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358/2 DAys...the meaning

Discussion in 'Archive' started by DawnEssence, Feb 25, 2008.

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  1. DawnEssence

    DawnEssence New Member

    Well I wanna start off by introducing myslef(the last time im gonna do this)

    But anyway...this is my theory on 358/days Days

    Ok everyone knows that KH:BBS is gonna have 3 playable scenarios. The obvious ones:
    and this may dissapoint some(and maybe get mi flamed) but..i think the 3rd scenario will be MX(master Xehanort) instead of Aqua, becuz he has been in every KH game so far (or at least forms/parts of him, but no one knows 4 sure the relationship between MX and Xehanort). Also he has more of a important role than Lame old Aqua(LOL)

    Now bacc 2 the Main point...I beleive 358/2 Days is reffering to Two people(358/2)
    in mi mind Roxas (DUHH!) and the 14th Org. Memeber...Aqua:eek: ....YES i know this is getting old..But I REALLY BELEIVE THIS 2 B POSSIBLE (if yu beleive otherwise..plz share).....Well Maybe The 14th member isnt directly Aqua..but a Form/Part/someone w/ a relationship 2 her. She probably somehow joined/infiltrated the Org. becuz she noticed Roxas...who in her mind sparked some memeory of Ven.(her Obviously Close friend)

    Now as I stated b4 that i dont think Aqua will get any play time in KH:BBS..but her identitiy and story will b explained in Vens Story(again Becuz of how close they are) and..Her fate and More about her past is Shown in 358/2 DAys

    WOW......THat took awhile...but i think im done..if i think of anything else ill post it.....and PLZ...Give mi FEEDBACC!!:D THNX!
  2. darkside

    darkside New Member

    i hope we can play as aqua, cause she is so mysterious, and i want to try her keyblade. but i dont think that they will let us play as the bad guy (or is he?)
  3. temujin07

    temujin07 New Member

    you mean you wanna try her keyhole...lol
  4. Prince_Of_Darkness

    Prince_Of_Darkness New Member

    OOOO sexual Tension!!!!!
  5. Earindel

    Earindel New Member

    wow just wow.................
  6. Noah

    Noah New Member

    Well in think its obvious that the 358 days is while sora is alseep so this is after chain of memories

    And I dont think you could play as MX because he is the main bad guy/ yo might think that will change but still if there is anything that KH has taught us is that the key characters are always appearing and disappearing to make things just that bit more mysterious but if they make it so you can play as all the key characters there wont be anymore mystery surrounding MX

    well thats my theory haha
  7. Luke

    Luke Member

    Wow so many Spelling Errors.
    Dont Sully Kingdomhearts with your immature sexual innuendo.

    I dont know about this theory though. I mean no one knows anything for sure but i think its going to be Terra, Aqua, and Ventus.
  8. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    about the master xehanort + terra = kh2 xehanort, i think something else involved there like an ultimate dark entity or something. i'm actually working on a theory for this, but enough rambling.

    i think master xehanort might get a rebirth/reverse type of story in birth by sleep. it would happen before the main story of birth by sleep, and explain how he fell to darkness.
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ooooooook. First off, no talking nasty about aqua. If you want to make fun os someone, do it in the make fun of members thread. Ok. FIrst off, I don't think that Aqua sucks. Also, the 14th member is Xion, not Aqua. Aqua is one of the original keybladers in BBS & she is not coming back in 358/2 days & there's no way that we will play as the bad guy to tell you the truth. Also, Aqua will have a scenario because she's part of the chain of trying to stop terra from listening to Maleficent's words.
  10. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Dude, you bumping old thread.
  11. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    well the 368/2 days is supposed to tel about the relationshi[p bout the 14th member and roaxs, in bbs well play with all three of the warrios becasue they all have a story to tell and beacause they all play apart of defending kingdom hearts from MX. that sex joke was so imature and it was just wrong so pls don't do that. there could(don't relly know) be kids on here that shoouldn't here that kind of talk.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2009
  12. The_Unknown_Master

    The_Unknown_Master New Member

    It's a good idea but the fact is that 358/2 days comes out before BBS. So I think that Xion is related to aqua in any form. It just wouldn't make sense to introduce a character in a game before the game that person has a main part in.
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