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School of Sorcery

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Destiny, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    be right there:D
  2. Noir


    Is Hirato accepted?
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Yeah, see the character list.
  4. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Get posting dude so we can get this thing rolling.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Here's the update to make the housing a little easier and stuff. If you can change your templates accordingly.

    Also please let people know to join and make characters for this.

    Also Emerald is possibly taking blackrose's character. Anybody up to taking Cameron's or getting Cameron back in this.

    Upperclassmen(2 available, any house any year)...
    1.) Ryker Setement(Sauda-teacher assistant)- DesieferKnight

    First Year...
    -Photios(Open, good)-
    1.) Lilith "Lily" Freya Rutherford- Destiny
    2.) Sifer "Leon" Barbenel- DesieferKnight
    3.) Alisu Sakuto- VanitasxVentus
    4.) Hirato "Zero" Charmhood Akion- VanitasxVentus
    5.) William Spacer- BK-201

    -Sauda(Open, bad)-
    1.) Missy "Scorpio" Deadnout- DesieferKnight
    2.) Sekmeht "Xehanort" Kahcorat-DeseiferKnight
    3.) Morrigan Walton- Cameron
    4.) Roxi Lynn Cornell- Blackrose

    Professors(add what subject you teach or what role you play)...
    1.) Headmaster Lambert Thaddeus Baldi- Destiny
    2.) Assistant Headmaster Robert Mick Bates- Destiny
    3.) Locke Hastings- BK-201
    4.) Abigail Bettie- Cameron
    5.) Nikoai Berezovsky- Cameron
  6. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    I'll see if I have time to make a post tomorrow. Tonight I'll be working on my chemistry class on the internet, so I'm tied up to it for the whole night. I've been busy as I'm trying to graduate in a few months.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2012
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Oh ok then that's fine.
  8. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    I'm pulling myself away from this RP. I don't really have the time for writing almost at all, as I have school, social life and music project at the moment that I need to work on. The remaining time I either sleep or play video games.

    Somebody can have my characters, if they want to. Good luck.

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