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What made you hook to watching anime?

Discussion in 'Anime & Manga' started by Wumal, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Wumal

    Wumal New Member

    Like the title says what made you hook to watching anime. For me when I was a kid my really first anime that I ever watched was Pokemon. It was in a local channel back then and it really made me addicted to it. Like I keep buying the miniature action figures action figures of different kinds of Pokemon. Then next came Digimon, it was all new and new tech. That really was my second addiction. i got to have the digimons and the action figures of the anime characters like Yamato and Coshiro, Mimi and Sora the girl that's all I have. I think what made me hook to anime is the merchandise and also there good stories and opening songs and ending songs. Ok it's your turn now!! :D
  2. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Well I first starting watching anime when I was extremely young. You see, my grandmother used to babysit me because my parents were busy with work and what not, and two of my older cousins used to stay at my grandmother's house as well. One was nine years older than me, the other one was seven years older, and they used to love watching Dragon Ball. Since I had to stay at my Nanny's place I used to watch the shows they liked (except when Barney was on of course ;) ) and I ended up enjoying anime's such as DB and DBZ too.

    I later on watched Pokemon, Sailor Moon and Digimon which progressed to Inu Yasha, Gundam Seed and Naruto. The rest, as they say, is history.

    I've never personally collected action figures, but I used to pester my parents to buy me Pokemon cards :p
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I remember the ones I used to watch as a kid were the ones on Toonami. Mainly Dragon Ball Z and Gundam Wing. There was also Pokemon, Digimon, and Yu-Gi-Oh! although I didn't watch them with as much frequency. And when it came around, my step sister (The one on my dad's side) and my step brother (The one on my mom's side) both tried getting me into Naruto (Something they did independently of each other, by the way). So I got into that, although I haven't seen many episodes nor do I ever plan to since I consider reading the manga to be much quicker. And then there was Rave Master and .hack//Legend of the Twilight, which I enjoyed both of.

    And then I went on for years without really watching anime.

    Now, the cause for my current watching anime/reading manga is because of YouTube. For whatever reason one of the videos they had listed on the main page was an episode of Ah! My Goddess. I clicked on the video and watched a few moments of it before forgetting about it. But then one day I thought about it, did a little research on it and decided to watch it after liking what I researched.

    Oh, and then after watching all the episodes I began reading the Ah! My Goddess manga because I wanted to know what was happening while the anime had ended.
  4. Suriel

    Suriel New Member

    In my case it was because they used to give Pokemon and Ranma on a local channel. Then randomly looking around in a blockbuster, I found Sailor Moon and Card Captor Sakura, both my old time favorites. Since then I started taking interest in anime which led me to watch Cartoon Network and another channel I don't remember. From those I got Beyblade,DB, One Piece, Naruto, Digimon, Inuyasha, Shaman King and some others.

    Basically I still watch some anime, but not as much. I only watch Naruto and Pandora Hearts because there's still something exciting to expect. Other than that, nothing else.
  5. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    The first anime I watched was DBZ on Cartoon Network...what got me hooked was originally the action scenes.
  6. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    MY MASTER GAMER BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything i do is probably because of him. But i was like 7 when i was hooked. Toonami all the way!
  7. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    My sad life. When I watched anime, I could had spend that time outside, with friends or anything else than sit in front of the screen watching big eyed weirdos.
  8. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    In complete honesty, you have Neon Genisis Evangelion to blame for my anime fixation. Watched it when I was too young to realize what it was when it first aired in America. All I remember is "KEWL GIANT ROBOTS". Plus Ronin Warriors is another one to blame. "KEWL SWORDS!" And then Toonami and then manga, and then anime.

  9. Wumal

    Wumal New Member

    Yeah Toonami was good too. With Zoids, Beyblade, Super Yo-yo, Crush Gear, Yu-gi-oh, and Battle Bedaman. They had a lot of anime merchandises to sell.
  10. Tsukiyo

    Tsukiyo New Member

    im 18 now, and i first began by reading manga when i was in the 5th grade. i first read naruto and got really into it and my friend tried to get me into one piece as well but that didnt work very well.

    in 6th grade i started reading bleach and i started to watch anime during that time too. arond 11th grade i began to lose interest in any anime that wasnt naruto or bleach. now im starting to go back and try and watch and read anime/manga again. i guess i just needed a break or something.

    although it is really hard for me to actually get into a new series. the only ones i really follow are still naruto and bleach since ive been following them for so long

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