansem reports he mentions these
    we've seen the world of the present of course(all kh games)
    we've seen the world of darkness and in-between(kh2)

    do you think in the new game(s) they will show us the world of light and the creatures/people that reside there?

    and if so in which game do you think you'll see them
  2. darkside

    darkside New Member

    i always thought that most of the games took place in the realm of light, but i suppose it will show it in kh3 (if there is one)
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2008
  3. Kit

    Kit New Member

    Well, at the end of KH2, Xemnas refers to Riku and Sora as "Heroes from the realm of light", so I have to agree with darkside's statement of the games taking place in the realm of light.
  4. lokisenna

    lokisenna New Member

    ansems reports have always referred to their world(as in all the planets and stuff sora visits as well) as the world of the present/ middle ground/what ever you want to call it

    the world in-between is the realm of nobodies, those who lack both darkness and light

    the world of darkness, is supposedly where heartless reside(I dont really believe this considering there is NOTHING but darkness in that world and nothing really resides there)

    present world is the one sora and friends are in

    and then the world of light...(at present time I feel this is where heartless come from...butyeah..)

    im sure xemnas would refer to anyone who opposed darkness as a hero from the realm of light, especially keyblade weilders
  5. ven_roxas

    ven_roxas New Member

    i think destiney islands is the realm of light/world of light
  6. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    i dont know what the realm is but i do know the heartless come from the darkness in a heart.
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