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Kingdom Hearts: Fates Reversed

Discussion in 'OOC and Sign Up' started by TheKnightofAwesome, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Light and Darkness have always been two opposing forces, but neither has ever been truly good or evil. Those who dwell in the realms of Light and darkness have been both flawed and virtuous.

    In an alternate reality, Sora, Riku, Kairi, and none of the others existed. Only the worlds are the same. The Heartless and Nobodies still exist, and Light and Darkness still rule supreme.

    However, one man has steeped himself too far into the Light, and he has become blinded by false truths. He wishes to Destroy the Darkness and will the worlds with pure Light. What he doesn't know is that by doing this, the resulting unbalance will destroy the worlds. No one knows this man exists yet, but he is growing stronger and he must be stopped before he brings about The End. He has created monsters known as the Purehearts, and plans to use them to destroy the Heartless.

    To counteract the unbalance three Keyblade wielders have been chosen. One from the Light, one from the Dark, and one from the Twilight to rise up and defeat the threat. None of the three know that they have been chosen, nor do they know of the other two. But the mysterious figure known as "The Safeguard" has gone out seeking them to prepare them for their destiny.

    What they don't know is that The Safeguard and the One Who is Lost in the Light were once brothers.



    Places needed:


    Spots Taken

    The Safeguard: Me

    Darkness Keyblade wielder:BK-201

    Twilight Keyblade wielder: Angel

    Light Keyblade wielder: Roxion

    Second in Command: Roxion

    Villian: Sho

    Friend: Ventus
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2012
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Name: Twixt

    Age: 16

    Role: Keyblade Wielder of Twilight

    Bio: A boy born in Twilight Town. His life is anything but normal. On occasions, he goes to school and browses stores as any teenager but frequently, he has the worst kind of luck. Strange creatures seem to appear out of no where following the boy and disappearing the next. He has experienced life threatening accidents which he has barely escaped without a scratch. Other times, his items disappear or objects are randomly dispersed. An eerie feeling creeps over him in secluded places. He doesn't ever find the cause of these strange circumstances but Twixt believes its his own unfortunate luck. The young man's family lives near the overshadowing clock tower. On top of the tower, he watches the dawn and the dusk. He holds it as a symbolic meaning. The reason being his father left him two jewels before leaving to fight in a war. The jewel of dawn and the crest of dusk.

    Personality: Twixt is very gentle but firm. He constantly acts out of impulse because of general emotions. He is a natural born leader just like his father, who is a high ranking official in the army. Twixt loves making friends with others. He constantly speaks to everyone for a consecutive amount of time. Naturally, he has an attachment with every living object, being, or thing believing all existing things have hearts. By connecting hearts, our own hearts expands reaching even more hearts and linking in a forever continuating chain.

    Appearance: I'll post this later.

    Weapon: Keyblade of Dawn and Dusk.
  3. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Shuya Takeda


    Darkness Keyblade Wielder

    Shuya was born in Twilight Town where he was raised by his father, a maniac who wished to fix the lab in the mansion up in order to gain control of the data world and amass an army. He and his sister were forced to train in order to lead his future army and take over the worlds. By the time they were both 9 they had become experts in combat and planned out a way to take down their father, who was getting dangerously close to his goal. They succeeded in defeating him but were separated during the battle, she was pulled into a what appeared to be a portal of darkness by someone. He hasn't seen his sister and five years and has been very lonely since then.

    Shuya is what many consider a very lonely soul who is often seen looking at a picture of his sister while sitting on the clock tower. He himself wants to move out to find something better for himself and look for his sister but has found almost nothing to motivate himself. He also gets angry very quickly and will get into fights over the smallest things.




    Last edited: Apr 22, 2012
  4. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    @Angel: Accepted, I like what you did and I can't wait to see your character in the RP.

    @BK: Off to a good start, but I'd love to see you expand more on the past and personality a bit. Make him a bit more three dimensional. What makes him tick, what exactly was his father planning and why did he want to stop him? Where did his sister end up? and how were they separated? Do you plan to make her a character?
  5. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    I edited him.
    - I am planning to make her character or try and recruit someone to make her for me.
    - It says in the bio that his father was trying to amass an army in the data twilight town so he could take over the worlds. (Of course he wanted to do this because he was insane)
  6. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Ok better. Accepted.
  7. ImmaRikuOfficial

    ImmaRikuOfficial New Member

    Name: Devin
    Role:Keyblade Wielder Of Light
    A young man that was chosen to use the keyblade at the age of 9.
    Over his years of fighting heartless and nobodies he has
    recorded their ways in his jouranl and is an expert at using there
    strategies against them.
    Personality: Arrogant, Ambitious, Brave, Silly, Sarcastic
    Appearance: He wears black jeans with slim white stripes that form an
    X on his upper pants. The stripes hold up his pants due to the bagginess.
    He has a white jacket with t-shirt sleeves. The jacket is lightweight and is white, it also
    has black zippers. Normally he wears metallic colored high tops.
    Weapon:Sleeping Lion
  8. Key King

    Key King Member

    Name: Onyx Riter
    Age: 35
    Role: Friend/ally
    Bio: He was the lone survivor of a village that was destroyed by heartless. He lived in the woods for a while, but when he heard of the three keybladers, he tracked them down and silently watches over them.
    Personality: Quiet, somber, and a buzzkill at parties.
    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Weapon: [​IMG]
  9. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Here's the thing for the safeguard, I'll judge you guys in a bit, I don't have time now.

    Name: Domynek (AKA The Safeguard)

    Age: 28

    Role: The Safeguard

    Bio: Nothing is known about the place where he was born, as it is said to have disappeared into the Twilight long ago. He has become a wandering nomad, seeking the truths to the worlds, how they came to be, what their destiny is, and who will bring it about. At one time he had a brother, but he disappeared along with his world and Domynek hasn't seen him since.

    A few years after he became a nomad, Domynek met with an old seer, who gave him a prophecy regarding the doom of all worlds. He told Domynek that there would be hope in the form of three young people, who would wield swords that resembled keys. Immediately Domynek set out to find them.

    He has yet to find them, but Domynek feels that he is getting closer, he is now wandering through a world called Twilight Town, seeking answers. When he finds them, he intendes to warn them, and to train them for their destiny.

    Personality: He is the quiet type, not saying much to anybody. He often broods over the loss of his world and his brother. He is protective, and stoic, but doesn't open up to anybody unless he knows he can trust them.

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Weapon: A sword that he can channel his energy into, when he does this he can turn it into any blade that he needs. He prefers a flaming sword for some reason.

    EDIT: Ok down to business.

    @Riku: Your character can still be nine if you want, but at the start of the RP he won't have a keyblade yet. So you will need to change that. Also expand on both personality and bio. you need more info than that.

    @King: A little excessive on the weapons. tone it down just a bit, but you don't have to too much, I just doubt he needs that many guns. Also the "silent guardian" thing is the job of the Safeguard, so perhaps just change it so that he wants revenge on the heartless and whatnot, but that he isn't seeking the keybladers. he can meet them at some point and join them, but don't have him start out that way. I'd like you to expand on everything as well.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2012
  10. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Ok, I know this is a double post, but I just noticed that the Riku guy was banned, so that said, the part of the keyblade wielder of Light is still open.
  11. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    I would like to reserve the spot of either the light Keyblade wielder or the 2nd in command. Possibly both if you can't find enough people
  12. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Yaay! Your more than welcome to take both if you want them. Just be sure to have a good app :p. Get it up when you can and I'll take a look at it.
  13. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Name: Mitsuko
    Age: 15
    Role: Keyblade Wielder of Light
    Bio: A girl native to Twilight Town, Mitsuko was a very quiet child. She went through school without friends, but without bullies as well. She was a quiet child, not drawing much attention to herself, with nothing extraordinary happening to her. The only thing of note is that she lives alone, her parents dead long ago. She has to balance school and work. She lives in a very small apartment, but with her job at a diner, she is reasonably fed by her boss who takes pity on her. Except for that lone fact, she is very normal.
    Personality: Mitsuko is shy, timid, introverted, but kind. She is a quiet individual who doesn't quite know how to talk to others well, speaking in stutters and fidgeting. Despite this, she is almost always in a good mood, constantly wearing a smile. She is, however, very determined when she sets her mind to a task, refusing to give up under any cost. Though she has never had a reason to, she will absolutely refuse to go back on a promise and will defend what's important to her with her last breath.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: [​IMG]
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2012
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Name: "Tabooty"

    Age: Unknown

    Role: The bad guy(Who else!)

    Bio: The newest threat to the balance, Tabooty's real name is unknown to all but his brother. Even his second in command doesn't know it. His powers are near godlike and his ability to transform makes him all the more powerful. His immense hatred towards the darkness caused him to abandon his brother, who had tried to stop him, and find a place where he could gather troops to bring light back to the worlds. Now, he sits and waits, plotting for the day where he can show all the residents of every world... The light!

    Personality: Tabooty's hatred towards darkness spawned a sort of unjust justice sense within him. He believes all things that dwell in darkness are evil, and that they should be purified. He still cares about his brother, but refuses to speak with him until he has seen the light. No one has seen his transformed state, so no one knows what kind of personality change occurs when he transforms.

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Weapon: He has sharp claws and he also has to ability to fire beams/balls of energy from his hands. He can Teleport as well making him hard to hit. His most devastating weapon is his ability to transform into a massive lion. According to records, he also seems to carry a sword of pure light with him at all times.

    (Thanks for the reviews ^^)
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2012
  15. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Name: Kagami
    Age: Unknown, presumably late twenties
    Role: Second in command
    Bio: Born and raised in Radiant Garden, Kagami lead a rough life. Abandoned as a pre-teen, she was forced to live on the streets by herself begging for food and water. At first hoping that perhaps the kindness of strangers would be her salvation, all she was met with was slammed doors and bits of bread people would have thrown to dogs. On the brink of death, she was finally rescued by a professor at the castle. Taking her in, the professor taught her in the art of magic and combat. Quickly she became very skilled, having a natural talent in reflect and poison magic. Roughly a decade later, her teacher deemed her fit to head off on her own. She gave her farewells and headed out into the world. At first, she was fine, able to use her skills in magic to do a few odd jobs like protecting someone or hunting a monster that was causing someone grief. Soon, however, she discovered that her former teacher had been killed by one of his fellow students. Enraged by this act of betrayal, she hunted down the murdered and gave him a slow agonizing death with poison. She took an unnatural delight in watching the person she deemed 'evil' suffer. Seeing that the world was full of cruelty thanks to 'evil people,' she made it her mission to deliver that cruelty back with a wicked smile. Her devotion to her demented form of justice caught the eye of Shio, who enlisted her help in purging the worlds of 'evil.'
    Personality: Kagami has an unshakable but misguided sense of what is 'good and evil.' It is an extremely un-dualistic sense in that 'one side is evil, that side is not mine. End of story.' When she views something as 'evil' she will end its existence slowly and very painfully. Above all, Kagami is wicked and cruel. She is an absolute sadist to people she deems 'evil.' She will bring 'evil' to the very edge of life slowly, and make someone beg for death, which she will not do at first. She always battles with a wicked smile and has a very heavy air of arrogance about her. This is not without reason, as she is an incredibly powerful warrior who is worthy of being Shio's second in command. She is not what you would call 'perky,' but her twisted sense of humor easily shows when she talks to friend and foe alike. She views her underlings the 'Purehearts' as tools, but rarely calls them out to do any more than test a person's 'wickedness.' When it comes to the actual killing, she prefers to do that herself.
    (The pic on the right is her outfit)
    Weapon: [​IMG]
    Abilities: Kagami is an incredibly warrior and mage. To be Shio's right hand woman, she'd have to be, and her strength is equal to that of The Safeguard. While not her best trait, she is very adept with the blade and some minor hand-to-hand combat and can go toe-to-toe with the best of them. Her real strength, however, comes from her magic. She has a few notable light spells thanks to training under Shio, being able to shine a brilliant light as a distraction and can call upon up to three ethereal 'light swords' to provide an extra swing or stab, though not being able to use them like real swords. She has no skill in using the basic types of spells like fire or thunder, but her greatest magical skill comes from her poison and reflect magic. With poison as her main offense, her skills include being able to fire concentrated spheres of poison in a spell known as 'Bio.' They have remarkable homing properties, and it would be wiser to block than dodge. She can also spread it along the ground as a liquid that is dangerous to touch. She can coat her blade in the toxin for poisonous strikes and can also send it out as a tendril that, while slower than the sphere, is has much better homing. If struck, in addition to dealing damage outright, these spells will inflict an incredibly powerful poison that will sap away a person's strength and it is exceptionally difficult to cure, but it will fade away in a matter of minutes. Nevertheless, the drain is significant and should not be ignored. Her other great area of expertise is her reflect magic. With a wave of her hand, she can call forth a wall that is very difficult to break. She uses this to both shield herself and trap her prey. Through a bit of ingenuity, Kagami has found a way to use her reflect magic as a projectile weapon in the form of a beam for when she doesn't want to poison her foes yet. With these abilities under her belt, she is a deadly opponent indeed.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2012
  16. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Ok...let's do this.

    @Roxion: since your fist was the olny one you've finished I'll judge that. I really like what you did, and I'm happy to bring you aboard.

    @Sho: Ok...I had a few problems with this one. For one thing..."tabooty" just didn't sit well with me, so you lost points there. Also, your bio and personality was very poor. By Bio, I meant their personal history, so it was vague and really not there at all. I meant for the Safeguard and the bad guy to be brothers, and you didn't mention that at all. Also, based on what I know you just intend him to be Sho Minamoto from TWEWY. I'm sorry but could you be a little more original than that?

    The bad guy is meant to be a strong, calm and in control type, he's meant to have a strong sense of "justice" which should be expected as he's trying to wipe out the Darkness which he views to be evil. The bad guy is supposed to be someone who fell too far into the light, similar to Eraqus. Based on your app, I can tell you didn't read too much of the opening post, I would recomend doing that, and feel free to ask me any questions you might have. post here when you've modified the post.
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    XD Square Enix always seems to make a power hungry character(or one who's just fucking crazy like Sho).

    The name: You said his name isn't known so I made him an alias ^^

    Not to be rude or anything but my Ps3/psp has character limitations... The posts can't be like most bios.

    Originality: I stayed away from an identical Sho. The name and appearance, damn right I'd make it Sho. I'm a Sho Minamimoto fangirl and I'm proud of it!

    Dx I'm sorry you don't like my style, but you said it yourself, you know how I roleplay. So what if he can transform into a lion? He's still gonna be the same guy, just bigger and stronger. I know Eraqus didn't pull off some epic transformation, but characters like Yoshiya who tried to destroy his world because he thought it was corrupted.(Which is ironically very similar to this xD)

    EDITED >_> You can stop refreshing now xD

    I'll add some extra details, but no promises man...
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2012
  18. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    *Sigh* Alright, the app is better but it's still not good enough. for one thing...you kept "tabooty". In TWEWY when the characters called him "tabooty" it wasn't because they were threatened by him, it was because they were surprised of his new appearance *The preveous sentence is a spoiler, so I made it white to hide it from view, to see it just highlight the text* I gave freedom of the name (within reason) because I wanted the player to have some artistic liscence, but this is just copying an existing character. It's not a bad thing to base one chacter off of another already existing character, but this is just flat out copy and paste! *granted with a few minor personality tweaks*

    Secondly, what's his motivation!? He really has no reason to hate the Darkness. I never gave the bad guy's reason for his predjudice because once again I wanted to give the player artistic liscence.

    I'm really not happy with this app, and I'm going to give you one more chance before I just flat out say no to you.
  19. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Name: Dustin (Dusty or Dust)
    Age: 16
    Role: The boy with a terrible fate.
    Bio: Dusty is a boy from Destiny Islands, who dreams of exploring the worlds and becoming as strong as his father, Richard. This man has fought for the light, fighting in a guild called the Knight's Order. It was established in the Enchanted Dominion to fight imbalance after the world was almost destroyed by Maleficent's overuse of heartless on the world. She was defeated by Dusty's father. This was 20 years ago and now at the age of 40, Richard now looks down on his son, Dusty to take up a sword and fight with the Order. Richard Olsen is a strong figurehead within the Islands and the pressure has been put into Dusty's shoulders. However, Dusty has a very big issue he has to face; the darkness. Within the last few months, he has noticed strange happenings with his body. From time to time, black gases leave his hands and in the mirror, he notices his eyes turning completely yellow. Was he turning into something the Islands naturally hate? Within him lies the powers of both light and darkness. Which one is he destined to choose and will he be able to handle the imbalances within himself?
    Personality: Dustin is very critical of himself because of the big shadow he has to fill of his father. He feels like he has to support the Islands like he does and he trains almost every day. He is determined to be a Knight and does not leave himself much time for friends. He sometimes gets panic attacks when he thinks of the darkness inside him. He often gets nightmares of becoming a heartless. If something freaks him out, he can't let it go for a very long time.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I'm sorry man, didn't mean to go off like that...

    -Name: Real: Shio
    Alias: The tyrant of light
    Motivation: The darkness consumed his friends and family and he believes if he doesn't stop it, it will consume his brother as well.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2012

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