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Talen Academy - OCC/SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by BK-201, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Talen Academy -

    Darker than Black - Ryuusei no Gemini OST - Destroyed - YouTube

    The world has been stuck in almost endless warfare for almost a century, its as if the earth is trying to rid itself of the human plague who has taken so much from it. So in order to train the world's youth in the combative arts Talen Academy was founded. For those from the ages of 10 to 18 tests and pencils have been replaced with guns and ammunition. You live in the dorms located on the Galapagos Islands and are trained in the from of SSS (Shoot, slash, survive). You are graded based on your combative ability, class starts mañana, if your not up and dressed in proper unifrom by 7:00 sharp, you'll have water for breakfast.

    You can be a weapon devoloper, scientist, marksman, swordsman, or doctor.

    All students are scientifically enhanced before entering and can activate certain abilitys and manifest certain weapons that they can ampilify their abilitys through known as Ace Cards.

    Character Skeleton -







    Ace Card-




    Rewls -

    READ UP !!!!!!

  2. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Akira Tsukari











    Ace Card-



    He can manifest two weapons but only one at a time.

    None he's very well-rounded

    He's the son of the academy's principal and is a very good student who tries his best to impress his father. He originally wasn't a huge fan of warfare and didn't like the kill kill kill mentality of the school. He knows its the whole reason that the world is in the state that it's in but has grown to be very trigger happy over time so now it isn't a huge problem for him.

    Saosin - It's All Over Now - YouTube
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2011
  3. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Cool. How will the plot evolve?
  4. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Ah yes, that is a secret that I shall review at a certain point in the RP.
  5. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    wel if I don't know anything then I ain't going to be able to know how to make my characters...are there like Protagonests vs. antagonests at least?
  6. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    No everyone should have an equal role in RP, save for the antagonist.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2011
  7. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    No offense to you or your RP making, but it feels to me that the whole "abilities" thing hasn't been given a proper explanation. Like, it feels like a last minute secondary thing that you sort of just tacked on at the end. How do these "Ace Cards" work? Should abilities not come down to what's most scientifically feasible to achieve by physical/genetic alterations?
  8. Key King

    Key King Member

    Name- Jason Arrow

    Age- 17

    Gender- male


    Weapons- http://www.abarchery.com/acatalog/AdultLightCompoundImage1.jpg http://images.wikia.com/deadliestfiction/images/8/88/Capachat_colt_python-357-Magnum180362.jpg (colt magnum revolver) http://www.kingofswords.com/images/A17-ON8300.jpg

    Ability- He has the ability to ghost through walls and other solid objects

    Ace Card- http://www.made-in-china.com/image/2f0j00zBjQTyhMhtkeM/Crossbow-Catapult-Slingshot.jpg and a miniature rocket launcher: http://fc09.deviantart.com/fs43/f/2009/129/4/4/GDF_Rocket_Launcher_by_Seargent_Demolisher.jpg

    Specialty- he specializes in hand-to-hand combat, and bows

    Bio- He is a headstrong fighter who is lazy, but powerful. When in combat he is good to have as an ally. He is tough. He is muscular and tall, from many breakfasts of water. When he was a boy his parents were killed in combat. He was taken in by a kindly old couple. One day, when a nearby enemy camp invaded his town, they broke down the door and stormed in with AK-47's. The man rushed to defend them with a pistol, but was quickly killed. The woman got him to an emergency closet; a small room that was hidden by a trick wall. He heard gunshots and the woman screaming. An hour later, he pulled his knife, his only weapon, and stepped out. One soldier was rooting through Jason's belongings. Desks and dressers were knocked over, thing littered the floor. Without thinking, he shoved his knife into a fatal spot in the man's back; right between the shoulder blades. The man never saw it coming. No more soldiers came, but the city was demolished. Everything was fiery rubble. Bodies were strewn about. That was his first glimpse of war, and it forever hardened him. He will not let anyone get close to him, because they always seem to leave, and he has had enough of pain. Not the physical kind though. When a recon team searched the city, they found him, and brought him to their base. He trained with them for a long time, until a recruiter came to the base. He took him to the university, and he has been there ever since.

    Theme- Goliath - [Homefront Soundtrack] - YouTube
  9. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Nice, accepted
  10. Key King

    Key King Member

    thanks! I put a looot of effort into this one! ;)
  11. Key King

    Key King Member

    Sorry about the double post! When will this start?
  12. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    This shall start when more people, at least two more are accumulated also don't worry about double posting in this thread but when I post the actual RP thread be careful.
  13. Key King

    Key King Member

    yeah..it hath died before it got the chance to begin...
  14. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Yes sadly, however me and 8-Bit are creating an RP of epic proportions that will roar over Khplanet like a tidal wave, I hope to see you there.
  15. Key King

    Key King Member

    of course!!!! ;)
  16. P-geyser

    P-geyser New Member

    Is this still open

    Name- Daiga Suzama

    Age- 18

    Gender- Male


    Weapons- Explosive Gauntlets, fires high grade explosives from the top of the gauntlet.

    Ability- Explosive resistances, Enhanced strength and endurance

    Ace Card- Titan mode

    Specialty- Explosions and demolition expert.

    Bio- Daiga is part of a Juggernaut program created by the military for the purpose of eradicating entire villas or villages. Daiga was put into the program at the age of 15 for his abnormal size and strength. The military capitalized on his extreme size and sheer power. Despite his size and gifts Daiga is considered a peaceful giant. He is only considered a threat when he is sent into battle and his Titan mode is activated. In this mode Daiga loses all thought process and reacts on pure rage. He will eliminate any enemy in his path.

    Theme-WWIII - KMFDM - YouTube
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2011
  17. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    unfortunetly no...I hate it when things do this...its almost the same with my newest RP...

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