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Hearts Come Together (KH-Universe Free For All)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Arena' started by Become, Sep 11, 2011.

Should This Battle Be Continuum? (For COMBATANTS ONLY)

  1. Yes

    9 vote(s)
  2. No

    1 vote(s)
  1. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Please be sure to vote in the poll as to whether you’d like this battle to be registered as continuum; in other words, if you want this to effect your character’s history as it pertains to the Arena, then choose “yes,” and if not, choose “no.”​

    Battle Location: This is a place we might all be familiar with, though not in the manner in which we are accustomed. Crystalline formations span across the surface of this world, natural corrosions having caused various fissures and valleys to sprout across the landscape. Picturesque mountain ranges off in the distance provide a serene and powerful backdrop to the scene. Beyond natural landscape, the developments of a small town exist upon the floor of a high, mountainous plateau region overlooking the valleys. The town resembles something of an old west shantytown, having a small number of buildings, most of which are mere amenities for those living there. Not far from the town, an ever-widening maw sits lined with multitudes of scaffolding and littered with various tools and machines used for mining. A beginning for a world called “Radiant Garden.” ​

    While you don’t have to use KH based characters, try to keep it within some comparable area in terms of powers and level of power.
    All KHP Role Playing rules will apply to this battle. You know what they are; at least, you should know what they are by now.
    For the sake of fairness, please refrain from using “time” based magic/abilities (i.e. “stop.”)
    For the sake of keeping the battle moving and not drawing things out, also refrain from the use of healing items and magic.
    I’d prefer to avoid killing each other off; of course, I wouldn't be opposed to it if I had to go out in a cool way
    Only one character should be in combat under each person. If you must, you can have some other character tagging along or something, but only one may participate in the fighting.
    Summons such as Heartless are allowed in reasonable numbers (don’t push too much over 10 or so). However, the person on the other end has complete control over what happens to them when they’re attacked. In other words, something like Heartless can be killed off at the discretion of the person fighting against them.
    Larger summons (though I’d like to avoid them), can operate as a character in exchange for the summoner taking a passive defensive role in the battle.

    Please post (a link to) your character sheet if you're interested. I'll be starting with an IC post as soon as two more people commit to the battle.

    My character...


    Posting Order:
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Name: Hoshi
    Age: 18

    Race: human
    Position: Keyblade Master
    Alignment: light
    Abilities: Basic magic, Drive forms much like Sora's, magic forms like Aqua
    Physical Description:
    ~Realistic- http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4068/4222143319_c4fefcfbed.jpg

    Hoshi has blue hair color and bright blue eyes. She wears a black shirt that goes down to her mid thigh with a dark blue tank top underneith. She has a necklace with the keyblade wielder logo(seen in image two under anime). She wears dark blue tights go down to her anckle. She wears black boots that reach to right below her knee.
    Personality: Hoshi is a calm, smart girl, always thinking things through before she acts. She is kind and caring towards others but if she finds somebody doing something evil, she won't be so kind and caring towards them.

    When it comes to her enemies in combat, she doesn't go easy ever.
    History: Hoshi has traveled the world all her life under her keyblade master and alongside her former apprentice, she has since then passed her mark of mastery and finds herself upon the world of Radiant Garden to help build up their town and hopefully find some students to teach them the art of being a keybearer.
    Theme: YouTube - Brandon Flowers - Crossfire Lyrics
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    As the original founder of the Roleplay arena section I guess it's only fitting I step into the fray. Good luck to us all =P

    Name: Fan Lamar
    Age: 25
    The Pic

    Ability: Necromancy

    Explanation on his Necromancy: Necromancy is the art of reanimating the dead. It is one that grips many people with terror. Why? Because people fear the unknown and little is actually known about death. People tie in religious reasons to their dislike of necromancy but none seem to have figured out that spirit speakers also engage in necromancy of one form or another. In this case Fan engages in the more traditional kind. If a dead body is around, no matter the age it may be, he can call it forth. Failing that he can call a ghost to his side to aid him in combat though they do very little real damage and are far more likely to terrorize/irritate people to death.

    Weapon, A scythe a very traditional weapon for a necromancer. It is also the object he binds his magic to. The scythe can support up to thirteen (Yes unlucky thirteen) sentient dead. That means it will support up to 13 reanimated beings that can actually think and act on their own.

    It can call up to about one hundred none sentient dead (Zombies and like. Very weak. All they think is brains = yummy.) And he can task the lot on one simple command. It has to be straight forward cause they can't handle anything complicated. Small things like "Fetch that cup" or "Attack!" are fine. But if you said "Do two turns, grab the cup, pour one of the pots into it, and then bring it here" will result in them trying and failing to turn, emptying the whole pot in regardless of how full the cup is getting, and then bringing it over. They can only go forward, they aren't smart enough to know how to retreat or even why they would bother.

    His necromancy is strong and he tries to befriend the spirits he calls. He has very little to worry about as far as a undead rebellion is concerned.

    (Note that he can only call what he can sustain. Even if he can call 100 undead things if he only has the power or resources to call 10 of them then 10 will be what he gets. Also calling simple unsetient dead is, well, simple and he can do it with a wave of scythe. It's when he tries to call the more complicated setient dead that gives him trouble. It can take anywhere between a few minutes to an hour depending on who and what he is summoning. He call also call that 100 all at once if he has the resources. He may only call the 13 one at a time.)

    History: Fan comes from a long line of necromancers. When the war started they couldn't have been more thrilled. While yes many people with gifts were dying, they suddenly had a lot more people they could call to their bidding. Fan is unique among his family because he cares about what he calls, and he has earned the trust of many a spirit. He enters into a contract with the being he calls as opposed to the rest of the family which just orders them willy nilly.

    As an apprentice Necromancer he studied the histories of the world (Mainly wars and plagues. This is a necromancers library after all.) And has found that while the world right now is a rotten place the world before was a peaceful place. Asking himself how that could be, he has decided to journey forth with scythe in hand to travel the world and unlock all its hidden, and not always dead, secrets. And now that he is a fully fledged necromancer he believes he has the were with all to do it. The one thing he didn't really count on was him being called to save the world but when does anyone ever consider that?

    Other Characteristics: He gets along well with people (Living to, amazing) And is a likeable guy. He changes into serious mode when he fights and uses his powers for defense as well as offense. He is a extremely analytical thinker in all things and he prefers to fight on top of a cemetary. Why? More ammunition. Also the only person in the world who actually feels comfortable in a grave yard.
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ((I've gotten word that Requiem will be joining use for this. I'll wait for him to confirm here and then start the battle)).
  5. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I was going to switch to using a Keyblader, considering there were two here already and it would have made for an interesting brawl, but since there's already one creepy character now, I'm going back to my original choice:

    Kilet Jan

    Alias, Nicknames, and Titles:
    Pumpkin Reaper

    He doesn't actually have one. I mean, who really does in Halloweentown? Though, he appears to be somewhere in his early teens.

    Male, but extremely feminine in appearance.

    Physical Description:
    His hair is a dusty blonde, almost a gray. He tends to keep it cut short and down. For style reference, see Mello's original style in Deathnote. I know not the name of the actual hairstyle. Kilet's figure is a very lithe one indeed, often causing others to mistake him for a girl. His high-pitched voice doesn't help matters much. His garb traditionally exist's of a tall brown witch's hat combined with a black and white striped long sleeve shirt. Over that, he wears a brown overcoat that goes to just above his knees. As for leggings, he wears faded and striped skintight brown shorts with black knee socks leading into them.

    Personality and Mentality:
    I suppose, to start with, I call him a freak. And by this, I mean he's extremely aloof. Bound to give creepy smiles, following you around until you finally are creeped out enough that you yell at him, but then he asks directions to the nearest supermarket. Popping up out of nowhere, things like that. But, that's all just a part of how he was raised - Him being a Halloweentowner and all. But other than that, he's really helpful - and just between you and me, he makes a mean pumpkin pie.

    The pumpkin staff depicted, and a rather large and wicked, black, curved carving knife. Wicked in the sense that "OHMIGODTHAT THING LOOKS SHARP AND DEADLY!"

    Ignite! - Ya gotta light pumpkins somehow! Equivalent to Fira. Flame spews from the head of his pumpkin staff.
    Ghostly Chill - Ya gotta put out the pumpkin fires somehow! Essentially the equivalent to Blizzara. Same effect as the first, but with ice.
    Stopra - There's never enough time in the world.
    Pumpkin Summoning - From the vestiges of hammerspace, Kilet can pull a pumpkin out of nowhere. Not particularly an offensive move, but fun nonetheless.
    BoneBlade - Kilet summons a weapon made out of bone from the earth, or can launch them out at high speeds from the ground. Only works with soil. Weapons range from daggers to scythes and everything in between.
    Ghostly Gait - An passive ability that can be activated to give Kilet the ability to float/hover above the ground. Cannot go through walls.
    Banshee Shriek - A chilling shriek. Scares or stuns with a high chance.
    Tomb Shield - Kilet pulls a tombstone out of the ground and uses it to block an attack. They're much thicker than an average tombstone, about 4 inches thick to be exact.
    Ghoulish Trickery - A ghostly hand comes out of something inanimate or from Kilet and can be used as another arm.
    Beware the Raven, Nevermore! - Black wings come out of Kilet's back. He can use these to fly, send sharp feathers at an opponent, or cause the wings to disappear in an explosion of feathers, obscuring view.
    Mirror, Mirror - He summons a doppleganger of himself or his opponent to control. Can either be an illusion or solid, but the doppleganger posesses nothing more than a stronger body than an average human and the weapons the 'doppled' is wielding.
    Seven Years. . . - Kilet summons a rather expensive and nice looking mirror and uses it to reflect an opponent's energy based attack, or blocks an attack. Far sturdier than the tombstone.
    - Nightmare Reveal - Using the mirror, Kilet can show somebody their worst nightmare. (Uses the mirror like a screen)
    - Nightmare Reality - Allows Kilet to place the visage of the nightmare upon himself. Only works for certain fears for obvious reasons.
    Gift - Set of moves, boons granted by other Halloweentown residents that owe him favors.
    - Sally's Gift - Kilet launches a needle or a multitude of needles from his sleeves, attached by thread strong enough to hold his weight. He can also just pull a needle out. These needles range in size and thickness, from sewing to knitting needle standards.
    - Lake Monster's Gift - Gives Kilet the ability to breathe underwater. Not much use besides that.
    - Mummy's Gift - Technique that allows Kilet to summon bandages. Really, it's got no use besides wrapping wounds, but it's certainly funny to turn somebody into a mummy with.
    - Werewolf's Gift - Kilet has obtained a limited form of lycanthropy, naturally augmenting his own abilities under various stages of the moon. As long as the moon is out, Kilet can either lycanthropize his arms, legs, or head for obvious ability increases. The fuller the moon, the better the bonus.
    - Three Witches' Gift - A magical flying broomstick. Better than Nevermore because of the control, and requires no energy to use. Downside is, much more flammable.
    - Vampires' Gift - Bloodsucking ability. Allows Kilet to give himself fangs at will to drain energy/lifeforce (rather than blood) from foes. If he doesn't bite anybody, though, he suffers a form of karmic whiplash that shocks him greatly.

    He's a side-character that crops up in my roleplays from time to time, and bears no special or significant storyline. OR DOES HE?

    Theme: Pumpkin Cravings | Homestuck
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ((It would appear that someone not in this battle decided they wanted to vote in the poll)).

    The refreshing taste and feeling of cool water trickling over his face and down his throat came over Adrian as he took a large gulp from his canteen. He wasn’t entirely thirsty though; he was just enjoying the feeling for its own sake, and it wasn’t like he had run himself completely dry. Shaking the canteen he measured that he still had about half of it left to distribute across the day.

    And a long day it was proving to be, at the pace things were going.

    It was only just after dawn, that day having just started in full swing less than an hour before. Adrian, as he had for the passed week and a half, strode meaningfully through the mining fields in what was dubbed “the Great Maw.” Everywhere, the flourishing of business thrived as workers toiled their mining equipment, carefully chipping away the rocky walls in search of the gemstones they knew would bring their infant world into a state of glory. As he passed by them, they were quick to give him a nod of approval. After all, they had been so kind as to entrust him with a safety patrolman’s job after he saved one such person from falling into a crevasse with a finely tuned Zero Gravity spell and a quick glide to scoop him up.

    He wasn’t sure why, but somewhere in his Heart, he was feeling more and more attached to the people around him; not at a personal level, as he rarely, if ever, socialized. But he had definitely developed a certain care, enough so to place himself in the way of dangerous situations to benefit their survival.


    Snapped back into the present, and the bustle of work and toil around him, Adrian’s eyes scampered around wildly for the source of the shout. Finally, they came upon the mine manager, looking over towards a group of workers who were busying themselves in breaking away the face of a cliff nearby. Searching and analyzing the cliff for himself, Adrian noticed that the group of workers, four of them to be exact, was standing below a rather unstable looking pile of rocks that had been piled overhead by the excavation of the top of the valley walls. He could see the potential for damage from minutes away.

    Despite getting hassles and near-temptations to “move his ass and do something about it,” Adrian remained still. As much respect as the workers had for him, they never seemed to understand that his way of keeping them safe involved precise timing. And as it was, there was no need to do anything when the danger was still just potential. But of course, that changed quickly. When a rumble of blasting from a nearby site rumbled the topside of the cliffs, a few supporting stones of the precariously perched pile of debris shifted just enough to slide out from their spaces. Immediately, the pile plummeted in a rock slide, and immediately Adrian made his contribution to the mining effort.

    “Stay still,” he called out to the workers under the rockslide. As they always did, they looked at him in a dumbfounded expression, like they didn’t quite trust what he was about to do. But he ignored that, knowing that they’d quickly praise him for his deeds, and know that he knew what he was doing the whole time. He threw his hand out with a swift flick, and a dome shaped barrier of solid light matter pulled over the group. The rockslide ricocheted slightly off the top and side of the barrier, landing well enough out of the way of causing the workers harm. After a few seconds, the barrier dissipated, with the workers shaken, but otherwise unharmed. Giving the manager a brief nod, Adrian walked away to finish his morning rounds.

    As he had told himself already, it was going to be a long, and uneventful day. If only Malisa had stuck around...

    ((You can all come in however you'd like. I'm just starting it based on where my character left off.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2011
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Fan was always wondering in search of the true history of the worlds. People always thought him a creep and a devil for his powers but this simply wasn't the case. He was a true gentalman in everything, including combat. If he had to fight someone he wouldn't gloat at their untimely demise, or try and strike terror into their hearts* but instead he tried to end his enemies as painlessly as possible.**

    A sudden explosion pierced the air and a group of citizens mining on a rock formation suddenly found out, much to their dismay, that the ground was falling beneath them and they had forgotten they couldn't fly. Down the lot went, and Fan was about to call some skeletons up to save the workers when someone shot along and did the job for him. It was, however, to late to call back his spell and he watched as six or seven skeletons sprouted out of the wall and belatedly tried to grab the "falling" workers. "Shoot this is not going to end well."

    He immediatly banished his magic from the reanimated beings and they collapsed into dust. However it probably wouldn't be hard to guess who had gone and called the things in the first place. Fan turned and prepared to run for it.
  8. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Slipping, sliding, writhing, oh the boregroves that lay there, and the lack of Wocky-jabbering that existed. Patience is a virtue, and even a virtuous man can become corrupted. But this has nothing to do with anything of any importance at all. That is, if you aren't some psychotic, mentally disturbed pumpkin-carver by the name of Jan. And unfortunately for the reader, that is exactly who this post is about, for the Carver in question strolled along the shadier edges of the great, blue canyon littered with metals and minerals, all contributing towards the construction of something greater.

    Kilet grinned his devilish grin from behind a full-body cloak as he kept to the shadows (Natural-born residents of Halloweentown never did like the sun all that much), when he spotted something, or rather someone peculiar. Or rather, it was not the appearance of this person, in particular. In fact, he seemed quite normal. No, it was the fact that he was here. He didn't belong here. No, no, in fact, he wasn't even from here. The last time the psychopath had engaged in any sort of interaction with the man was at that Arena Kilet had been forced to participate in several times in the past.

    Smoothly gliding over to Glyde, his Ghostly Gait in full swing, he tapped the man with the tip of his staff (Which had the pumpkin head covered in cloth, just as most of his body was covered in cloak), and squeaked, "Oh, gunney-maaaan~!"

    Matters of civilian safety mattered not to the Carver, it seemed. Not even when somebody pulled off a good magical spell to protect them.
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Gonna post outa order here sorry.<

    Fan felt a sudden disturbance in the energy around him. Any good mage could feel the magic surrounding the worlds but it took a lot of power to harness it all. Fan wasn't that good, but he felt something evil anyways. A swirl of power that pulsed with a sudden madness. He turned around.

    Before him was a man without morals. He shouldn't be blamed since he was no nuts he probably didn't even know what having morals was like. Despite that he didn't have a bunch of dead guys surrounding him. Yet.

    "Now that is a odd looking fellow." Fan pulled his scythe from his back. He twirled it almost like a baton as he brought it in front him, stopping it with the blade angled at the ground. "I think maybe we should play a little bit."
  10. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ((I'm giving Destiny another day. If she hasn't posted by then, I'll be updating this post with my response to Requiem)).
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    A woman sat perched up on the roof of the tower. She's been there since before the sun had even risen. The stronger wind at her height blew the cape she had on and her short hair in the wind. She extended her arm and with a quick flash of light, a weapon like no other appeared in her hand.

    The weapon was key shaped and contained some detailed craft work, but the weapon was not created by man, not per say, but it was a weapon created by the hearts of the world, given to keyblade masters who would chose sucessors to carry on that same weapon.

    That was the woman's purpose in the small world trying to become known for itself, she was here, a new young keyblade master in search of her own students, perhaps even a keyblade inheritance ceremony could be done as well so that in the distance future she'd have more students.

    She was not on that world for that purpose and purpose alone, she's been trying to help the citiznes build up her world, giving what little assistance she could provide. Majority of the citizens thought of her as just a kind wondering traveler by the name of Hoshi, however they never did know what close eyes she kept on everything.

    Hoshi's eyes remained closed listening in on the noise that echoed to the heights of the roof of that castle tower. When the noise suddenly became louder, she opened her eyes and looked around when she saw the cloud of dust rising in the distance out in the mine field she had a good feeling what it probably was, probably a landslide or rockslide. What she didn't know was the cause, earlier before the citizens awoke to work, she was just out there in that direction training. Everything was just fine, no weakness in the rock, and she was most certain that she couldn't have weaken the mineral that much. She stood up taking a step back before running and leaping off the roof of the tower.

    She landed on the roof of a building below her, but she did not waist a minute as she took off running leaping accross roof top to roof top to get the location in which the dust cloud occured.

    She landed on the ground in front of the gate leading outside of town before running out to the location. She came to a stop and watched as Adrian, a young keybearer who like her traveled the world. Though she was never certain if he realized who she was. She also then took note and saw the mage in the village, Fan and somebody else, one who she observed very closely.

    The appearence of that third person who stuck out from the miners told her immediately that they were no normal citizen of Radiant Garden. The aura the person gave off, Hoshi could tell was not right. When she placed it she shocked herself.

    "A resident of Halloweentown? How'd they get here?" She whispered her thoughts aloud.
  12. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ”Oh, gunny-maaan.”

    A poking at his shoulder, and a voice in his ear right next to him caused Adrian to roll his eyes with a grunt. His automatic assumption was that someone in the mine’s administration had a bone to pick with him regarding his methods. He knew that much from previous experience with them, always calling him out for being “too risky” and “borderline endangering” the workers with his “magic tricks.” But what annoyed him most was that they didn’t even bother to use his real name; “gunney-maaan” wasn’t the manner he preferred to be addressed after just saving a troop of workers that the administrators couldn’t do a thing to protect from the elements.

    And when he thought of it, he wondered how anyone at the mine would know to call him “gunney-maaan.”

    Curiosity taking its subtle control over his actions, he turned his head as he walked, his eyes falling upon a most peculiar character. A young boy in a witch’s cap, brown overcoat a pair of shorts that seemed far too revealing for someone his age a graying, sickly hair color, and to cap it off, an uncomfortably creeping smile plastered across his face. Adrian noted the staff gripped in his hand, and gleaned that it was what had poked his shoulder. Something strangely familiar rang out about the young boy, but Adrian had no memory to link to the face. “I’m sorry,” he said, half-uninterested as he turned his attention to the valley path before him. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’ve got a lot of work to do right now. Some people here do have to do that to make it in this world."​
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2011
  13. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Oh, SILLY SILLY gunney man! He doesn't re-mem-beeeeer!" Kilet gleefully cackled upon hearing the man's response to his address. Glyde was one of few the Carver could remember in full detail, which is saying a lot considering the questionability of his sanity. Continuing with his charade, he giggled, "Oh, he doesn't remember the wolf and the fire! Silly silly man! Mayhaps it was from the unfinished? The battleground broke! Fell away!"

    Of course, only a scant few actually knew what he was referring to: The implosion of the first Arena. Theirs was the last match that had occurred before the Arena went tumbling into the void from whence it came. And maybe that's why Glyde didn't remember; because the Arena fell apart while they were in the middle of their match.

    "Gunney man needs to remember! It hurts Kilet's feelings if he didn't!" The Carver continued, faking a pout to the presumably older man.
  14. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    This is getting bad. That nut case is gonna attack any second, and the guy he's talking to doesn't seem to think he's the target. No choice in the matter I guess, if that guy isn't gonna save his own ass, Fan planted his scythe in the ground. "Then I guess I'll do it for him. Arise fallen laborers. Come forth once more and do as I ask. Protect that man from the one insane."

    At first nothing happened, but soon the ground around him began to boil. Eventually arms began breaking out of the ground, some with a little bit of flesh still attached, and began to pull. Ten or so undead warriors holding pick axes, and in one case a sword. "Get the little guy," was all Fan needed to say to send his new minions after the little carver. While incapable of sound the warriors gaped their mouths almost in a war bellow, and charged. It was about then that Fan remembered that the guy he was trying to save probably wouldn't feel to thrilled with all the skeletons running at him.
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ((Destiny is taking too long for this, no offense to her. Let's start getting this battle underway. She can jump in once she has the time)).

    ”Alright. You listen here kid.” It wasn’t every day that Adrian lost his cool over anything, or anyone. Normally his patience was something that could outlast even his reservoir of magic power. Yet the kid trailing behind him was beginning to pierce through that patience with an astounding ease that even Adrian wasn’t able to adjust to. Maybe it was the annoying cackling of his voice. Or perhaps it was the constant insistence of and reference to some passed interactions. Glyde could remember just about every face he had had any contact with in recent years, even if the names that went with them were left as blanks. The odd looking child just didn’t match to anything he could recall; the “wolf” and “fire” meant nothing to him.

    He hadn’t noticed it, but he had wheeled around to face the boy, glaring at him with a serious narrowing of his eyes. “I don’t have time for this nonsense. I’ve got a schedule to keep to, and quite frankly, listening to some kid banter on in riddles doesn’t exactly fit into that schedule. I have no clue who you are, and frankly, I’m not very interested at the moment.” It was then that he noticed the presumably violent thrashing of the boy, the pouting, near-tantrum attitude that suggested to Adrian that his hands might get full with this one. “Just calm down. Whatever it is you want out of me, you’re not gonna get it from whining like a three-year-old. So either settle down now, or get out of here until you do.”​
  16. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    OOC: Wow. I didn't even see your post. Fail. Let's see if I don't fail miserably at madness.

    Machinations of madness whirred pleasantly in the Carver's mind, however contradictory the expression sounded. The man couldn't remember! That in itself was bad enough. But now, over his ex-comrade's shoulder, he could see a swarm of undead heading towards the two. Which, on any other day, wouldn't be all too strange. Given the current circumstances, it was more than a little strange.

    "But now he can't remember at all! Oh, silly silly! But maybe he'd remember my friends?" Kilet giggled, summoning a pumpkin and presenting it to Glyde. But this lasted for a mere moment, as he tossed it up in the air above the sniper's head, then slapped it like a volley-ball at the advancing skeleton clack*.

    "Hark! Dr. Bones approacheth!" The Carver declared, whipping out his knife and sliding around Glyde so that Kilet was between him and the horde. Brandishing the utensil, he snarled, "I dare ye to take me on, scallywags!"

    *Sounds like an appropriate name for a group of skeletons, no?
  17. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Fan stepped into a portal and appeared behind the carver, just one of many things his necromancy allowed. In this case he had walked unscathed through the door of death and out the other side. It was a little disconcerting, but it worked. "Hello my friend. I do believe you are a strange one aren't you?"

    Fan swung his scythe after that and cut up the image. He then proceeded to cut up the mad little carver and then throw the bits to the winds. At least, he would have if he hadn't announced his presence to the world. Even though it was a useless venture at this point he still did the obvious, and swung.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2011
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    He’d have turned his back on the kid if he weren’t sure he was about to snap and maul him across the valley floor. He’d have attacked and shut the kid up, if he had known for a fact that he wouldn’t have anything worth retaliating with. And he’d have called for a manager or the other workers, if they hadn’t proven their inconsistent attitude toward his work and methods.

    Adrian was alone in this predicament, trying to quell the rampage of a teen whose mannerisms were more like a toddler’s. He saw himself as out of options other than using force, and for the first time in a fair two weeks, a familiar, yet then foreign feeling tickling his right hand. An elongated, smooth, barreled weapon flashed into being. Marksman, his favored Keyblade, and the companion that had been with him more readily than any other, was once more at his call. Seeing his ‘client’ charging him moved his body into motion. Yet his initial movement was to move to the side at the last second and aim his weapon to put down the attack quickly.

    But it wasn’t his life that the oddball had been assaulting, but that of a small band of hurl-enticing corpses. How they got there, Adrian didn’t know; but he didn’t question their presence, as he had already seen more than enough to not be totally shocked by it. From his new vantage point he watched the crazy, a knife brandished, challenge the corpses. By fortune of his position, he also saw when a second intruder came about through a portal. The scythe in the man’s hand told of a battle to come, unless it could be avoided quickly.

    As scythe swooped in towards the crazy, it would find itself hindered, knocked back even, as it came into contact with a very solid light barrier, carefully covering the mad knife child. “I think the both of you better leave this place,” he said.​
  19. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Eeeeheehee!" Kilet cackled delightfully, watching as Glyde blocked the attack on his person. He might've not remembered the Carver, but he certainly was still a good partner in battle. That is, if he was still an ally at this point. Given the next thing Glyde said, it seemed unlikely.

    “I think the both of you better leave this place,”

    "Oooooh! He thinks he's got da POWAH! How funny, he is! Believing he controls! Ehe, NEVERMORE!" Kilet cried, two raven's wings bursting out of his back through his long coat. Hopping away from the two and connecting his knife with his staff, the carver cackled, "Memory's return guarantee's my departure, fool!"

    With a few graceful and swift twirls, the psychopathic femboy sent a flurry of sharpened feathers at the two men opposite him with his wings, drawing a long needle out of the sleeve of his free hand.
  20. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Well at least the first guy won't die. Gonna have to disarm him though. Fan jumped back from the wind barrier to put some distance between him and the carver. He didn't realize that this was what the carver wanted, and had to bring a few corpses in front of him to stop the attack. This made the corpses stumble under the impacts, and then collapse as Fan lost power over them. He still had another eight or so, but they would be useless at this point.

    He brought the eight around him to act as a shield, and then began to chant. A long line of runes appeared around around the blade of his scythe as he poured power into the summoning. He then pulled a small bit of bone from inside his jacket and tossed it into the circle. Instead of falling the bone remained in the center, suspended as the spell gained in power. Finally Fan shouted, "Arise samurai of the past. Come forth Ashura!" The bone shivered, and then a young man dressed in red samurai armor appeared around it. He landed on the ground lightly, inhaling. The skeletons fell apart as their collective power went to the stronger zombie. He drew his black blade and stood his ground next to Fan. "You're bidding?"

    "Kill the loon. Leave the other guy alive but disarmed. Harm him only if you must."

    "Your will be done." The samurai charged, slicing feathers from the air. He was Fan's third best summon, and extremely powerful. His magics were also unchallengable in the case of flames. A good match for a pumpkin carver.

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