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Who should Lead Household: Man or Woman

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by EtherealSummoner, Feb 17, 2012.

Who should lead: Man or Woman

  1. Man

    4 vote(s)
  2. Woman

    1 vote(s)
  3. Uh... I am not sure. You tell me.

    4 vote(s)
  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    We got into a debate in Sociology as we were playing the Agree or Disagree game as to whether or not a Man should always be the pants of the family. In otherwords, lead the household and represent what a man should do. Now, I know a couple of friends who are women obviously who chose the disagree part but one of them said "I believe that a man who ends up not doing their job or starts slacking off, a woman need to start taking charge." but I started to counter that statement and stated "If a man is doing their job and is doing their job, the woman should ONLY help support the family. The man is already help supporting the family just by taking up leadership that was in them anyways. The woman should help the man in the family and marriage in any ways possible but the woman is NOT to overthrow and overpower the man of the family if the man is doing what he is doing."

    Now, I already made up my mind and I staying with the option that man should always lead the household. Now which option do all of you want to pick? There is no "It all depends." statements. All of us should know that if a man is having a hard time trying to help lead the house and is down that the woman can then start giving out even more of her support to help keep her marriage and family together.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    And here come all the stay in the kitchen jokes.

    To be perfectly honest though, if a couple has dissolved to the point of deciding who leads the household, they have problems. Regardless of who the breadwinner is, there is no leader.

    First off, marriages are supposed to be about support from day one. So your argument of the woman should give her support if the man is having a hard time is flawed. Even if the man isn't having a hard time, the woman should give her support. And if the woman is having a hard time or not, the man should give his support. Your argument makes it sound like the woman should stay at home unless the man is having problems supporting the house all on his own, which again is flawed.

    Take both of my families for example. My mom and step-dad both work, as do my dad and step-mom. None of them are the "leaders" of the house (Although arguments can be made, but that's not the point). And the houses seem to run just fine without any of them being in charge of everything.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2012
    Napoléon likes this.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -___- Not once did I stated that I said that women are to stay at home. If you had reread my answer, you would clearly know that I stated that: "The man is already giving support", meaning that the man is right there, ready to lend a hand. Also, you reread my statement, you would know that I said that "The woman should ONLY help give the support." <__> I never said that the woman should stay in the kitchen or at home. You said that. My statement is not flawed; you just read my post wrong.

    Also, if you read my post cautiously, you would know that I said that "The woman should help support the family IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE." As for the "taking in charge", when I said to "take leadership", I never did say that it would be the person who would end up telling everyone in the household what to do, when to do it and what not to do and all of that. Not once did I supported that. When I said to "take leadership", I clearly mean for the one who will: "Know what is good and what is wrong", "Know what is best for the family", "Work alongside spouse to stay together", and any other criterias that I may have left out or cannot think of. THAT is what I see leadership as.

    Also, with my super, last statement, you clearly left out the part when I said that the woman "may and can and will GIVE OUT EVEN MORE OF HER SUPPORT." meaning that she can do more than what she normally would do. My statement was not flawed. You just misread.
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I didn't read it wrong. I just pointed out the subtext of what you said. Saying something like stay in the kitchen doesn't always literally mean "stay in the kitchen." Read the part before the examples.

    Let's see...

    Guiding or directing a group means giving orders. It doesn't matter what you see something as. When you use it in a sentence like that, you are speaking as if you see it as the proper meaning.

    I didn't misread what you typed. At the very least I twisted your words to suit my argument better. Like I mentioned above, the subtext of your argument screams "women should stay in the kitchen." Whether or not you mean in that way, it is what it sounds like when somebody reads it.

    How does that not sound like a stay in the kitchen type thing? Like I said in my original post, a relationship should not fall down to this level. Haven't you heard all that stuff about the couple being a team? Basically a good relationship has no leader. I don't know how to explain it simpler than this.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    And I will make myself even more clear: My statement was never for no "Stay In The Kitchen". Not once. Besides, when I actually underlined and bold your last paragraph, what I stated was never no "Stay In the Kitchen". When I say "No woman should overthrow or overpower the man in an attempt" I am saying that if the man is there and he is making sure that everything is right, it really doesn't matter what the woman thought is wrong, the woman should trust her husband and give him his full support all the way. And if you want to add in all of the leader giving out the orders, then sure. We can do that too. I'll include all of that too and I'll back it up.

    Oh yea. Let me put in this sentence, if a team has no leader, who is there to lead the group and to help each other and to have each other's back so that they can keep on fighting? Think of a war. A small army team is in a group. They go in but they have no leader to give out the orders so that they can carry them out. No leader = independent which may end up having the team split apart because one team member may try to overthrow the others. However, with a leader, the team members will have someone to follow and the Team Leader can listen to their followers and, depending on the situation, can give out the final order in order to help accomplish the task. That is what I see in the family. The man help protects his family, the wife is his support in all ways, especially to help the children, the man will still listen to his wife and then, when he finally has an answer, tells his wife what the both of them should do, and try to carry it out while taking care of the offspring. You want to say that a good relationship has no leader but have you ever thought of marriage? I wasn't talking about no dating. Specifically marriage. You never ever see no Game System trying to operate without any remote controllers because the remote controllers is what leads the directions. You do not see no leaf trying to grow by itself because the tree is the leader to tell when the leaf should or should not grow depending on the season. Christians cannot functions without God because God is the Sole Leader and trying to take him out will end up breaking everything apart. A church cannot function without a Pastor because the Pastor watches over everyone and can help direct the path as to what one can do in their spiritual life.

    Trying to have a group without a leader will only end up having individuals trying to have sole power all by themselves to overthrow the other. In MOST cases, a group without a leader will bring total chaos. Take out the general in the army and you lose the war. Have no Leiutenant and you will not be able to know what strategy to use on the battlefield.

    When you saying "Stay in the Kitchen", you are trying to act as though I was saying as you try to twist my meaning that I am saying that women are not capable or is not able to do what a man can do. -_- I never did supported that part. A woman can do anything that a man can do. However, when I said that if a man is around to take care of the situation, then usually, a woman does not have to go and try to take on the situation. When I see it, the husband tells the wife that he can handle it and let the wife take on some other tasks that may need to be taken care of in the household or in life. He is not saying that, as you gave in that link about "Staying in the kitchen" that she is unable to fight, take on the task that a man can do, protect themselves, or that they cannot "Stand the heat and so that they should stay in the kitchen". IT WAS NOTHING among those lines! As men, it is only natural that the male has the desire to love, cherish and protect the wife and kids. That is just a part of nature in a man.

    Women should not even take offense of this in the first place anyways. You want a man to be a man, yet you finally get that chance and when he says for you not to worry and that he'll take care of it, you get all upset all because he can be "Superman" even though he knows what you are capable of, maybe more capable of doing the job than what they can do. However, when the man ends up actually needing more help, then the woman can just step in, laugh at us, take care of the situation for us and then make the man feel glad that he always have a woman who will be by his side who also has a desire to protect him also. THAT is what I see!

    So yes, the man is the leader, if the leader is in trouble, the wife comes in to help too in the fight. Besides, if the husband is killed, then the woman is left widowed with the children and there are no natural leader to help direct the family in a good life in all sides of love. However, there are some circumstances as to where the man knows that the wife can still do something to help lead the family if he is gone and so he yearns to keep her safe. I hope that NO ONE sees this as an insult. I have COMPLETE RESPECT to females but as a man, I would not even feel comfortable if I am not doing my job to use my leadership talents to love the woman and children that I have been blessed with myself if I ever had one.

    So yes Desert, I took your "Stay out of the Kitchen" phrase, knocked it down and show the complete opposite and one of the very TRUE reasons as to why I said what I said.
  6. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    As a male, of course I would say the male should be in charge.

    But, as a person. I really don't care. A female can take care or take charge of a household as well as any male.
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I don't think there needs to be a "head" or "leader" of the household. I think all of the duties of running a household (whether that involves working to support the home, taking care of kids, or everyday chores) should be divided up equally. Everyone has things that they can contribute, so a married couple, I would hope, should be able to compromise and come up with a way they can work together, playing on each others' strengths and weaknesses. And even if this division makes it so that one spouse can stay at home while the other works, that doesn't mean that the spouse who is working is doing more for the family or is the "leader". I can assure everyone that taking care of kids is not nearly as easy as one may think, and in fact, I would argue that the spouse at home, more involved in everyday family life, would have more influence on the family as a whole. And any major decisions should be discussed together, and compromises made, as opposed to one party laying down the law. Doing otherwise, to me, shows a lack of respect on the part of the lawmaker for the other spouse.

    Besides, for as much as someone might say that the men wear the pants in the family, in my experience anyhow, it's more like the women let them think that they do. XD

    And summoner, your posts are full of sexist subtext that would make me put on a feminist hat and rant for a bit if I could get up enough energy to be more than just vaguely amused by it. I think you are in for an awakening should you ever be in a committed relationship. Perhaps I will find the energy to get ruffled by this later.

    I'm also somewhat curious on how a same sex household would run. (And no, don't really want to hear any judgments on the morality of that). Would two men living together both have an equal say in the household, or would one step into the position you think women should play? Two women?

    *Throwing my vote in for the women, even though I think the answer should really be both. Still, gotta represent my gender here.*
    Napoléon likes this.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    As for chores being divided up equally, I can agree with that and the part about playing on each other's strengths and weaknesses, I had already supported that in my last post about what happens when the man falls into trouble and when the woman comes in and helps with their spark. Now about the working part, I never did say anywhere in my post where I said that "The person who works is the one who will be leader." I never did state that. Now as for the spouse being at home to take the kids (And I do agree about raising kids. -__- It is hard for me to watch over my younger cousins sometimes), it can go either way but usually, the woman, in my opinion, will be more connected with the children since they are the one who gives birth and go through pregnancy and is the one who nurtures the child (I can even believe that the woman nurtures the child more so than the man). Now what if the mother or female wants to work? The husband and wife will come together to try to come to a conclusion as to what to do. Will you hire a babysitter or will one of them stay at home?

    Now does that mean that the spouse who is working is not involved in everyday family life: I say no. I still believe that the person will still be involved in the family life everyday. Now as to what would happen if, say, one of the spouse, husband or wife, goes off to war or is in the army or whatnot, that is up to them.

    XD OH! Me going into an awakening? We shall see. And me making full of "Sexist" subtexts. I think you should know that you should read back and realize that I am not the one who said "Lawmaker". :p Not once did I stated that the man should make up house rules and treat women like 1600's maids. Compromising and decision making between the two is needed; The man should still stand up and be the protector of the family and let the woman know what he believes would be the final decision as to what is the best route for the family to take that is not no demanding. XD You and Desert is acting as though I am thinking that a family should be a dictatorship family (Which would be sad and quite amusing since I know that one spouse demanding and putting a force on the other will only cause arguing and yelling).

    And as for the same sex part, yea... you really do not want to hear what I want to say about that. It will just end up going into a whole different story and bring up other religious topics and yea. Best to leave it.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I'm with kitty. Which ever one takes charge is who can lead.

    This argument would be valid back in the 80's and before, but starting in the 80's to now the role of who leads the house has seized to exist. Where I work, I'm a cashier for a retail store, I deal with men and women.

    Role of leadership with this job I have seen has become split or a team effort versus one is better than the other. When women come in, if she takes care of the billing she doesn't sign up for a credit card, if her husband handles the billing she's more hesitant on opening a credit card(unless she's filthy rich). If a man comes shopping he's often hesitant on what he's buying if the wife handles purchases and knows what they need and don't need. If the man is in charge of that, women are more hesitant on what they're buying(this often occurs between when the women are buying the male tools and the male is purchasing home fashions and kitchen appliances- I work in our home section focusing more on kitchen appliances and bedding but occasionally will get tools.)

    Next both carry there own jobs and often, like 99.999% of the time have their own credit cards, bank accounts, insurance, etc. So with that being said decisions are often made on who will be in charge of buying what, paying what bills(if it be insurance, credit cards, gas, electric, etc.).

    Next disciplining children, in a child's first I believe it's 6 months, mothers who just recently gave birth get those 6 months to properly raise and develop the new born, after that the role of the disciplining parent splits. One parent may be in charge of disciplining and being strict as the other one is more giving in to the child. This may seem in a child's eye and even our own eyes I'm sure(unless you think as you're taking on of the classes you think of this differently taking a sociological or psychological approach to it) we have that one parent who is so hard on us and this one may seem like the head person. In all actuality both are still working as a team, both are developing a child's right and wrong sense. The disciplining parent is teaching discipline on what a child shouldn't do, where as the easy going parent is teaching a child what is ok to do.

    I could go on typing a huge paper to prove the role of the house is now a team effort, and I could even go on to providing tons of research online to prove this, but quite frankly I'm lazy. I'm not going to go quite out yet though...

    Before World War II- Men were the strict head of the households. Women barely left the house, their role was basically provide food for the husband, sex to the husband, offspring to the husband, and a "heir" to the husband.

    World War II- Women were the head of the household completely because of one reason. All the men were drafted to war and were not home so to support the family women had to take charge. They raised the children, they got jobs working to provide income, and so much more.

    After World War II through 1960's- Men were "in charge" but not as much as what they were prior to World War II, women now had a little more freedom, they went out shopping purchasing the food, the home needs and much more. Especially when stores began providing credit cards for the first time, the husbands's name(who went back to being the main income) and woman's name(who did all the shopping, listed second on the card) would have both names on the card.

    1960's to1980's- Freedom peace movement caused not only the black's freedom to be settled but women as well. It was during this time(especially since war has broken out again) they began getting jobs and it slowly began changing to a team effort. During this time men let it go though.

    1980's to current- It now consists as a team effort. Not entirely though. Men still fight with their natural instinct of dominance and women who over the few last decades began developing a dominance of their own are arguing and fighting for whoever should be "head" of the household. This is why divorce rates are so high between the 1980's and now. If(and those who have already) realize that if they work entirely as a team, they will be able to survive and be very happy during this time.
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Perhaps because that is what you are implying with everything else you are saying. Perhaps not to the point of abuse, but I think the idea is there.

    Obviously I took what you wrote and paraphrased it in my own way and expanded on it. So you may not have used some of the same words I did, but in my opinion, the meaning is still there. And situations where only one spouse (the husband) works is obviously not always the case, as I know, though I'm harping on that a bit because of the way you have of describing the relationship between husband and wife, which makes it seem like this would be the ideal. But even in families where both spouses work, you are suggesting an imbalance of power within the relationship and home which does disgruntle me. And, to put it out there, would disgruntle me if it were advocating the other gender on top, too.

    I think the bold is dreadful, and I think you mean it to be a compliment, which makes it worse. I don't even know what to say.

    I agree that working does not mean that the spouse is not involved in family life. But when you compare a parent who spends all day with their children to one who works ten hours a day, I think the majority of decisions concerning the family would be made by the stay-at-home spouse. And that would stereotypically be the wife. But this is sort of derailing the argument a bit, since there are other issues than who is working or not.

    Well, there's only so many damn ways to say ultimate decision maker in the household, and I try not to repeat myself too much. Whatever. :rolleyes:

    It's not really compromise if one partner always has the final say. Who is to say the man is the more qualified to make the final call in a given situation, anyhow? And I think you're backtracking a bit here. In any compromise, both parties would let the other know what they think the final decision should be, and then from there, they find a way to reconcile their ideas and come up with a solution that both can live with (or both can gripe about XD). That is what I think should always happen. But the idea I get from reading your posts is that after they go through that business, it's still ultimately up to the man to decide that "yes, this is what we're going to do." And I fail to see how that is really 'working together.'

    Yes, I think you shall. Though honestly, I disagree with you on practically everything in the history of forever, so this should come as no surprise.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Team Effort: yes. Now as for the latter part though, men fighting with their natural instinct of leadership, I have already stated before that it was natural and was a part of manhood of being a man to lead. That's just us. Now the one part about women fighting and developing a desire to have dominance for the "head", that part should not happen. We allow women to have a lot of freedom and have a chance to express themselves more and to also have more chances and opportunity to help in the household but in exchange, the women want to lead and try to do everything to get that. I do agree that it is one reason as to why divorce rates are high but there are other factors that fall into that too. It does require teamwork but as I had said before about the leader and his team, it would take that "leader" part too who will do their best to take care. Now about the bills and disciplining the child and whatnot, I agree with that part too because really, it is a team effort and the woman is doing her job supporting the man with the bills and the children. No duh. You are basically saying the same thing that I had said along the line about the woman SUPPORTING.

    Now back at Kitty. XD Now let me give you a big, specific reason as to why I said what you went and bold. It may sounds nasty to you, it is actually a good thing that the mother and child has a connection between each other. The mother becomes more aware, adjusted and have joy with the father. Now if the wife decides to just stay at home and continue bonding with the child, they actually have it easier. They will still be supportive no matter what and they will be able to have less stress, share her life with the child and have more fun. The father will too have a connection with the baby but more so with the mother. Not like it is a terrible thing. I see that as a blessing, especially in the household. To me, a woman will be able to help the man raise up the child the right way. But then there is the Nature vs. Nurture debate but I do not want to get all up into that.

    XD And as for "Imbalances" in power, tell me: Why you keep on stating (Or fearing) that if a man takes the stand with his woman by his side to help him along the way, that there will be imbalances. You is starting to sound as though you are afraid that if a true man do lead, takes both sides together and merge them to find the best possible way, that there will be imbalances all because, in honesty, the ultimate responsibility is laid on the man's shoulders in the household. I did not state male dominance. When Nicole said that, she is stating of a man "Lording" (XD I made up that word) over the woman and requires complete obedience. I never state that women are second raters and I never even thought of women that way. I see equality in everything. If I ever sound as though man should dominate a woman, sorry but I never even had the sole idea of that. I can throw in bible verses and all of that as to how a man should treat their woman and all of that (Which is respect, reverence and equality but since you, Desert and Nicole do not like that idea, especially as to how a true man should protect her...) but a man has to lead with perserverance.

    Did we demand that position? No but we were just placed there. Do you want to know what is one of a man's responsibility in a household? One of them is "To keep our women love emotion tank full and pumping. XD). In other words, we MUST love women unconditionally. This will be through words and action. As for action, this is where leadership comes in, which is why I am so strongly for the man for this. The third responsibility is to "Serve our wives". That does not mean "Let the wife take over and lead." HECK NAW! It means that as leaders, we must attend to our wives needs, providing and understanding her. Now there are other responsibilities that a man has but those three are REAL important. It is a God-given duty and feeling that we carry with us all this time. We do not want conflict or isolation. OH YEA! If you have a man who trusts you, shouldn't a woman do the same thing with him? Trusts is one of the foundations you know.

    Now what a man will not like (And is most likely will snap on you) is if the woman always complain, moan, groan and is unsatisfied with everything that the man do. Man loves you, here comes the woman "If you truly love me, you would go there and become more involve in your child's life." Man is able to give up game time to be with child more. "HOW COME YOU ARE DOING YOUR SIDE JOB?! GO ON AND DO THAT! DUMB BUTT!" and the list goes on and on and if a man mess up, your complaining and yelling just feeds on the mindset to where we go "OH! Ok! I'll just keep on doing what I was doing!" Did I ever see a woman who always complain: Yes and I know several other girls who always complain and just want to go up in their face and tell them to shut up. The one thing that I have a problem is that a woman, with their support, is that you can not only help build up the household but you can plainly just go and tear up the house from the floor on up. A woman is JUST AS POWERFUL as a man with their words and they can have as just much influence. However, if a woman uses her words the right way, you help build up the husband and you are helping your household just like that. A man leads but with a woman support, she too is a keeper ( :p And I mean a "I wanna love you for everything you have done in my life!" keeper) of the household.

    Now I understand what you and Nicole are coming from. Do I agree that women should have more of a role in the household: yes. Does it mean that the woman should stop the man from doing what he has to do: No. Both of you are looking from the Working perspective while I am looking from a lot of sides (Work, spiritual, physical, Emotional, Mental, Christian view, etc). Are the three of us are on the same page or similarly on the same page: Yes... although we differentiate as to our own terms of "Equality", "Leadership" and what is acceptable in a household. XD Now for me to stop here. I went and took up over 1 hour making this post.
  12. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    The part I've bolded, all I've got to say is you really should be more careful the way you word your sentences. I know exactly what you mean, but the "no" before the "stay in the kitchen" can really screw over what you're meaning to say. As for the rest of what I've quoted, it is pointing towards that sexist subtext that I'll get to eventually.

    Your non-religious analogies (Video games and plants) utterly fail. Especially the plant one.

    What you said that I have bolded is the very essence of what the whole stay in the kitchen thing is about. I know you did not mean it this way, but let me tell you what your statement can easily be interpreted as (Again, this isn't what you mean, but what it sounds like you may mean). If a man is around to handle the situation, the woman should go do something else.

    No, you didn't knock it down and show the complete opposite. But I do respect your relentlessness in always thinking you've utterly destroyed whatever I have said in any argument between us (This, by the way, would be the third that I can think of off the top of my head).

    True, you never said that. But you implied it. A quick summation of your argument is that the man should be the one with the heavier workload (Breadwinner, yadda yadda yadda) and the one who should lead the household.

    Unfortunately this is leading back to the woman being subservient to the man. If the wife wants to work, then her side of their decision has already been decided. Based on what you said (Husband and wife coming to a conclusion about the wife working), if the decision is that the wife doesn't work, then that decision will have been the husband's and it will have overridden what the wife wants.

    You may not be intending to have sexist subtexts, but they're still there (And this is coming from a guy who immediately views something supposedly sexist as not sexist until making my own decision due to people crying sexist over things that aren't really sexist).

    You make it sound as though you think a family should be something like a dictatorship. Again, I know you don't mean it that way but dammit you make it sound like it.

    Okay, back to what I said back at the first quote (Almost forgot). What I have in that first quote is one paragraph implying that women need to obey their husbands.

    And I don't believe that should be the case. The decisions should be made by both coming to an agreement. What's that magic word? Compromise. Not that anybody seems to do it nowadays.

    Like I said Brandon, what you say and what you mean don't appear to be the same. And now somebody else has pointed it out (Which is why, in case anybody was wondering, I haven't replied. I wasn't gonna reply if this was gonna be a debate between only you and me).

    And here is that sexist subtext again. When you say "we" logically you are talking about men (Since you yourself are a man and there are only two genders). And by saying we (i.e. men) allow women to have freedom, you make it sound like we have control over them. You didn't mean it that way, but that's what any normal person will interpret it as.

    Damn I love how you make wild assumptions and completely miss what I'm saying. I don't like the idea of treating a woman with respect, reverence, and equality? That's how I treat women (Unless I get to know them better and learn that they might deserve that. Then I'll just avoid them and not have any problems). I'm certain there are other things I wanna say (Probably something about equality being a two-way street and even though people complain about being equal they don't want true equality), but I can't quite think of anything at the moment.

    You make it sound like attending to a wife's needs is a man's burden. Please be more careful the way you word your sentences. You don't mean it, but they scream sexist.

    Here's a thought. Stop looking at the argument from those perspectives. Just look at it from this perspective: Men and women are both human.
  13. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    From experience (I'm straight, thank you, I just happen to know many persons of the same sex dating and living together), I can say that two women living together function better than two men. Somehow, the women survive through many storms in their relationships better than the males. I've seen many cases where the women live together for years and the men only for a couple of weeks or months before their relationship under the same roof gets stormy. Don't know why, but somehow it just seems that two women under one roof are working better together.

    Couldn't had said it better myself.

    What I'm interested is that are these questions regular in your country about who should be the head of the house? If it is, I'm disappointed about where America is going to. Around here, when we talk 'bout who's the head of the house, it's always the male (it's a phrase "talon isäntä", it's hard to explain because there's no translation for it), but it's only because in the past it was so. Today the families function as one.

    And one other thing I'm surprised about is that none of you won't use your own parents as a example while discussing this. My own parents have always worked together as a team, there's no leader in the house. Both of them went to work and took us to the daycare centers, and after work they picked us up. They have always made the decisions together. It all worked perfectly. And that's the way it should be, there shouldn't be a leader in the household.

    Reading your texts really surprised me.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2012
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Umm, no. That instinct is trained, trained and built over the many many years before World War II, women had it too, but before world war II they lacked the power and numbers needed until women civil rights came into action.

    It needs(as it is becoming slowly but surely) become a team effort 50/50. Never once did I say the women is supporting the man, heck those decisions could for who does what could have been decided by the woman man.

    Men(like you) need to get off their high horse and realize this is the 21st century and accept the fact that women are making the head of the household a team effort.

    And what the hell? Where in there did I ever say it's the woman's fault for divorce, usually its the man not wanting to collaborate with the woman.

    The part of allowing woman the desire for head is happening of natural causes and as the setting changes. Men have no say in this. It's happen, wake up and smell the grass(or however that saying goes) its real, both are natural, women(thank god) are accepting it now and men need to accept the fact it's happening(as I can see DW understands a little more than you).G
    Also, women do not try to lead the ones that do are nutcases most of the time unless the husband is completely unable to perform the job at all. Women during the wen rights movement want and are fighting for equal equality, 50/50. Men can't accept that or resize that.

    Now leadership can be a role and main role of a team, but it doesn't have to be. Who does what can be decided as a team easily, if the one is doing something wrong they can call each out. In a team both the man and the woman would be supporting each other. The part women are fighting is too natural, though prior to World War II, women were(as I'd hate to admit and if I were living then, I'd have to be a mass murderer) afraid. When war came and women became the head then, they came together and were able to really fight for equality. Divorce is not the women's fault. In fact mist of the time, men go and pull out because they open their eyes to reality. Hope that summarized for your small intelligence on the matter of nature, love, and relationships.

    You do realize equality and leadership are completely two different things, Right? And I'm not looking at just work, I'm looking at nature. Hunsnd are animals after all, we have onstincts we fight too, it's based on psychology. Woman have that fight for "womanhood" as well. They were able to fight it for along time, now it's the man's turn to fight it.

    Not all three of us are on the same page, heck im not even on the conpleteky same page as kitty, especially not you. You need to take this view more psychologically versus sociologically. Psychology is after all the study of the thoughts and behaviors. Now I'd go on, but for one I have to get ready for school, and two until you crack open your knogin for what's actually going on, you won't understand a word I'm saying.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2012
  15. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    And yet again, I don't even know what to say to this. This is just pure sexism. I'm offended on behalf of men, than you seem to think men can't love or take care of their own children as well as women can. Actually, I'm offended by virtually everything in this quote. And what does the nature versus nurture debate have to do with this?

    When I wrote that, I think I was thinking more along the lines of small, unimportant, every day type decisions, though now that I look back on it, it doesn't come across quite right. >_< But if I spent more time rereading my posts than I already do, they'd never get submitted, so I suppose a certain amount of crap is bound to slip through. :rolleyes: Whatever, compromise is what's important.

    I don't have time to write much else, so I'll just say I agree with just about everything Desert Warrior says and leave it at that for now.
  16. KingdomTarts

    KingdomTarts New Member

    To answer the title of the thread I would say that either both run it equally or you don't run it all. Equality among the sexes.

    A relationship ideally is based off of a 50/50 partnership, however you split that, that's the way it should be. 20/80 leads to an argument about who does more work and possibly divorce.

    It's all about appreciation, even if you know you do more work, compliment your partner on the work he/she does and praise him/her for the work he/she has completed. Stuff like that goes a long way.
  17. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    To echo Cameron here, this is the debate section, and you all do need to post more than just this. See the Debate Guidelines.

    So yeah.

    Mostly, I brought this up because families aren't simply made up of the cookie cutter man, woman, 2.5 kids anymore and I think that's something that should be considered when making sweeping statements on which gender is best to run the household. But alas, prejudice rears its ugly head, as it so often does. As far as what you've said, I dunno that I necessarily agree or disagree. I think there are too many unknown factors to make a generalization like that- personalities of the people involved, for one.
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Yeah, I'm totally in collegeland right now xD, anyway... Females just seem to be better at keeping things in order, males are just bossy. However, men tend to be stronger and calmer, making them a logical choice in someplace like Florida where storms are frequent.

    Honestly, women have more smarts in my opinion, but the men have muscle. In any case, two brains are better than four muscular arms. Unless your a giant muscular and smart man or woman, but most of the time it's one or the other.
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    See how I underlined "Parents"? I live ina single-parent house. My mother and I. She did some great things to help me but there are some actions that she took which I actually do not accept. Is my mommy good: yes. However, I myself do not choose my mom, especially when it is actually hard and common for an African American family to have a lot of single mothers in the home. Not only that, my mommy and daddy never did get married and... yea. It is complicated. I do not know about the others but as for me, I always did lived in a single family: My mommy, grandmommy and I. Would it be better if there were a man in the house: maybe but I speak from my own experience as to why I definitely believe that a man should be the one leading the house while yet still yet giving a balance in the home.

    As for Nicole saying that leadership and equality are different: They may be different but that does not mean that you leave one out and keep the other.
  20. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Wait theres supposed to be a head of the house? Aw Shoot my future husband will be so disappointed when that doesn't happen. xD

    If you're married and have a family theres no need or excuse for a woman to lose her identity and spend the rest of her days answering to some supposed boss husband guy and the same goes for guys. If someone is assuming they should 'lead the household' single handedly in a relationship, they have problems. Mariege is a partnership and support for each other regardless of the situation. Its not like we all stand at the alter and the Preacher guy stands up there saying

    "Destiny will you take Desert Warrior to be the head of your household and give him support sometimes when he's having a hard time as long as you both shall live?"
    Destiny: Ummm.... I guess so.
    "Desert will you be the head of Destiny's household and keep her in the kitchen and give her support sometimes when she's having a hard time as long as you both shall live."
    Desert: Yep. Now go make me a sandwich woman!

    Dont worry Destiny and Desert I only used your names for example purposes. Dont go thinking Destiny will go make you a sandwich anytime you want now Desert. :p
    I do believe, however, that responsibilities and whatnot should be equal but that does not nessisarily mean the same. When you're married and running a household together and have kids and all that, its your job to be the parents and adults and therefore heads of the household. It is equal but equal doesn't always nessesarily mean splitting the chores in half and everything. Take my family for example. My dad works on a farm. He leaves the house at 4 am every morning to move hand lines. He's home for maybe 5 minutes in the middle of the day (if no one has time to get food out to the farmers) to grab a quick lunch and then is out again to keep working. There are some days when he doesn't get home until 10 in the evening. He comes home dirty and exhausted. It wouldn't exactly be equal, at that point, if my mom cleaned half of the house and only sent half of the kids to school because the other half was my dad's responsibility.

    Girls, if your husband is making a living that pays for your lifestyle especially if he's doing something that requires a lot of work, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you picking up a few extra responsibilities in the house. In fact, there is no excuse for you to not do it if thats the case. And same to the guys if its the girl in your house who has a job.

    To be honest all that little stuff kind of depends on the family. As for support, that should be there unconditionally.

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